FOLDING CARD TABLES AND COVE“ BANQUET TABL" CHILDREN! TABLES AND CHAIR! FOLDING CHAIRS 27 North Sheridan Road Wk “my; NUTS ARE PRES}; EVERY DAY OUR SALTKO NUTS ARE FRESH EVERY DAY For Rent for Parties and Gatherings Delivered 3nd calhd tor Pawns. ALMONDS. CACHEWS, PISTACHIOS, hummus. FILBERTS, JUMBO PEANUTS. Nor ONLY FRESH Evan DAY BUT THEY Atty, THE BEST QUALITY WHOLE NUTS . . . A ml we drlirer, LUNCHEON - AFTERNOON TEA Rudd, TELEPHONE HIGHLAND PARK 4056 Successor to M. M. PRIOR co. Fulani Director R. F. KELLEY FOUNTAIN SERVICE NORTH SHERIDAN RDA I) Iii-Mud Pull Presbyterian Church Laurel und Linden Avenues Rev. Frank Fitt, Minister Church Phones 683 or 46 Thursday: t:.3o--itavinia brunch of the Dorens satiety will meet in the parish house. Mrs. Robert A. Brrant and Mrs. Jesse R. Jones are the host- '.r.4G---Chureh school. Ii:00--Morrtintt worship. a.q0--ytutnq People's society .execu- tive Meeting at the home of Miss (in-helaw, 352 Central avenue. T:0fN--Yountt People’s socier meet- ine, A unique program is being planned by the committee. Come and eniorit, . - 00 Sunday: pr, --Choru: io r " singing Rates very "Humble Fin-ms rehearsal in the church all young people interested in Telephone H. P. 4260 my Spout. meeting in the jun- 'rm of the parish house. t CH A IR COVERS THE PRESS 8:00-Chorus rehearsal for Ill young people interested in singing. Tuesday: 2u",0-The Presbyterian guild will meet at the Y. W. C. A., 374 Luurei avenue. Miss Edith A. Holmes and Mrs. E. T. R. Murfey are the host- esses. A musical program is being planned. . The women of the church are invited to attend. 7:45--The Young Women’s club will meet at the home of Miss, Green- law, 352 Central avenue. with Miss Buyce assisting. The young women of the church are cordially invited to attend. Wednesday: The Annual Church Family Dinner lust Thursday night was a splendid success from every angle. The so- cial room was crowded and a few were turned away for lack of room at the tables. The ladies served an attractive dinner, every one was in T:30-Sea Scout meeting in the par- ish house. ' Thursday: 7 logo-Union Thanksgiving service in this church. Rev. William H. Marbavh of the River Forest Pres- byterian church will be the speaker. North Ave, Rev. F. D, The Annual last Thursday a happy mood, spirited group sing. in- was hearty and the spirit of the mansion was contagious. Following the dinner, those present settled in their chairs at the tables prepared for a fine program and were not disappointed. First-came selections on the vibraphone by Peter Crimson who responded to urgent encores and then Rev. Dr. Moore, district supt.. was introduced by the pastor who acted as totMrtrnttster. Dr. Moore is a great favorite with our people and he gave an enthusiastic talk which pleased every one. Then followed group of three songs by Mrs. E. R. Baum, beautifully sung and accom- tanied by Mrs. Paul Downing. Dr." John Thompson, the famous pastor of our Chicago Temple church, was then introduced and it can only be said that those few who left before the program missed a truly great talk, full of wit, humor and sound common sense. Those present would have gladly listened for another hour and when he would have stop- ped there were calls “Go on, no on." So pleased were our p'eople with the evening, that there was a general demand for many more of the same sort of evenings and others will be given during the winter. The decorating of the church audi. torium is not as yet completed but it is hoped to have everything in place by next Sunday so that serv- ire may be held there. Additional improvements to those at first plan- ned are being carried out and every one is pleased with the undertaking. Not withstanding the confusion and unsettled condition, Sunday school and church services were held as usual Sunday and well attended. Fine attettdanee It the Epworth league Sunday night. the meeting be. ing led by Miss Bernice Wynot on the topic. "Present conditions in China and their relations to mis- sions," Next Sunday night Mr. MIX llouger will lead. A Young People's choir is being organized under the direction of Mrs. E. R. Baum, who has vdlunteered to mnduct. This is a rare opportunity for those of our young people who Highland Park Methodist Church S'cout meeting in the par- at' Laurettl Place Hopkins, Minis_tgr The Bethany Fwanttelieal Church Rev. H. F. Siemsen, Pastor The special evangelistic meetings are being well attended and a fine interest is being shown. Dr. Beusch- er's messages are very helpful. It is hoped that many more will come out to these services the few evenings that are left. Dr. Beuscher will bring his last message on Sunday eve- at the hours indicated. S. S. at 9:45. nine. "'01:: Sunday services will be held morning worship at 11. Young Pea, ple at 7 and the evening service at The oMeial board will meet at 7:45 pm. quday evening in the pastor's study. The Y.P.M.C. will meet evening in the Junior room The ladies of the church will hold l Bake and Candy sale on Wednes- vay at the Lincoln market. Sale will begin at 9 mm. _ The annual Thanksgiving break- fast will be observed again at the Bethany church. A very impressive hour of prayer and praise will follow this early morning meal. The child- hood, youth and adult members and friends of the church are invited to come. All, however, who plan to come are asked to express their in. tentions so that the ladies will know how many to prepare for. The break. fast will be served at 7:30 mm. Every member and friend of the Bethany church is urged to attend the Community Thanksgiving serv- ice at the Presbyterian church " 10:30 am. Thursday morning. Rev. W. H. Morbach will be the speaker. Lemuel Caldwell of Zion expects to make I trip to England in the near future to claim a portion of the $1,000,000 estate left by his ttrand. father who died n few weeks ago. The Zion resident expects to Feceive I considerable portion of the big es- tate, On Suhdny evening Nov. 30 the Wom-n's Missionary society will ob. serve their annual Thnnk Offering service. They will present a very impressive pageant at 7:45 pm. Thursday, Nov. 20, 1930 's hav Monday at 7:45