Attractive prizes will be drawn dur- ing the tdternoon--eaeh ticket-holder being a potential winner. Also etch ticket will entitle the owner to I free game of indoor golf on the Town Golf course just ncroes the street from the theatre. As prices will not be increased to any great extent, the Settlement feels that I great deal is being offered for the money. Tickets may be secured from 'Mrs. Walter -A most unusual benefit entertain. ment will be given by the Highland Park board of the Northwestern Uni- versity Settlement " the Testro del Luge (No Man's Land) Friday qtfter- noon, Dec. 12 (tomorrowVfrom 2 to 6. It is to take the form of I "movie. tea" " which not only will the im- aginstive feature fllm "Liliom" be presented with an' ace mpsnying news-reel and comedgy d tea be served, but it' mtmbeiro. ’other fest- ures will also add t 1 [enove1ty of the occasion. "Liliom" Feature Picture at The Teatro Del Lago Friday for N. W. Settlement movie-TEA BENEFIT TI) BE UNIQUE EVENT “may, December 1 t, 1980 Elm CrEEGrll iii., IN MOVIE-TEA BENEFIT FRIDAY The wonderful work being done by the Northwestern Settlement in too well known to require my Ipeciel comment. The need this yen how- e1 er is greater than ever before due to the greet distress caused by on- employment. Here in the opportun- ity to help this very deserving um. and It the same time enjoy e malt unique entertainment. Committees The committees active in this pro. ject are: Arrangements, Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. W. A. Gibson, Mrs, Keri Meyer Ind Mrs, Charles Wright; tee. Mrs. Louis Leverone. Mrs. A. L. Mil- ler, Mrs. Philip Henry, Mrs. Heath Byford, Mrs. Rettinsld Hammond, Mrs. Edward Ronch, and Mrs Kon- rad Sehreier; tickets, Mrs. Wuha- Rutledge. "Liliom" is I pietttrizatlott of Fun: Molnar'a plny which wn “chimed a dramatic masterpiece when origin- ally produced in New York by the Theatre guild. It is filled with chum and phlntuy. Curie, Ferrell, who hit been voted the most popullr mo- vie star, plays Liliom, the reckleu, fascinating "lmrker" in I Ildelhow. He is supported by Role Hobart, M. B. Warner, Estelle Taylor, and others. Rutledge, Gsell's drug store] (High- land Park Ind Ravinia) or It the box ottipe of the Teatro del Lao. THE PRESS On Sundny afternoon, Dee, 7, uv- en] person- ropnuntiu the Elm United Evnmlicnl church hold . religious service " the Mind Men’l Homo for Disabled Employ- ees. In the Ilium: of the Pluto! Rev. C. G. Unanm Rev. John]: Tay- lor in a very Icesptable way took chug: of the services. The than: of Rev. Taylor'l discourse Wu. "The Lost Book." Mr, Joseph Mine up. seven] ln-piriu number: with Kn. Redine at the Bllhorn organ. An appropriate number rendered VII. "The HenvenIy Rail Road." "The Henveniy Rail Road." The members of this organisation Through an oversight there w†no wish to thnnk their friends and the announcement of this meeting. In public for the co-operation and eup- spite of this Net there was: e good port given this ule. ItmtRtqetetm1etqtetetelqt-e-etetq. Railroad Men's Home Hold Services It 22 North Second Street 2lt {that It', buy ",',tfi'lr, pat", 'tna-, tl'af, your own . n a.†was your t u n I 1'2'l'fl new. I gift. an 1ft'l'StlU u JJ,'.'." m n Highland Park 15-" North Second Bt. Phone II. P. 880 STEFF EN HOUSEHOLD UTILITIES HECKETSWEILER STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHER MAJESTIC REFRIGERATOR For Christmas It “undue. Ind Intent throughout the union. In. Am um and dntrettter and other OW“ the ur- vice. The uh held Friday and 5mm: at 52 Central Ivonne. by the bunch (an of the British Empire for tho bettettt of the British Old Fowl-'- Home In: molt successful. Over an wn chm-ed. In. K. R. H.athe of Tuylor “can. vs: the wtttttrr of a Luly wit of blank»: while In. Martin [mull won the French doll. D. B. E. Clear $300 on Two Day Benefit Bale Phone Highland Park 485 "