“mm pun P"tt2/t1t',,1 :2: BEGIN 0N SAWRDAY 1"Jd'll,','ue,','lld'e",','Ji',', " "Hansel and Gretel" to Be Given at Ehn Place Dee. 6; Features Chihtrel l'lnyu mam-z. Gives Friday. I'o Sell Goods at Cost for Relief Work Benefit yt kivmg ting am Harm "a mu: " $lttmrt Ihilcy 211:0 mm. Mrs Elk nlrr I Elk memht-rs. irtment has been ur- my mundane» from other lodges is ex- any of the Elks or lurky. they will prob- with . turkey. h " tt & will Stag December 12 Co., Smith’s dry will Olson Bros., " ankle! to be the week of Dee. will he delivered and trie bl nn's rmnmission is commuting Service commit- I be reeeived at in detsot, here, " an th m Storm" com missinn's they arrive mmeltatel y mu.- ' " John "m' vommit. ntrr pro- , evening " Turkey pr 1m per rmuny trum- that zin- n’a unm-r In!“ cam Guy be ‘l‘nt no in Htutdel's "Messiah," that majestic and meomparable ontorio which was 6rst hand in Dublin nearly goo yen» up. will be presented on Dee. te, by the international Harvester Choral society, at DeeMield4'shields high school. The proceeds. of the perform- Mee will be' expended for much mule-d philunthropic work in High- land Park, Highwood. and Deerfield. Handel 'a Messiah To Be Bride Tea Berttiit W W h I). A. R. Chapter Special Guest Day December 11; John B. Mailing to Speak North Shim- chapter Daughters of ttte Amoriran Revolution will meet on Thumlny, Doc. ll at 2:30 p.m. It the horny of Mrs. E. R. Phelps, 2T5 Pros- pect avonuo. It is huped that a large number of members and friends will In prom-m, to hear Mr. John B. Mal. ing speak on "Prineiplo ot Ameri- vunism." Mr. Malina has a thorough knowledge of his suhjvet and has ‘v-on "nthusiastieally received by many largo audit-Mes in nearby states. It ,ahould,therefore be well worth while in thumb busy days before Christmas to take this. nppnrwnily to enjoy the treat that is in store for us in High- and Ptrrk. Assisting hostesses will be. Mm C. A llnrkness. Mrs. W. E. Successful Meeting of Men's Fellowship Club 1U The I’m-ember meeting of the lion's Followship club of the High- land Perk Presbyterian church we: held on Tuesday eVening. Dr. Sumnel n. llurkneu of the Winnetka Con- '.rrrsttttioms1 church give a moat in. Cerestintt address on religion and the present day needs of mnnkind. The members of the club enthusustiettltr accepted Dr. "ll-Imus end his men- rake. A committee of church women served a delicious turkey dinner. And in keeping with the sewn I wed-l orottinm of Christmas music '0! given. The men voted the meeting a huge success. Mrs hole-hearted .mmunity. l treely be Pt ave to make This fine 'r the ans ‘um1n's el A? (mutter 'illium M man’s club made pussibie through cuurtesy and nenerosity of Mr. Ilium M. may, should have the' ole-hearted xupport of the entire imunity. The culturul Ippeal need reely be emphasized. Usually we '0 to make a tiregome trip to town order to hear first class churn] sir; nut week the opportunity of wing one of the finest than] no- ties in the Middle-west will be ottht to uur very doors,---" chorus uvur 100 beautifully trained voices quit-mental by specially responsi- uy laid upon tm,---at this time par- ularly urge-m, to contribute gener- sly thurgl the relief of thnse Ions tunate than ourselves whose diss Nn' iw 1 community ropnmch. Mr, any and the Woman's club are cun- hutine their best efturts to I splen- , entertainment, given un- pices of the Highllngl PIP? M n ter an it '. not he said that we communities are legs R, Sundwick and THE PRESS A pleasant afternoon was spent on Monday by those who attended the afternoon bridge tea, given by the Ravinia Womtn's club.,for the bene- fit of the un-employed in Highland Purk Ind Ravinia. The party was held in the Arts room of the Village house and more than 70 penple were present. The party was held in the Arts room of the Vilhge house end more than 70 people were present. There was a prize for etch table and tea was served during the utter- noon. Mrs. Theodure Fischer was in churn of the affair which netted t. tidy sum for philanthropy. Members uf the committee who worked with Mrs. Fischer were'. Mrs. Victor FI- Man. Mrs. Ross Marvin and Mrs. Har- old Lynn, old Lynn. The response has Juatified the time __.__‘__._._ . and effort that a number of our citi- August Zimmer Dies mm have put back " this humani- Sunday; Funeral Held tnrien tn.terpruer There are no ’ad- T d Afternoon ministration costs charged against on “es ay donations made through the Social . -_-._ . Service committee. The office in the rho funeral of August 0. Zimmer, old Community Shop on Cantu] ave. resident of Highland Park for 49 nue irdonMed-the services of the you“. whose death occurred Sunday‘paid secretary are donated-the at his home, 616 Laurel “MUG. Wag storage space for materials collected held Tuesday afternoon. at the home.tur distribution is doitated-and all of his daughter. Mrs. Ida Rudd, 628 the workers are donating their serv- Laurel avenue, and was “tended by ices. Every dollar received goes on fan): i‘rii-mlnh and acquainwncei. its mission of mercy. ',urial was in t c cemetery at hee - ' ine. Tho Rev. C. G. Unanzst of the Many 1',t'T,ur"/gi,t:,12 assum- P‘li'st United Evangelical church " ing a share of this responsibility by ticiated tt the servmes. , creating jobs-some permanent, some “Mr. Znnmer was born at Wheeling (Continued on page 42) First United Evangelical church " tieiated at the serviees. Mr. Zimmer was born at Wheeling March 26, 1850. He was married about 4:1 years ago to Miss Salome Wickersheim. who survives, and three thildren are living of a family of six. The three are Frank Zimmer, Mrs. Ida Rudd and Mrs. Helen Freberg, all of Highland Park. One son and twol daughters are dead. Other near rela- tives are three brothers of the de. cedent. Julius ll. Zimmer. Albert Zim- mer and Edward Zimmer, all of High- land Park. . Mr. Zimmer wns a harness maker by trade and was engaged in that lluainess .hcro for many years. He m-ss here for many years. He had horn in ill health for about a your. but was at his work much of the time during the past summer. He was an expert and one of his most vivid memories was thut'he once worked on a special act of hu- ness made in Chicago for the horses used by the wife of President Abra- has: used ham the time during the past summer. Committee He was an expprt and one of his Dear Mr. Kelley: most vivid memories was that'he . , . "nee winked on a special not of ur.. The attention of the §ocial and . . . . Community Welfare committee of the ness made In Chieaeo for. the horses Highland Park lodge of Elks has rod " (a? wife of President Abra- been directed to the wonderful amount am n n. ' . of good yourself and associates are In 1htrhland 1.'trk Mr. Zimmer te doing, and as an evidence of our co- 'l host of warm friends who valued his operation and support we are en- friendship and appreciated his sterl- closing herewith our check for $100 ine character and their sorrow at the to help in a small way to lighten the e.nd "t his lone tnd useful life '5 burden of one pr more unfortunates, sincere. The relatives have the. deep and we deeply regret that we can not sympathy of the entire community in make it 10 times more. their bereavement. Please do not hesitate to call upon ----------. us for any kind of service. Announce Lecture on gel? atg'fW, yours. Christian Science gov?“ left""""' , -...- Paul L. Udell. _ ham lincoln. In Highland Park Mr. Zimmer hgd , host of warm friends who vaiued his friendship and appreciated his sterl- ing charm-Mr and their sorrow at the First Church of Christ, Scientist. of Highland Park Innounces a lee- ture on Christian Science by Chules V. Winn, C. S. of Pasadena, "lit., member of the board of lectureship of the Mother Church, the First Chtfreh of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Masur., to be held. Mondtry evening, Dee. tr, at il n'clnck at the Elm Place "hooil auditorium. The public is calm-Hy} invited to attend. "Given on Monday Is Splendid Success NEED MORE JOBS AS C i CHRISTMAS NEARING lil' --. Social Service Committee Urges ', Citizens to Send Baskets; 2 Cases Investigated Unemployment relief and other charitable work went on space here during the past week under the able guidance of the Highland Park So. cial Service committee and prepara- tions to carry on through the winter were-under way. This novel clearing house for all organizations and in, dividuals interested in helping those The Social and Community Wel- fare committee of the Highland Park lodge of Elks,has contributed $100 to the Highland Park Social Service committee for use in relief work. Enclosing a check for this amount -to Mr, H. F, Kelley, chairman of the )Social Service committee, the Elks committee sends the following letter: It Harry F. Kelley, Chairman, Highland Park Social Service in our community who need assist- ance during the present emergency, sees to it that every appeal is justi- fied and that no one is asked to help a family unless help is needed. H. P. Elks Contribute $100 to Social Service . Committee for Relief In a report of a hurgllry at the N. S. Landscape Co. lust week, it was stnted, through erroneous informa- tion, that the concern was in the Mol. dnner & Humer building. It has since been learned that the company has been in the Musqnic temple build, ing for some time. . CORRECTION Thursday, Dee, 4, 1930