Thursday, Jan. 15, 1931 COMMERCE CHAMBER JANUARY MEETWG stvueted to cast a unanimous ballot in fawr of Mr. Swanson. A communication from Senator Glenn was read in connection with the removal of the Air Corps Tech- nical school from Chanute field to Dayton. Ohio. The Senator assured us of his willingness to do all in his power to cause a 'retentiun of the school. After proper motion, sec- onded and carried. the matter was ordered placed on file. The matter of subscribing to the Ravinia Opera Guarantee Fund for the 1931 season was presented, and) in accordance with the by-lnws. is to' be read again at the next meeting. Reports on Booklet Gavier Vigeant. chairman of the Booklet committee, made his report as to the cost of assembling and pub- lishing various types. After a lengthy discussion. motion was made, see- onded and carried that the commit- tee work on a booklet of the Elgin type and that a dummy copy be pre- sented at the February meeting. Upon further motion, the secretary was instructed to secure the cost of distribution of sum-h booklets from other chambers of commerce. S. A. St. Peter, chairman of the committee on the Main St. Crusader reported that Mr. Caslow was plan- ing to visit Highland Park during the first week of February. The secre- tary is to write the Main Street Cru- sader, arranging for a definite date and to inform the membership of such date later. Upon motion of Julian Smith, duly seconded and carried, the Highland Park Chamber of Commerce is to sponsor A Dollar Day during the mid. die “of February. Upon amendment, each participating merchants is to pay a proportionate share of the 0x- penses and none borne by the ’ "m. her. _ H. F. Kelley, chairman of the So- cial Service committee, made I thor. ough report on the progress of this organization and expressed the com- mitt'ees appreciation to the members for the suppnrt given during the holi. days. Redeemer Lutheran Church West Central Avenue Rev. W. F. Suhr, Pastor . Suturday school at 9:00 a.m. _ Sunday school at 9:30 am. Sunday worship at 10:30 am. At the annual meeting of the con- gregation held on Jan. 9, interesting and encouraging reports were ren. dered. To mention a few brief points, our congregation today connists of 300 baptized members. of whom 170 are eommunieant members. Besides those who came by letter of dirmiasal from other Lutheran congregations. we received into the church 12 children nnd eight adults by the rite of confirmation, We enter upon the netivitieu of this year depending upon the wholehenrted co-operation of all our members. The pastur otficittted at 19 hlptiumn, eight marriages, and five funerals. (Continued from page 5) Plan Dollar Day iCity Voting Precincts Boundaries Established N by Action of Council Establishment of voting precinct- for the coming municipal elections in Highland Park have been carried out by the city council. A total of " precincts have been designated in preparation for the primaries on March 3 and the elections on April 21. Precinct Limits The North Western railroad serve; as a general boundary for voting dis- tricts. established as follows: Precinct l-East of each braneh of the North Western railroad Ind north of Vine avenue. Precinct it-East of Vine avenue Ind avenue. Precinct 3-East of of Central avenue and vine drive. Precinct. 4.-Eaat of trucks, south of Ravine drive and north of Beech street. Precinct 6-Faot of trucks, of Beech street and north of Williams avenue. Precinct 6-East of trucks. and south of Roger Williams name to the city limits. Precinct T-From tracks and Roger Williams avenue south to city limits, west to west branch of the North Western, north to north line of m- tion M, east to Green Bay road. south- east to the point of beginning. Precinct g-From Deerfield avenue um! tracks, south to Roger Williams avenue, west to Green Bay road, north to north line of Section M, Welt to the west branch of the North Wet- ern, north to Deerfield road, north- east to Deerfield avenue. cut to point of beginning. Preéinct 9-Prom Vine uvenue and tracks south to Deerfield avenue. was! to Deerfield road, southwest to west braneh of North Western, north to West Park avenue, east to Green Buy road, north to Vine avenue. and etot to point of beginning. Precinct lO-From west line of Section 14 and tracks, south to Vine avenue, west to Green Bay road, south to north line of Section 16, west to center line of Section 16, nouth to north line of Section 22. out to can line of Section 22. north to point of beginning. Precinct lt-All west branch of the EMPLOYMENT STILL GREAT NEED HERE On Friday, Janunry 16, at 8:00 p. m. at the Y. W. C. A., there will he an important meeting of I“ repre- sentatives of organizations and my individuals interested in the work of the Social Service committee. The public is cordially invited. Report. Including Jun. " Retristrtttiirmr _ _--. 238 Given part time work this week, M Investigations of families to ate 99 Relief given in fuel, food, rent, 100 Relief given in clothing 887 (Continued from page 3) Meeting Friday. Jan. " of tracks. south north of Central territory west of North Western. truckn. south. north of Ra- THE PRESS south Roger Sometimes, when the holiday Lel- son is over And we lave been work, ine Ind planning to prepare our tent: of fruit clke. plum pudding and the various delicioul pies and other desserts. we like to relax and serve something that is simple and euy to prepare. For this purpose why not try a demsert. made of cookies Ind whipped ere-m. While this is not new, it ll usually acceptable to the whole fam. ily and has the Advantage of being, not only my to prepare but attrne- live and deliciouI. Home mnde cookies may be used, if wished, and vanilla Valer- or some of the delicious chocollte water. or other preferred cookie: mly be used. Nut cookie: are also very tempting. The only preparation neceuary is the whipping and aweeteninx of the cream. adding a very little vanilla or other flsvoring Ind "ranging this between the layer: of cookiea. Pilot in refrigerator for three or four hours, or this may be prepared in the morning for dinner at night, or even the day before it in to be and. The cookies may be placed on end, with some of tho cram between, making I lone roll, cutting in diac- onel slices and serving with a little more of the cream if wished; or they may he placed ttat in the bottom of a dish and piling one on top of the others in individual piles. _ Another attractive way is to make the individual serving: by placing the cookies on end, using an many for each small roll as wished for each serving, then aervin; each roll whole instead of cutting one large roll. If you wish to make them a little mare festive in Appearance. [at ’a small amount of candied me or vio- let petals and either crumble and sprinkle over the whipped cream when serving, or plue a few whole Petia on the cream. Thin will some- times help to carry out a color acheme for a luncheon or birthday party and the candied petals may he obtained " many eonteetiotterr. Mrs. Mary A. Horton died It the home of her daughter. Mrs. Imogene Finer, 626 Walnut street. Waukeun. lust week It the "a or " yearn. Henry Berk, veteran Wnukuln barber, pissed nwny but week It his home, 117 Like street. He was horn in Rinttwood, lil., on Jan. 12, IR“. Churn-d with mnnnl-ughkr in con. nection with the dentin of Erie Tur. ner, 33. and R. E. Brunnon. 2T, June: Wnllnce, N, of 32 North West street, Wlukenn. was bound over to unit the action of the Much term of the Lake county grind jury by Police Mngistnu Mich-e! J. Haney of that city. Bond was at at 87,000. One hundred Ind thirty leaders in business and other civic circle. in Wnukeguu Ind North Chicago were named as members of l committee to nponunr and udviue the "WIllk¢- gun und North Chime Forward Movement," by J. E. Suns, Inn-idem Jriiriviueun and North' Chicago chamber of commerce. " NINA T, Bum: Home Service Department North Shore Gas Complny Things to Cook Educational Tours Are Being Conducted Professor Frank and: of North: wentern university la director ot the Chicago reeotteilli.tkstt trips which are being conducted by Northveatern ttniversity. These trips are held each Saturday and otter an opportunity for those who are not fortunate enough to travel. to become familiar with the customs. and habits, political and in- dustrial. right hen ir our own coun- try. Lari. week. the subject of Rania was taken up. and a trip val made through the Ruuian settlement. This Saturday the Epic of the American Indian will be the study. All those intereated.wlil meet at the Field Museum Saturday morning at 10:45 where a guided lecture by Dr. il’aul Marten, Indian apecialiat at the I museum will be given. At W.tli there will be i luncheon at Rococo home. where Mr. Fred Leighton. who la in charge of the Indian Trading Pout. will talk on “Handcraft of the In- dian." There will be a complete Indian prngram {allowed by . dinner. aarved in ml Indian style at St. Simona pariah house, after which there will be a Pow Wow followed by mini: and dancing. A very small charge is made for the tour and the dinner. Further information regarding there tour! may ho had by calling In. o. Tells of Beauties of I Country Landscape An artist in often II good I plint- " with words II he in with the brush, The other dny I painter but, tonholed I friend in the Art Insti- tute, whither he hId gone to enter pictures for the next Chicago Art. ist'I Ihow, Ind “id: “Think of I not Itretch of undulIting country cover- ed with I mantle of pureat white: the pictureoque Rock River " Grand Detour below you, winding " linu- qu way through the alley: II fl? In the rye on much you Ice the country broken here Ind than by clump: of tron, or I {Irmer'l home, or out into patterns by (one. end made; Ind over it I“ Silence - I Iilence unbroken. such " you - know in the city; your home perched on the elm, where from your window you look out upon thin anothe- lend nape. The odors of the roost duck in the oven module the room, Ind the rune wine It your elbow invite: refreshment. It it ChrlIunII Guy. The sun chum the now errstats into million of ap.rklitte diIlnondI Ind I feeiim of unutterIble - Ital: over you. But it in the lilo-6e --th.t trtrrfratrle, indeIeribIble. tender. silence that not: you. Then II the nun Iinkl behind the horiIon end the sky ehInIeI from roee to purple Ind the light: in the little villIce of Grand Detour Item the river peep forth into the "IMAM-knell, you feel that you In under the spell of I mmiiicent work of art the like of which no huInIn being on Ippmth." Everett, Wall. - Earl hulk-Ir Post a of 9t Amerlcnn Ugtiem hen trunulormed . nondmrlpt. hilly we. of ground into . level "rttotd and ill-lulled pl.ituld "tattnrsettt (with: use of III orphan-n. Mimi. telephone H I'm Build. PUrNU Earl Fault“ P "