Great Lakes Ranking High in Navy Radio Stations Competition A trophy, to be awarded to the Navy Reserve radio control station which stands highest in drill attend. ance for the competitive year ending June 30, 1931, has been delivered by the navy department to the oMee of naval communications, which is imp- crvising the radio competition. The Great Lakes, 111., station ought to get it. T Thursday, Nov. 27, 1930 Twenty-two Naval Reserve radio control stations within the continen- tal limits of the United States and one control station at Balboa, Canal Zone, are entered in the competition, which was inaugurated September 4. The returns to date show that the ninth naval district, with headquar- ters at Great Lakes, Ill., end the 7th Naval District, with headquarters at Key West, Florida, are tied for first place, each with 100 per cent drill at- tendance to date. ' The competition is based on the highest percent-me in drill attendance during the navy's national radio drill 536 Central Avenue 'rhanhsgiving dllllC Suggestion? 'rhtutksudvirur Baskets of ('andv Ind Glared Fruits Highland Park Pharmacy THANKSGIVING SPECIALS CREAMY JUMBO CHOCOLATE MINTS 49c pound PEPPERMINT WAFERS Mk pound GLAZED JORDAN ALMONDS ' Wm iou plan to spend your holiday-and especinlly ifthe phoe in u home-your hostess will greatly nppreciete 3 box of schmih's. These indescribably fine confections have an my wny of adding to every festive ocusion. Stop in and choose e selection she'll enjoy. We lave them " $1.00, tt.25, $1.30 ind $2.00 3 pound. _ SCHRA FFT'S MAY WE MAKE A V. T. McMAHON, R.Ph.G. Selected Candles and Chocolates 79e pound held each Thursday night throughout the year. The rules for the competi- tion provide that if two or more ata- tions are tied for first plane, the trophy will be awarded to the district whose radio nation; hue, in the opinion ot the chief of and open- tions, set the best example of correct operating, good procedure, end promptnees in answering culls. The trophy, a hnndsome loving cup. will be forwarded to the command- ant of the winning district. who will send it to the control notions to be placed on exhibition during the you following that in which the station, stood in competition. Etuth your the toll letters of the station in the win- ning district will be inscribed on the trophy. Aeeordimr to reports, the bicycle. so popular a generation no, in com- ine back. The belt use for one now is to hang it on the - tire ruck and use it to journey from the perk. ing place down to your oMee. Democratic ante-men always con- sider it unflir to bring up the lub- ject of Ttttttttttttty. Phone H. P. 2404 I’ll PIIII Indoor Golf Courses May Cnuse Fire Hazard When the mini-tun golf cannon move into hated winter qulmn they run into hand: new. from the kind the we itself pronoun. ec- cordin: to S. L. Devoid. mu t1gq lnll‘lhll. The the: that all Hud- ot buildings ere being utilized by this tom ot sport cell: for a thorough are inspection, Len-eh! he: informed GENTLEMEN Ps Jyfl Youplayhu‘conuylc We are Milan to some of the has. dressed men of America. A little detail ber-another tl-left touches in every unit that denote the hand of the artist as well u the utiun. We on out of the "high not†loop. Hence the re- nultobly low prices. “mummumm-nw' his dentin. Ho um - tho {olioving condition- that would eon- Itituto iniroctim ot the Matn an prevention minim: not of tin rewind “in, and an - for mend itoor golf com-nu; joint on- money of a building for m pu- polu ant for public notably and tho prom-won: In. of tttNan-ue mohriolo. The deputy In unhi- will chock all indoor coumo for vio- lation- of the ruin of Minty. the nut: “to mull-l Mum. 84% 83.0 NDIVIDUALLY TAILORED """ "VON “IVE! CHICAGO SALESIO°M3 mu ILDO. . " W. Van Bonn Shot ll