SLjrs1Sl--1 THE Eveready Sunshine imp brings into your home the healthful, beneficial uitraiviolet rays found in natural sunshine. Turning on the sun is as easy as turning on an electric light. The lamp rolls on ball casters to any room and an automatic timer shuts off the current at the end of each treatment to prevent over-exposure. S/\LE February and March are the danger months when your family needs the health-giving, ultra-violet light and infra-red rays of sunshine. Ask your physician. He'll be glad to tell you shout the resistance-building qualities of the Everetdy Sunshine lamp. r This special sale price of $59.50 includes two pairs of 's'ii'ii'ii'i,i).y,. sun goggles and ten extra carbons. When our present 'i,iii,iii,'i'i,ii.ii.,ti, stock is sold, no more of these lamps will be offered It i,j,i,itji'ij'iil , this remarkably low price. So don't delay in taking for .‘1. a demonstration " your Public Service Store. _ ii'i/'iffiiijii,r, a EVE READY SUNSHINE LAMP NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY $593.9: "' dow- the "Unk by Little" we] andthe Mm monthly on your alum“: mica nan-um} PUBLIC SERVICE QQMPANY was iii, ion-mans ILLINOIS THE PRESS Tiaras Park 2900 ts4E. Thursday, Feb. 12, 1931