'24 Deertietd-Shietda De mat 'prukreus In mourn MrWBrut. me making of championship teams. MIMI Louis (in! Having nix [lawman buck from Fast your the Iitthtnreitrttts Ire striving In brim: the lenxue championuhip to brim: 'erBeld The li Minx held 3rd ANNIVERSARY t',teryt,'ggt..t.""""t""'"h"t""""""' Prices! Are Wrecked guri-tutetir.yytti!irift.tho.rttue-ie Boys’ Leather Coats$ 95 Genuine front quarter black horsehide, sheep lined; $13.95 value; large Wambo mil-r lull halt, Sizes IO to 20*NOW - -- ‘in when a. the mime. amB..a-te,rtttta.atoueBimainNtivatdtMrttr MMAnnhmy. Genuine hon: qumcr black horsehide, sheep lined: “3.95 value; large Wambo collar; full pelt. Sing 10 to ay-NOW Mcn’rlo-inch Black re-Iln leather up- Jen. Uakido ttties, and rubber huh and leather middle sols; $4.95 vtrltte-- Men’s Wool COATS lie In“ Mackinaw. ll wool, denim wk; $5.50 ulna [Mn are can tit Moleskin Coats! tdei High Cuts ' MEN’S BLAZERS! Iswlii;ATliiiRf) heap-lined Vnmbo collar. 36 inches mg; lull belt; $1.95 value. Sim 30, 8, 40 - ONLY†(es between DeertUld light Weight buskelbull squid: held every durum. and was is shown lawn-d- the $3.95 tii. knit Basketball News "NM $2.39 Suede Cloth, and washable; Imllnms. NOW by Mr, BREECHES GENUINE U. S. ARMY, - Khaki wool, Class B - NOW, - $1.98 - Thurston, who had' I scrappin. tum In! your Ind hopes to Mike than more no this you. . Heavyweight. Improving lining two regulars buck from Int year, and Russell from the light- weight, the lie-vies " showing iiiiiii"ir,iiir" in tum work. Many on the squid played (netball, and are all in good condition for the hard schedule which confronts them. Seventeen hard games no on Deer. f'wld's schedule. They Ire playing Bil league gums: in the evening, which lleavy all-wool shaker knit V-neck or large collar coat style; $3.96 value; NOW $2.9§ BLANKETS! All-wool N Ivy blue; $3.50 vnlue: NOW $2.98 to Blumberg's on the Bridge Next Till PRESS 4:00 pan. _ Friday, Jan. 2r--At Morton, 7:30 pm. Tuesday, Jan. 27--At Mline. 4 pm. Friday, Jan. 30 --At Proviso, 7:30 pm. ‘Friday. Feb. 6-Evttturton, here, 7:30 come. makes it possible for the â€rent: lriesay, Feb. 17--At University high "Tine {allowing is the uhodule for this yen: _ _ .. - . ... 4:00 pm. Friday, Feb. 20-Murton, here, 7:30 Duluth-ll sandal. Friday, Dec. 6--Un1eersity High, here 7:30 p.m.. Saturdny. Dee. ts--uu View; here, 7:30 p.m. V Tuesday, Dee. 16--Mistt, here, 4 pm. Friday, Dec. 19-At Evanston, 7:30 p. m. Friday, Tug-Jay, Jan. go-Waukegan, here, Friday, rfJiiay, Feb. W-At New Trier, 4 rrioy, Feb. t3--0trk Purk. here, 7:30 Tuesday, Feb. 24-.At Proviso, 4 pm. Friday, Feb. 27-Proeiao, here, 7:30 Mrs. Adelaide McClain of Waucon- da, 83 years old, pa-d any " the Mme of her son William Methin, lut‘week. M a reh--Distriet toumment. Windes & Marsh Phones Highland Park 650 Winnetkn 222 Jan. 9--tley Trier, here, 7:30 Illinois Competent Surveyors Municipnl Engineer: Jan. 16--At Oak Park, 7:30 WiWants Auto Speed Cut 'ar . To 12 Miles in Cemetery It is of interest to I very large percentage of the citizen: of the North Shore that John Western, founder and manager ot North Shore cemetery, is conducting a campuicn to get visitors to that most beautiful glrden place of interment to hold' down the speed of their automobiles to twelve miles per hour. Mr. West. ern says there are three leading rel- sons why this reanlt should be ec- complished, viz: (a) "it is I cemetery, and our good gray poet, the beloved Longfellow, has coined the beautiful and reverent- ‘ial phrase, ‘God's Aere/ as descrip- Hive of such pllce." Mr.- Western quotes from I much rleiivered by Ernest S. Leland, 3 lead- ing dealer in memoriul work in New York City, when referring to the sacredness of a fine cemetery Ind the llck of refinement shown in descent- ing it in any way; “Surely, the pub-, He would rise up against such dese- eration of God's house-then why not against the desecration of God's (b) "Our flne white driveways noon would be destroyed it we permitted motorists to follow their naturll bent and drive as they do on the public ihighwnys. While we have most ex- :ccllent drivewnys. they would not ‘stand such year very long, end we do (iii want to cover them with block asphalt. To me there is nothing at- tractive about an asphalt road, while leverybody with refined teats admires our white drives in contrast with the lgreen colored fo'uge and Bowers which we have here during I consid- {ernble portion of the yen. aerel i, As a parting remark Mr. Western (stated, his judgment to be that not ‘uver 1 per cent are inclined to be in- different concerning this important lmutter and that it is the 1 per cent fur which he is concerned. nithough ‘he says he has seen practically entire Ifuneral cortezes ahoot out the main driveway "like mad" tdter_ths lust lwords had been said at the grave. (er"There is much to be seen here for unybody interested in art or na- ture and these benefits cannot be de. rived by people who go shooting about the grounds It In unseemly rate of speed." NOTICE Scaled bid. wlll be "and by the Coun- ell n In out: In the Chr tull, Highland Pull. Illinois, until 1:80 o'clock pm. land-y. the 22nd any of Dunbar. A.D. "so. for the {null-Mn: of one track type Iuollno mm with rubbor (Iced Huh lho‘. uh for - Itor. tour cyllndor motor at sputum-My kn drlvbnr it?" own“ which an more than ftttr.tmtr um inch-u. rim." tor nld nuipmmt to be and. In an _ The Council - an “at to "M In! .211." bid. " ther deem It but for public I . . at on!" ot the Council of on (my ot ml. l-nd Park. 1 V. C. HUBER. [ 7 A“ _ CiwChrk. Dated at Hllhllnd PAIR. "Much. this “h dny " December. "80. 20% DISCOUNT ON BROUGHT AND CALLED FOR. DRY CLEANING Ind LAUNDRY RELIABLE LAUNDRY I DRY CLEANING COMPANY '" N. Grec- ch III. Built-d It. a": Thursday, Documbcr tl, 1930 "at