Find Tropical Snake Here in Banana Bunch grocery 'ar'"7ri'93 MARGUERITE being 660 RUSH STREET Stunning, Elegant and Exclusiv" Dresses for Street, Afternoon, Diner and Evening Wear, Including Scr Authentic SUCH AMAZING VALUES " ARE NOW OFFERED ARE RARELY MADE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME OF THE SEASON. THESE REDUCTIONS ARE IIRESISTIBLE AND WE ADVISE EARLY NOW BUYS ORIGINAL ' FRENCH MODELS kHioirrANcE IN ORDER TO OBTAIN PREFERRED SELECTIONS. More hum and "Clearance" from the leading Paris Creators, for custom-tailor made and lax uriomly Fur-trimmed Coats, formerly priced That Formerly Sold as High as $295.00 As High as $45000 quite lively h of bananas ed M the H. on unng 5175 Sheridan which the reptile darted out fang vencm'm ly All W it ednestrlay morning. Nobody to be able to identify the but from the vicious way in and was killed immediate AT ERIE eredited with being, THE PRESS its Chihiren's Book Week Observed at ' P. T. A. Meet Friday A, waif I f the West Deerfield Tuwn. rill]! library: "A well known librarian when sud. m-nly called upnn to state the mean- INK of lihrarianship said, "Librarian- .-l.ip presupposes a knowledge of hulk-t and related.prinred material, a knuwll-dgu of people, and a knowl- mlgc of methods and means of con- tapt between the two." It wwld seem that the most im- portant sun-ice libraries could render eummunities wuuld be to make the idea current that libraries exist for an otlutuational service rather than merely for hunk distribution. Th" lul‘ul library, which is still in its infancy. yrtAhvre are nearly fnur thoysarul circulating hooks an the rhelves. The gum-val interest man- ilt-stt-d by its hrrrruwers, and tht al- must phvnurnenal increase in circula- tion during the past year, surely jus- tiiics in existence and the hope of Week Wm n! the N, Dearth-Ill I (moan in Fullowin talk trisen tion during the past year, surely jus- tifisrs in existence and the hope of a bright. helpful future. Seven hundred and fifty borrowers are now enjuying the. local library privileges. This number drawn frum a possible population of. 2000 gives " satisfaetury percentage. A careful rurvey made among the children M the seth when the library -projoet was first thought of three and one. hidf years ago, shuwed only four children using library eurtls. Now three hundred children of the grum- mur sehuol are happy enthusiastic pattuttts. ' am- now privileges u pussihlt n satisfav If the information is nut at hand, provisinns will lu- made ta obtain it from the State Library at y'sprinefield. Library Work with children ('onstiv tutes an important part of present day mlui'utinn. Its purpose is to give rhildrvn the bunks which holunz to them and thu< don-lop reading hali- its so that when the years of child- hood im- over, the future citizen mum-d in n thnughtful employment " his hrisure hours will use the li. brary with discrimination. Twenty-thive current periodicals am- suhsvrihz-d for. Since March 1, 400 now hooks have been purchased and 150 new lmrruworn cards issued. In August. 1029, 565 books were is. >uml. In August, 1930: 1906; ‘books were issued, of these 10x): were adult and NIH juvimile, T There has ndver been a time when st) 'much thought and effort have been dim-ml tnwanl the making of bvau. tiful hooks fur children. Today poets, novelists, dramatists, illustrators, winters and pu.blishers are interested in bringing to children, in attractive won- issued, ml] KIN juv Thv refer The circulation during 10 months “ling March 1 was 12,544 volumes aided as folloWs: 'stvrnatieaily quironu-nls yrrmwrs on The Von out Twenty vided as folloWs: Adult fiction, 4.923 VII; adult mm.tivt l non-fiction, 1,360 Since this rm'nrd on imuvasincr my: um. of N00 hunk rs on all I information ‘l'l'\'nn('( wavried out in the pro; n'ember meeting of '. T. A. held an Friday the schnul auditorium. g is part of the deliq by the librarian; Mr , the West Deerfield T e department is being added to, to meet the rt' students and adult all practical suhjqcts. “inn is nut at hand, lu- made to obtain it tivtirrn 300; n uni. ('irt'ulul rapidly and Childn the childron of library project three and um:- rtttutar.inrrrr, circulation juvenile per wee n's Bonk program of the iday Mt. an fietion, juvem -s. 696, htful ha are EDEERFIELD ROTARY l CLUB GETS CHARTER “I Hmu-rginu {rum the child gruup is that of the uduicsvonl. with his spu- tv:uling mic-(Is. a group which presents to the library worker in 1"vt'Y community a fruitful but un- "pluvetl tic-id oi' service. Bots and girls require rich var- iety in the fields Open to their ex. in closing Mrs. Wolf distributed a li,t of hunks of u solwtion made by Jean C. RUIN, of the _Cleveland Pub, iic Library. and sponsored hy the A morir-un Library association. Three book reviews wore then given. the fiest of which was, “Kah- tia" by Commander Evans and by Mrs. C. C. Kapschull. It was intens- Iy interesting and given in a very charming manner. ' Mrs. J. A. S'tfykvr had an unusual hook. "AmeiOan Nuturists," in which 2r) prominent Atiwvivun authors and authorities on plant and bird life mn- tvpresunte4. It was the work "d Tim-y and Wtt.4 wall handled by ovh dun of In closing list of hunks Jean C. Rum ll Thy standing Itvcufuhl club an Page. Vocational service _- chairmatv, Carl. Halos, F Fvllowship --- Harold man; Bill Imsmond, Dh Program -. Jael: Wi' man; George Page, Hat" Desmond. Public relations _-r.- H chairman; Car) Halos. ety in 'r.rratir -hI-uM M r Perl chairman Hush-mm aid, Huh M elm! fs. Community son chairman; Tod Jut 11embcrship--lh mun: Kappy “nut International IW mnnzlom-c - Mac mm; Curl Bates. Editur 7.. “an Hrrut, Mariam; Y, sociatc. 11 an ; crvicrwerl hy Mrs. C. W. Russo in a may Fascinating manner. Refrmhmonts served by the moths rs of the childrm at" the kindergar- on vr,rwlurletl a very pleasant and ntevtainine ufu-rnnun. Rotary education -- Dicl Itairman; Walter Metallic, rm. those things which belong to em, from the literature of all ages tun M r IM. Stu-ken The Amy-l ivstley a n Sung-loader Aim and Mrs. Hurry Norton of 'y, Ill., spent thv wm-k-oml with Nurtun's pun-"ls, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. . (Emmy ((‘untinuml mm ificat Committees and nhjoz-ts olae mil nhjovts Jack O' Connell, 1; Ted Jordan, Mew Macdon- uh! Tun), hivk Baylo, Walter new: m wk 1;:1-1 Pavement, by J. B. a modern adult fiction was relations _-r.- ; Car) Rules union» "at" rl Witt um " Thursd m Bill Desmond. L' wan, ltuy Clitvey. k -- Walter Met, far" Harold a; Mac 155v A ndy require rich var- nppn to their ex. adequate collection air provisions for viey - Dick man. Clayton aruld Fisher, HS an. , Cavl Witt. hstirms and Macdonald, aumitteeg :13 follows: lay ruld Vant, chair- Divk Boyle. O'i'tmrwll, chair- Ilm‘nld Tant, Bill ruld Vant, chair- Kuppy Hout, Roy prov Decker. -H Macdonald, Fisher, Kappy [mm Nov, 20, 1930 Mold Fisher, Dick Boyle, life, George Tm! {eagum Metealtc, l Andy a) Jordan, B1151: Fehr chair Cttrt'p, chair air. the