Speakers at H. S. During Educa- tion Week Stress Point; Good Talks URGE SCHOOIS KEEP ABREAST Of? TIMES Thunday, Nov. 20, 1980 That education must follow the trend of the times and adapt itself to modern needs was the point stream ed by the three men who spoke lust Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights during National Educution Week. _ Richard L. Sandwick. principal of the Deerfield-Shields high school, spoke Thursday evening in the high school auditorium. The subject of Mr. Sandwick’s speech was "Deer. field-Shields in 1930." "The Articula- tion of Elementary and High School Work" was the subject of the speech given by Dr. Franklin Bobbitt of the University of Chicago on Friday night " the Elm Place school audi- torium. On Saturday evening the final speech was given by Dudley Crafts Wetson, noted artist of High- land Park. The subject of Mr. Wat- son’s speech was "Enriehing Commu- nity Life Through the High Schools." Keeping Up with Times Mr. Snndwiek, speaking Thursday night before an audience of 260 or more parents Ind teachers. geve a summary of the aims and Activities of Deerfleld-ghields in 1930. "A progressive high school must adapt itself to.the trend of the times by keeping its curriculum up to date," said Mr. Sendwick. “For thst xenon we have been considering curriculum revision, end this past yen have in- stituted a prongm of revision which includes every department of the school." Attention to individual needs is be. ing more end more stressed in this modern program, Mr. Sendwick point- ed out. The college preparatory etu- dents ere given specie! training in classicel oounel. Those students who need vac-timid training In: given tredee such on wpentry and euto mechenics. An attempt is made to give every Itudent a well-rounded edueatitin, end in addition as much specialization n poulble. "Great emphuis is being placed upon phylicul fitness," continued Mr. Sandwich “as well u talents and outside activities. Physical defects are corrected, Ind the Itudent is an: a good physical equipment for I e. "MtlloubMttmgtet.Mttetgr" by Will“. Imam-Ema: Co...†Co. and 8t. iiiiiiaiaiis “PM! DINNER In ttt no! mum. WWW“ MM? 831% ToGIIMV A FOLKSL human“: Iteqtt Seyfarth Makes Good Record at Princeton Hugh Seyferth, ceptsin of Deer, field's 1929 grid machine, is con- tinuing this year with his football activities while attending Princeton university at Princeton, New Jersey. Hugh is playing qunrterback on the Princeton freshman . team. A recent Ir- % ticle in arr eastern . newspaper tells of , how Hugh led the Princeton "Frosh" g " to o 14 to 0 victory 'r,)).,, g' td over I strong teem 'd ill from Princeton prep. F'. Hugh made one end wee responsible for , E the other of the two touchdowns. Four students have been chosen to represent Dtserf1eW8hieldtt school publieatioms It the tenth general con. vention of the Illinois State High School Press unocintlon. which is to be held Thursday, Friday and Sutur- an Nov. 20, 21, and 22, It the Uni- versity of Illinoll. Robert Ruwitch, Jolie Buhl, Rue- ben Huck-ism and Allen. Smith will be the representatives. Rmeiteh will preside at the (gnu-n1 my» in, u the Shoreline, tor the put year. his been president of the Illi- nois High School Pun ulceintion. High School Students at Press Conference Four residents of Lake county hnve been granted patents according to word received from the United States bureau of patents " Washing- The four Ind the applitncu on which the puma have been granted a patent on I breaker modulating Franck N. Bard of Highland Park, reversing gen moehtniun; Knuth Wemlnn, Wetland Pnk, chopper, Ind Jules Wary of Deerfield, an dos. ing muchine. Four Lake Co. People Are Granted Patents ; y f a, x i While ut Deerfield, Seyferth we: cep- tain of the football team, I three letter man in buketbell. president of that senior class, and I councilor for three yeirs. THE PRESS u a on WLDIY Mun- l ¢WLo tbeT co mom can '" to LITTLE WILL, new!!! wukr'o Yoo no? ith WLDI‘T I canto n W cm Patronize the Press Advertisers Swift’s Premium Sliced Bacon Short Leg of the Finest Milk Fed Veal Finest Rib and Loin Lamb Chops 'rotmd...............--.-...........-.-..---. Swift's Premium Red Hots pound Fresh Meaty Spare Ribs Choice Native Pot Roast pond Leg of the Finest Spring Lamb Small Lean Pork Loin Rout Lincoln Market 519 Central Avenue Phone Highland Park 3140 We will have I complete line of the fhtent TURKEYS - DUCKS . CRIB It-ucfoox on: m AT rum! tmEet CROWN“ A" sous." A “no“ mo A new, r,,--"' Vé'WW Olav! um ovEI To TRUCK Fol mow; uaulunw1¥w1 can AI'OQD [to mu 1n "f, 90.6“; was! " OROVE 35c 28c 22c 32c 28e 28e 3th: Ilk ll