TIFFANY DEPUI'II'S NAMED; KENNEDY 181' Wuhan Chief to Be Chief Aide of New Shall: Sid Burridue to Be Bum! Amintant Chief of Police Thomas E. Kennedy, of Wnukegln. who has hot-n on the pulice force in that city nnrly thirteert yum. wiIl become chit-t deputy sheriff to Sher†heater ' Tithuty Monday, it WI! revealed. when it was dineovered that Kennedy hull tuhert all prernutiom with the (mm-r. nml Fred Brown former Wednesday, Dee. 3. rim-r deputy srhrriWunder lawrence _.._.---_ Doolittlm would become deputies. "urrirltte, it is said, will heeome Rev. E. F'...'rlttlt mum in the my: of Probate Judue in Clem Martin C. "other, Smith will nerve - in County Jaime Perry L. Permns' Rev; Ernest Fremoi court. and Brown in circuit court. ister of the Metho Spell-In Decline church v f ‘Evnnsmn. As-or John J. flpelltmsn of Lake "tnternntiomslism" I Fungi, who han been mentioned " . Shore Cnngregutinn lilu-Iy candidate for chief deputy, will and _ Vernon avenues. not he a member of Tienny's “an; Friday evening, Nov, Mr. Spellm-n. it in understood, could n'clm‘k. Thu is being h-ve had I post with Tifhsny, hut he tuaspieen M the Men declined In that he roulcl give his congregation. full time to his personal and public This promises to I intern“. Deputy , minim» I munty Mil 'Iln PM , I†sxronti." iuw. " Bargain Matinee " 2:00 CHARLES MURRAY . LUCIEN M'rrumELo SI SHAY AND MONDAY 'IIII’RNIMY ANDVVFIIIIMY _ NOVEMIIEK 27. " Thule-hing, !»_x_rgn!i-uoee new“??? sumo. TI'ESDAY AND WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 3 DOROTHY MACKAILL . LEWIS STONE THI'RSIMY AND Fittttt Y sanding Vin: cumulus M90: "The Skin Hang" . "Stung. An " May Seen" . News "THE ToUcHDowwuaiekne Football Special "ALI. FOR MANtL"-NhittCoatedy . Nun Events “CLANCY m WALL STREET†Sher"! Elmer Hudson in to In night turnkey " the l, it in aid. EARPHONES FOR THE HARD OF HEARING'. Also “IS b'mt0R"--Tahimt (and, Ripky'n "Believe It m Not" me time it was barn"! . Sill Burridtte, of Lake Smith. Fremont township - Mann:- Unl __ "THE INDIANS ARE 'd'r"/hgF-.chapter '5 cririii'i'Eii"kird 16%"? '33 MW CARROLL "roLLow XBIRW' “ran SPOILERS†“THE OFFICE WIFE†name LOVE .RitaFF' EDWARDS STANLEY SMITH mission to protect ruling to the Wau- “GOOD NEWS†m A comedy "mum: of [a ALCYON SELECTED TALKING PICTURES GARY COOPER min.“ Park in Rex Beach'- Mutinoe "Onl Also The Highwood District Boy Scout! committee met at the home of Ray Roth last Tuesday evening. The chairman, Mr. Roth, and the vice- chajrman, Arthur Kjellquist were unanimously reoelected for 1931. Items discussed and passed upon were, District Hobby Show and Court of Honor to be held after the first of the your. participation by the troops in relief work, the organiza- tion of three cub packs for 9, to 11 your old boys and the organization later on of a Sea Scout ship for boys shove 15 years of age. Raymond Ruth, Ottm Fisher, J. E. Enquiat. and Herman Fromelt indi.. cated they would represent the dis. triet at the annual regional meeting at the Ecizewatcr Beach hotel on Wednesday, Dee. 3. l Highwood Boy Scout Committee Officers Rev. E. F./rittle Speaks in Glencoe Nov. 28 Rev. Ernest Fremont Tittle, min- ister of the Methodist Episcopul church rf'Evansmn. will walk on: "tnternntionalism" it the North shore Congregation Israel, Lincoln and,Vernon lvcnuen, Glencoe, next Pridne evening, NuV. 2:1, " 8:15 iiiiii. 7TH» il being held under umpires M the Men“ club of. eomtrettatiort. This promises to be I most en- lightening talk as Rev. Tittle is con- sidered an authority on this subject. Vixitnn are cnrdially invited to at- tend " Fox Movietone New: PIMP! in “mud and iirls DECS)! BER t, ' NOV. mum-1r. l Sol Strauss, Mgr. THE PRESS the the In a hard fuught tw,tball game last Sunday at iteertield, the Devrfield Athletic cluh team defeated the N.W. Cardinals of Northwest Chicago. 18 to 7. The came was largely attended by Deerfield fans who are looking forward to seeing their team win the county championship Thursday in the game to he played with the Lake Forest Yuung Men's club team on Farm-ll tield. Lake Forest. Deerfield Football Team Beats Cardinals i Fashioned and Shaped H Haircuts l h Prices surprilingly moderate 'Privacy you'll enjoy" Facials and Scalp Treatments hy M. Rene de Tourville hf..- Ina-â€nun" Robert Roeber HOURS 9:00 to 6:30 , MANY DESTITUTE HERE IN NEED OF WORK Social Service Committee Finds Families Facing Cold With. out Fuel, Food, Clothing The Social Service Committee, act- ing as a eliarirut house for unemploy- ment relief and other charitable work in Highland Park and Highwood, re- port themselves amazed at the many cases of near and actual destitution that they find right here in our own eommunity, and address the appeal reproduced below to the citizens of Highland Park. JOBS'. JOBS'. JOBS! "We wont work!" Food and clothing to face the cold! Generous as previous response: have been, more are still families right hero in Highland Park without fuel " fund and with only half enough clothing or bedding to face the severe cold that is here. Worst of all, these conditions exist in homes where men and women are crying for an oppor- tunity to work. These are the cases that the Social Service Committee are for, Citizens are asked to notify'the committee by calling Highland Park 4000 at once if they have any east. Mf clothing to spare. It will be promptly picked up by the Iredale 'ii/AG/ tr'ucks. tiothine is sorted, cleaned and mended and then used where it is needed the most. At the moment, women's and chil- dron’s clothing are-the most urgently needed. Beginning Tuesday, a high school drive was conducted to gather such clnthing. More is needed. Everyone who can is urged to help Everyone who can is urged to help by making a job, no matter how smaIl it may be, for some unfqrtunnte. It is vital that some member of each of these families gets a chunk to work. All the fqod and clothing that the committee can gather is only a temporary measure. Work is the only final remedy ' t There are hundreds of families in Highland Park who can afford to buy a day's wnrk at 50 cents an hour. Under the slogan: Adopt a Family for a, Day, a Week, or a Motitk--ttyt Social Service Committee has made the following appeal: 'T'an't you, dear citizen, be a ttod. father tn one of these families for a period -- even though it is only for a week? It would be the act of a. good Samaritan. It would make you feel happier this Christmas. And just think of what it would mean to the unfortunate little children and their. sad parents'. /Phone Highland Park 4000 The Central avenue oMee of the Social Service Committee is open tive days a week from 8:30 am. tokd:30 p.m.; Saturdays, a shorter day. Call Highland Park 4000 to ask questions or report work, food, clothing. bed. ding, etc., "nimble. -. wurking night and day to cure HIGHLAND PARK SERVICE COMMITTEE cry the destitute. Thursday, Nov, 27 Z" , 1930