St. John'. Evnngellcnl Church 1Evttntteliettl Synod of America) Green Bay Rd, and Homewood Ave, Rev. F. W. Fischer, Pastor - Phone 3343 Food for the soul which is hungry for peace is given awoy at St. John's church every Sunday and u the oc- casion may Irise. Do not feel assumed to admit your needs Ind want: by coming to church. The .11- mereitul God Ind Soviour is waiting for you to call on him. Church Client!" Soturdoy. 9 o'eloek in the morning, coMrrnntfon clones at 11 o’clock practice for the Sundly school. Sunday. 9:30 Sand-y school. 10:30 Divine services. 8:30 Divine services. Thursday, 2 o'clock in the after- noon the Ladies Aid society will meet. You are cordillly invited to mike use of the tending room, 48 N. Sheri- dIn rd., where the Bible and all ttttth. oriud Christin Science literature may be read. borrowed or purchued. Tho tending room in open every week; day from nine in the morning until six in the evening. on Wednuduy un- til P.80 and on Sunday Ifternoon from 8:80 to 5:30. Rev. W. W. Nelson, Pastor Thursday, Dee. 4, 8 pam-wid-lt payer service at church. Sunday, Dee. 7, 10:30 ttam-thm. day school. t p.m. - First Quarterly Confer. ence of our new church year. Rev. o. G. Sandborgtour new district su- perintendent, will preside. 7:45 pam-Evening service in Eng. lish. Rev. fr. G. Sandbar; will bring the manage. Communion will be ob- Ierved " the' close of the service. Tuesdny, Dee. 9, 7:30 p.m.-tdth union of the Standard Tmining schoo! " our Bethany church in Chi- Cairo. _ Whatever your needs may be - physio“, fiitelleetual, social. moral, or spiritual, this church stands ready to be of nuisance Ind help. Remember St. John’s church invites you with the Insurance of tt hearty weleome. Meet other truth "ekers. Thursday, Dee, 4, 1980 6 p,m.9pworth league meeting of which the Pioneers will have chime. _ First Church of Christ, Scientist, Highlnnd Park, Ill., 381 Hazel Ave. I bunch of The Mother Church, The Pint Church of Christ, Scientilt, in Boston, Mus" holds service: every Sunday morning " 10:45 and on Wednesday evening " 8 o'eloek, when teltlmonles of Christian Science hul- ingl no given. Sunday school meets " 9:80 I. m., end is open to pupils between the em of tour and twenty. Subject for next Sundly'l lesson "God the Only Cause and Creator." The Swedish Methodist Church Highwood Ave. and Evert: Place First Church of Christ, Scientist Among thelocal Churches 7t00--Youne People'l society meet- ing. The World, Fellowship commit- tee will present I plly entitled, "A Village of India." The young people of the church Ire invited to Attend. Mondoy, 2.'M--T1te Woman's MU. sionary union will meet in the parish house. Mrs, Pryor T, Smith of Medel- lin, Colombia, South America will be the speaker. Mrs. Smith and her hul- band are doing evangelistic work and she has much of, interest to bring to us. Each member will bring a gift article not to exceed one dollar which will be sold, the proceeds to be 11le to meet the December apportionment. Articles for the Opportunity Fund may also be displayed and sold. The members of the board will be in charge of the social hour. The musi- cal program will consist of Christmas carols. Sand-y, Dee. T,' the members of the Altar and Rosary society will Ip- prouch Holy communion It the 8 o'clock mm. Highland Park Prelbyterhn Church Laurel and Linden Annual Rev. Prank Fitt, Minhm Church phono 688 or 46 Friday, 7--Boy Scout meeting in the Junior room of the parish house. T:M--Ciunp Fire crnft meeting in the parish house. 7 Sunday, fr..16-Chortts when“! the church auditorium. iP.45--ChttrehJsehoo1. . _ 1th00--Motherf Bible clan in small lecture room of the pl! house. Fridly. Dec. 5, mun will be " 6:30 'I.m. Monday, Dee, 8, Fest of the “Im- maculate Conception" - Mule: will be " 6 and 8 mm. 11:00 - Morning worship and the celebration of the Lord's Supper. 4:30-The regullr monthly" keetinr of the session will be held in the pastor's study. ' 7:45 - Chorus rehemal following the Young People's meeting for all young people interested in singing. Tuesday, 2:30 - The Preisbyterian guild will meet " the home of Mrs, Lyle W. Mlley, 281 Prospect. Avenue, with Mrs, E, E. West last-ting. Mrs, E. P. Barnes will conduct the study on "The Education of India." The wamr-n of the church are cordially invited. 7:45 - The Young Womun'l club will meet " the home of Mm. Leon- ard Elehler, 631 Onwentsln Ivonne. Progmm committee will present pro- gram for the year. Work will be continued on the things for Dal-lind- Bell. The young women of the church are invited. Wednesdny, P.80--N. Scout meet- ing in the Junior room of the parrith house. Holy Crou Catholic Church Wnukenn Rd, Deerfield, Illinois Rev. C. L. McDonough. Putor Sunday muses, 8 and 10 mm. Saturdly morning, 10 nan. In- struction chase: for n." the children. Confessions Thursday and Sutur- day evenings, 7:30 to ' o'clock. In the evening " 8 o'clock. I regu- lll' meeting of the Altar and Rotary society will be held. THE PRESS in the pnriuh in The Rev. P. W. Luceke of Evanston will occupy the pulpit on Sunday evo- nine. Come Ind he†him. Meeting. Neat Wool Monday - Church council st the par-om“. Church School Saturdays at 9:00 In. Sunday: a 9:80 an. On Thundly and Friday evening of this week the Luther leuue will [NO " entertainment in the Mumbly room. It will cousin: of the pro-enu- tion of chm Ihort plan. WedtteruHy--Ctsttettrdi. to be enter- tained by Mm. Fred Groumn It the hall of the church. Thursay--udies Aid at the par- lounge. Under the lulpicee of the new Aid I collection of clothing tor chll- dren and adult; in being taken for the benefit of our mph-nan It Addi- son And for the needy In our commun~ ity. Connected with this in e gro- cery shower for the benMt of the orphnnage. Please bring ell puck- ages to the per-none“. Thursday - Luther lean" hall. Friday-h Ipecili meeting of an congregation for the election of of- fieerg for the coming year. This being the union of Advent, we shill have an Advent service next Thursdly evening gt 8, " which the Rev. L. Nun- of Glenda. mu dellvnr the sermon. Redeemer [anthem Cluck West Central Avenue . Rev. W. F, "hr, Pastor Band-y Bel-vice- Momlnc worship " 10:30. Evening worship " 8:00. PHONE YOUR ORDER NOW WE ARE Herts-ia-rx-t AGENTS Telephone 2800 aninin, Illinois EARL W. GSELL lit Co. PHARMACIST! " the Arr-nomad.- wm and. " one. to hold Sunday school and chant nervice elmhere and the W of the movie house on Wuhan - onue at once Maud tho III of MI auditorium, which Vin accepted and Sundny school m hold that with a very fair utundaheo. The church service. however, was held in the pn- (Oontlmod on [In a) . llighlaad Park Moth-lat Chard North Ave. at [nor-m Plaoo Rev. F. D. Hopkins, liniotar Laat week Friday. when the redee- orating of our church val on the m of completion and aluminum wan made for an attractive Ronni-g aor- vica on last Sunday rooming. it 1m din-overall that the, oil burning hater of the church had got out of order and the church waa on an. The In. a amall one, waa quickly emulated, but the entll'a church and everything in it wan covered with aoot and aloha and the new decanting ruined. It was a aevero blow to our church poo- ple and to Mr. Harman John“. the decorator and thoae who had " tor. aily auiated him in the mark Bow- our, there Via a bright aide to the picture, for when the call “a and. for the inouranco adjuator to cone. Mr. H, L. (Hidden, of Highland Park. proved to be in charge of thla depart. ment of work and immediately in- speeted the church and made an al- lustment which covered all damage and made it poeaihle for the chum to put everything in ahape without iimnciai ion. The wont feature ia that it will take about two who to redeeornte and clean tho church and its content- from the not and noise. The damage amounted to about $000. 1'“:th Put. m Tolephou I00 D