Thursday, Nov. 13, 1930 DEERFIELD HIGH IS } BEATEN BY EVANSTON! Evanstnn’s Wildkits showed the roan-on why they are Suburban league champs and the most powerful high schnoi team in the country by ending thrir Jsem'"m with an imitation track and field meet that terminated in a 51 to 0 victory over the Deerfield- Shields varsity gridders last Satu'r- of reserve their rein: men by 0 “as not 1 The Wildkits had a great number‘ of rcsm‘vt- men quite the equal of their regulars. they outweitthted our men by over 20 pounds, their team “as not as over Worked and over- played, and they had the knowledge that they were to play a weaker and less powerful team, a team which did ite, best and gave evvrythioir they had. but their best wasn't"enuugh. Whvn Gotwher, Sullivan, and Mer- rill got started on rum. the bluohucks didn't have a chance. "Tiny" Coach- tu', the big mm in the Evanston soigc. cndr‘d his football career by making thmx touchdowns. crashing through the line for long gains, and generally making himself feared by Deorfleld, Sullivan and Mvrrill, a midwt in sizo but not in playing garnered a couple " the"'six winters" apiece. In the line, “Bill" Holmes and Hall wcre two men to he feared, as they each wrigh around 200 pounds and know how to use it. Although playing a losing game. the fvllrnvs on the team showed a spirit that far eclipsed that of Ev- rw,the Mg cndpd his three tun the line ft makimr h Sullivan a but not ir " the"'si In the i anstnn. Two in First Quarter Evanstnn scored two touchdowns in the first quarter, three in the soc- ond, and made the rost of their points in the last half. The extra points were made by passes and line plutizns. _ Evanston (iisninyvd somo perfect interference. With one of their star bucks on the receiving end of a trick play, the line and rest of the backfield made an almost impenetrable barrier. They attempted several muses and completed the greater number. Couch- er ran 40, 60, and 30 yards for touch. downs. Thu?rfretd tried a few passes. but line plays were in majority. The blue- havks were within M yards of their nrprmonts' trnal only twiee. The kick- ing was about even. as were the passes. Frosh Lone Though playing against great odds, a prowertul and 40 pound per man heavier team, the Drperfield Fresh.. man-Sophomore team lost to Evan. stnn by only one touchdown, the final score being 13 to 6. N. S. Realtors Dine at Green Tea Pot The next meeting of the North Shore Real Estate hoard will he held Monday evening, Nov. IT at 6:30 o’clock at the Green Tea Pot. Din. nor will he served promptly at 6:30. The winners of the Membership Drive crvntost will be announced shortly after 8 o'clock. This promises to be one of the peppiest meetings the board has had for a lone time. Res- ervations must be mlde before 9 o'clock Monday morning. ‘0 be Needs for Arden Shore the Will anyone who bu gifts of old Res- rlnthing. furniture, shoes, blthing re 9 suits. 'ete., for Arden Shore please phone Mrs. Edward Ranch, H. P. 1461. Gigantic Epic of Savage Life in Africa to Show at Alcyon Sun. and Mon. eraman. . Two weeks spent among the pyg-i‘ mics of the Ituri forest resulted ini‘ some remarkably intimate motion) t,irture studies of these mysterious) little maple of whom the civilized World knows little. At Dikwa, in Northern Nigeria. Hoefier and his; party were entertained royally by' the Emir of Dikwa himself. 1 in Tanganyika the explorer ob-l mined one of the most amazing mo-g (ion picture phenomena ever made.) This was of the gigantic swarm of int-nuts that f1vw over the great plains while the expedition was there. The giants in the film are the mem- bers of the Wnsara tribe. Muny of them are seven feet tall and few of the warriors are less than six feet. The Wasara 'savage is extremely superstitious, and infiiets horrible whunds on his face to frighten "my (vii spirits. These are only the highlights of the vast amnunt of material obtained. Every detail of the trip was eure- fullr recorded in thousands of feet of film and the result shown in this nroduetion is at once the mort color- ful and thriliing depiction of life in the wild Afriean jungle ever pre- vented. N. S. Catholic League Enioys Fine Prozram The monthly meeting of the North Shore Catholie anon": league was held at 4he Winnetka Woman's dub on Tuesday. Nov. It. "My Country 'tis of The" sun: by the entire club in mmmemnration of Armistice day, (unwed tho program. A most inter- "Mine lw-turo “Orient Carpentry " works of nrt" illustrated by slides and "Persian Rugs" was given by Hui: R. Shikerjinn. The mush-s] program wns pre- vntod bv Robert bong, tenor and William Pseisser. baritone. Tho study than of the North Shore Catholic Ieturue conducted hy Mrs, Sidney Veooh of Glenooe. will meet at the home of Mrs. Jnmes McCu- thy, 975 Vernon avenue Hubbard Woods on Wedneruftry, Nov. 19 at 2 W. C. T. U. Meets Nov. " The rrzular meeting of the Wo. man's Christian Tompernnre union will be held on Wednesdly. Nov. 19 ot 2 n'clnok at the home of Mrs. A. M Cline 589 Homewood avenue. m TRE PRESS BOOK FAIR TO OPEN MONDAY IN RAVINIA buy, will be able to In-wer truth-l fu'ly and glibly any questions he or she may put! These ulcswomen will be at the Fair Monday cvenirr. Nov, 17, from T:20 until 9, and t . following days throutth Friday, from 10 mm. until 4 p.m. The following women are included in this group: Mesdnmes "rtwttrd Bede, Lee Frank, it. R. Holden, Cham Weeks, John Ver- coe, Henry Foreman, Henry Holm- gron. Darius Frunche, John Mlnley. Cyurhorn, P. o. Johnson, Karl Wu;- ner, Howard Will, Edwin Cole. Funk :Fnrney, Schmidt. John Emery, VIII Worm-n, Grant Toll. (Continued from page 4) REFRIGERATOR 50 COME IN AT ONCE-TODAY 17 North Second St. Highland Park Phone H. P. 860 STEFFEN'S Call for Prices and Terms Mrs, John tr. Van Bergen is I mun of the porter commute... The book of every deuripti delight the hurt and eye of drén from the ages of two to tt been carefully selected by the 1 on in the two nchooln M the b their kind. and include books 1 venture, fairy tales, poetry, the dron's dunk-a, book nets. ency din. biotttaphits Ind thrillitttt ll The Fair. which will be an I The Fain tive night. not wish to drer with which Thor Bor AMAZING FEATURES (In meeting of the P Ftimuutine talk ooh" will be tritn will be In purchlu 668 Vernon Ave, Glencoe Phone Glenooe 6 ielemd by the M- nclmoln u the but of l include books of Id. tales, poetry, the chil- book nets. encyclop- ll-I ovember 3-inch Insulation No Vibration th an Top All Steel will ope: h chair "oriett, attrne "Chit chil- but a do "