a-.--------" .--.....-I...-.'-----.--.-..--.....---.---.---...----------.----------.---.----- - A4â€"â€"â€"__â€"_____-_--_.--.-.-gnu-nocnunlDianna-aunouuuuun-.------.--I: ll ' ' """""“"""""""""'"""""""32:::::::;:::;:;;......: Press Want Ads Bring Results Quickly WASH RUG SPECIAL! All wash rugs will be laundered at 40 96 discount during these two weeks. Watch for our Specials every two weeks. _ ms NORTH GREEN BAY ROAD Highland Park, Illinois 7 Mamba Reliable Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Free Lecture on Christian Science December lst to December 13th ELM PLACE AUDITORIUM Sheridan Road at Elm Place, Highland Park of Pasadena, California " of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, '1 Christ, Scientist. in Boston, Massachusetts to be held SAVE 40% Monday Evening, December 8, 1930 l,et us help you do something for the needy through the Social Service Committee of Highland Park. Bring your spare wire (on! hangers to their oftiee at the Highland Park Chamber of Commerce oitke, 364 Central avenue. We will pay 30e per hundred. to the committee for them. The Public Is Cordially Invited to Attend e-_-_-ee-s-se;--; CHARLES V. WINN, C. S. of HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS at 8:00 o'clock I nnounces I by THE PRESS , The First Church of Phone H. P. 178 SEVERAL IN U. S. ARE OVER IN YEARS OLD Interviewed on her birthday, she expressed withering contempt for the labor leaders of today. "They haven't got the guts." she said, "They ought to an out and raise more hell." Another centettariatt who weathered many trying years during his long life is Harry Clay Graton, of Muss- chusetts. Mr, Gmton is a leather manufacturer and the founder of the Graton & ' Knight compsny. Mr, Gruon retired from active business at 90. In public office tor " years, Mr. Voorhis still walks from his home In the subway each day. Unlike other men who have mused their prime, he thinks that most things are as gnod today as they have ever been. C1nlmn to Be 105 Older than any of these three is the Right Rev. Sir Muziniannnda a ,MS-yoar-nld Buddhist priest. of San Funcisco, who calmly announced a few days no that he eottfldently ex- pected to receive a spirit message from his departed friend, Sir Arthur !Cv.:mn Doyle. . Mother Jones Another living century-old celeb- tity is "Mother Jones," the labor or. zanlzor who led the seating sons of toil in many a campaign Iguinst their employers. Unlike Mr. Voorhis. 'Mother' is bed-ridden and has retired from ac- tive life but she still retains much of the old fire that used to animate her, Arrival in New York of Zara Azha. e Turk who claims he has seen 156 an: roll by, has concentrated atten- m on the fact that the United :atvs has a few boys and girls of t' own who are mare than a hun. ml years of age, says an Associated Although thin eerie communication has not yet reached him, the aged Buddhist says he has learned during his long life that one must wait pa- tientiy for many things. It will come yet, he believer. Thursday, Dee, 4, 1930