Luke Grant Funeral Held Last Saturday in! Electric Parking offers a New Convenience for Loop Shoppers UNITS or NATIONAL PARKING GARAGBS, INC. PAiiaNG GARAGE PARKING GARAGE "Elcctric parking in the new Quincy Garage, or in the Harrison Garage, saves us time, steps,srid clothes," say hundreds of women shoppers. "We drive into the wide entrance, lock our cars, and leave them. Electricity parks them for us, un- touched by human hands. There is no possibility of dirt or grease being left on seats, levers, or wheel. “The shopping district begins just around the corner. We have our parcels delivered at the garage , v, r _ where an attendant signs for them and puts them in the car when we ' - Gl ft I leave." maze! of the North Show ttt died in Stuart. Florian, of last deck, was held st lock Saturday Afternoon in The body arrived in Chl- ;aturvlay morning. Banner QUINCY“ EAR???†nl of Lulu Grant, Pub. Mt Quincy Street East Side of Wabash and Burton Wow-I36“ Besides these popular features, each Garage offers the con- venichces of a fine hotel. Rest rooms, writing rooms, telephones, check rooms-are provided for our patrons. ducted the services. 3nd burial we: in the Knights of Pychils portion of Elmwood cemetery, River Grove. Former tcuoeiates, who acted ls pallhenrers ere: E. A. Brion, R. N. Wade, A. H. Duns. John J. Moran, M. J. Peron nnd George Tebbetu. Mr. Grant we: a member of Ben- m-r lodge, Knights of Pythias. Brat vitw-rrrmsident of the Illinois Saint Andrew society and I member of ‘w socie‘ " lodgm Half-on“ of Elks THE PRESS oMeial Report Says Chindblom Is Elected; Other Results Given Rep. Carl R. Chindblom Wu re- elected to represent the tenth con. gressional district in the house of. representatives over his Democratic opponent, John E. Hesse, according to the oMeial Nov. 4 election fitrures re- leued by the Mate election board at 'isprimrfield last week. l elected. The board's figures show thlt Sen. James Hamilton Lewis had a total of 1,438,216 votes as against 687,747 over his nearest rival. The report also shows that Mar- garet Robinson Hopkins of Lake For- est, a Democrat, was elected to M a "'acaney on the board of trustees of the University of Illinois over Mrs. tMargaret Day Blake of Chicago. Complete figures on the nee were not given. but Rep. Chindblom in il- ready in Washington carrying on his work in the present congress and will he eertitied by the Mate as being re- Women May Soon Be Serving on Juries Women "my be serving as jurors} in the circuit and county courts be. l’ure Christmas it was indlcnted to- day when Attorney General Oscar (‘arlstrnm ruled that the venire list! would be revised immediately to in. eide women. The attorney generul. who was're- quested by States Attorney Hialmet’ Rehn, of Juliet, to give In opinion stated that the law would become emotive as soon is the canmsvof the vute is completed. F Same eonf1iet with the present lys- tem will be found if the ehange is made necesnry now, according to County Clerk Lew. A, Hendee, who stated th " venires hld been prepared on the even your, or every two years. The next list, under this system, \vnuld not be made up until 1922. 514 Ling-314": Telephone 555 GREENSLADE Electric Shop Electrical Contractor Fort Sheridan, December 17, 1930 ALL ARMY AND NAVY CARD Tiekets--lrunter's Sport Shop "i1ii6iiitarEtig APEX CLEANERS BOXING Highland Path B. P. 555 Collection of data on operating colts nnd gnu mte scales of the North Share '03: company in this section will be started at once by I. committee headed by Frederick Dickinson, Winnetka, preparatory to presenting the case be- fore the Illinois Commerce Commis- "sion, it was decided last Friday night i at a meeting ofthe North Shore Muni- i cipalities association in Highland l l Park. F Fifteen communities in the north ' shore area were represented at the organization meeting of the new as- 'lscciaticn. North Shore Municipal League in Meeting at Highland Park Dee. 5 A preliminary report of the situa- tion, presented by a committee of five appointed several weeks no was read um! accepted by the association. - Although much of the work of actual organization of the new asso- ciation will be left in the hind: of individual city councils of the group. active work on the proposed gas cut will go forward under Dickinson’s committee. _ It was reported at the meeting that the gas question can be reinstated with the Commerce Commission, the same problem having appeared for hearing before that group in 1922. At that time no action was taken by the commission and neither the gun company or shore'line communities has taken further action. The immediate purpose of the pres- ent group is to carry through the so: rate problem, although it is felt that such an organization win prove vein- able in the future on other occasions when problems of common interest arise. The police radio net idea will Ignln come before officials of shoreline cities on Thursday, Dee. ll, when all members of the nssociatlon meet in Tion. Another question of prime import- ance, that of refunding a portion of the um gasoline tax to municipali- ties in which it is collected, was brought before the association at this meeting. The blazer the Inuket the better the results. RENT THAT EXTRA ROOM PRESS WANT-ADS for RESULTS Thursday, December 11, 1980