All-ex-service men of Highland Park and vicinity are cordially invited to attend a stag held by the Dumaresq Spencer post,' American Legion, in the Elks' hall, Laurel and McGovern streets. Highland Park, on Thursday cvéning, Dee. ll, at 8 o'clock sharp. There will be movies, entertainment, and refreshments - a good social evening is promised. Highland Park lodge No, 1362 B.P.O.K. will hold their regular meet. ine and a stag party, Friday evening, Doe. 12 in the Elks hall. Fish fry, music and refreshments are listed for the evettintt's entertainment. _ William Russell ning, Dee. 12, will unquestionably be the big outstanding musical event of the season in this community. It is expected, therefore, that the audi- torium will be crowded to its full capacity, especially in view of the fact that, thanks to the public-spirit of the Highland Park Woman'a club, under whose auspices the famous omtorio is to be presented, the entire proceeds are to be used for much needed philanthropic work and the alleviation of distress, due to the pre- valent unemployment, in Highland Park, Deerfield, and Highwood. High Sanding The high standing of the Choral Society of the International Har- vester company, T which consists of more than 100 voices, and the distims tion of the soloists who have been en- Raged for this special occasion will tContinued on page 14) Invite Ex-Service Men to Stag Dee. 11 The presentation of HandeN Mes- siah by the Choral society of the In. ternational Harvester company, in the auditorium of the Deerfield. Shields high school tomorrow av:- Benefit Performance by Inter. ational Harvester Chorus at High School VOLUME XIX iiiiisiitntlissIhr' E Tomonnow EVENINW Elks Hold Matt T be Highlanh Park Pram In this issue of the Press appears an eight-page advertising section in colors with holiday decorations. That it has been possible to provide this extra holiday feature is due to the m-operation of the business houses which Ire represented in the adver- tisements therein conginod, and road- ors of this paper are urged to give these advertisements careful perusal, as they will find omong them many splendid values in Articles suitable for Christmas gifts. Special Advertising Section in This Issue Sea Serpen tse-Invisible Yet Threatening! We can do this And buy lasting safety It the lowest cost right now by voting for the bond issue on December 20th! The North Shore Sanitary District proposes to remove pollution from Lake Michigan by " program of constructing new sewage trest- ment plants at Highland Park, Waukegan and Winthrop Harbor and erecting additional units It Highwood, Lake Forest and North Chicago. Let's vote for better health and cleanliness. save lives - not irnproUbly in our own families, How unnecessary is this medieval custom of of human waste into our lake! It is the duty people to make a proper disposition of its waste Employment for muny persons will be provided. Only locul labor and materials are to be used. The cost of these improve- ments will amount to but 60 cents I year on I $60.00 tax bill! MILLIONS of malignant germl are present in every drop of polluted lake water.' There are irent quantities of Inch water dong the shores of Highllnd Park " certain times. They are, in tact. far more deadly than all the reputations of mythical mnn~eating monster, rolled into one would be. These are no ignorant superstitions. No old wives’ tales. They actu- ally exist right here in the shore water of Highland Park! Oh no, these sea serpents don't cut babies. Of course not. They are not discriminating in that respect. They attack not only children but any human being they get a chance at, with weapons of fever and infection. The water we drink has to le heavily chlorinated to keep down the ever present threat caused by several millions of gallons of untreated sewage that are discharged into the lake daily from the north shore districts. If the authorities in charge of chlorination should relax their vigilance for an instsnce. the load of Urmfubbaeteria of intestinal origin with which our lake water is charged. might unleash the spectre of typhoid in our midst. As it in, our children are subjected to serious eve. esr, nose and throat infections when they go swimming. Today, these fresh water sen serpents, invisible though they are to human eyes, form one of the gravest men-cos to the health of our children ind ourselves that this community is foreed'to face. The cold eye of the scientiatn' microscope lees them Ind recour- nizes in them a dire threat to destroy life useâ€. " unchecked. they would have enough potential force to destroy ten times us many children nnd grown-ups as are killed by luau, trains, full- ing objects and other fatnl accidents. . To scientists these invisible sen serpents use known as bscllli. There are many fancy and assorted varieties/tttst don't let that fool you - they are killers'. They must be destroyed! On December 20th, we are to hue In opportunity to destroy them forever - to rid our drinking water and our bathing benches of pollution, once and for all. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, Dunn-I11, 1930 The next regular meeting of the navinin Garden club will be held on Friday, Dee. " qt the home of Mm. J. B, Deibler of 1925 Grovelnnd. Bro very interesting and instructive mb. jecu will be presented. The first in a talk on “Soils" by I representative from Swift & Co. The second in on "Evergreen" by In. E.L.Scheldem- helm of Wilmette. Members are urged to brine friends who Ire interested in these subjects. Ravinia Garden Club to Meet Tomorrow Such I vote will dumping tom of I civilised Theme stocking- will be “than†in connection with KW Put Social service. _ In order to prevent diamond.- It in suggested that anyone providing for individual “milieu notify the thr. cial Service committee. The regular meeting of the My Elk: mill club will be [all In Wednesday afternoon. The â€til. I“ postponed from mun!" (Wod- nesdny) in flvor of the curd m “hit-h they held Jointly with the In! lodge. Will you live I Chrim to a little child? Pill n docking putting m in- side, and mark the are Ind Mat for girl or boy. 18. will be In the home of In. L. L. Winn-rs. 359 [Aurel "can, a 10:†I. m. Subject, “The matted. and Bredcrmeier Periods u Expressions of No Chadd-III." Send to MEI. Henry S. Van. 286 Lerel avenue. on or baton Dee. n. To Be Held Mend-y Eva, D " in Presbyterian Church: Public Invited Bo general In: boon the dmim d the community to who the long service in thin community ot In. Frant Fitt that I eon-unity - ine ha been all“ for “can; on- ning, Dee. M, It 7:80 o'clock. Mr, Von Amman gave MI ant loc- ture on “The Practical Application of Deeorntive Principlel" In the home of Mm. Sunny. A mull [map othtred tht_talk, very much. The lecture today will be In the home of Mrs. Henry B. Glut. '" Luke avenue. Bahia“, “no Cluck Revival in the Emma. Century In Etttthutd." COMMUNITY FAREWEU. N REV. FRANK MT Appropriate out-clan will be hold in the auditorium of the Pram church. after which I - meqtkt' to Mr. Ind Mrs. rm will be given In the church pol-loin to which the - is cordially Invited. To Dunn AM The pron-um will not be long but will give An opportunity for dust. of the community to um Mr - pmiuion of Mr. Pitt's work dtrrtae these you-I. , Por more than " yar- Mr. Flu but been I faithful mini-m u this cummunity and taken III active [in (Continued on pp 50) Ossoli Club Hears Lecture by Mr. Amman; Another on Dee. 18th Help a Little Child lady Elks Social The lecture next Thur-by, boo Club Meets Dee. 17 Enjoy Christmas, Nun-I 41