NET'I'IE and NUTTY BANQUET FOLDING CHAIRS COLBY'S sIiiMI-ANNUALSALE JOHN COLBY 808138 REDUCED 7 North Sheridan Road I IN THE BRMDCABTI‘ PAtertrity Is SUCH l wen. swear 50mm! LET us VART AGAIN 'flmoRRow ttronize the Press Advertisers For Rent for Parties and Gatherings Delive red FOLDING CARD TABLES AND COVERS r TABLFB CHILDREN'S TABLES AND CHAIRS 1501 Chicago Avenue EVANSTON W Successor to tri Ind culled tor nu (rt " nt in ll H. F. KELLEY ANNOUNCE LAMPS rim ttr' ART 20 to 50 FINE ASIONAI lnrlmlo Funeral Director which 1G H. M. PRIOR co. ammo/a coma name Broadcasting For tlu (If THEIR Rates very reuonuble‘ Telephone H. P. 4260 PER CENT Ti57'?rFrf re CHAIR COVERS STEFFEN AUTO SUPPLY 15-17 N. Second St. Phone H. P. 350 r4510 THE PRESS ARE Gamma A BIG KM" out OF LIFE WITHOUT ADDING GREATLY TQ . THE SUM TOTAL or HOUSEKEEP- 1N0 EXPENSES 97sa7h7rT9, PEOPLE WHO GET A RAD'O AT - THAT HIGHT = gii'igtil isR1xhrrlt part hf last trip through their quarte tir, ot the ser father. Mr. Ila marrmm- of nor mu to Gourm- Raymund Saturday. Jan. I†hom" on Park 5|ch mupll- any on a WWII Cuba and upon their thvir han in High! Billy Varm-y of whu Win an the sit is up and able to hr Don't forget the tonight at the YAY q-any Kiven KYl'nUt 12m M r a " my Mr Local and Personal Telephone Highland Park 286 qu the plants. I have noticed that piite can-rim: is often allowed to disintegrate through nonr- lwl and have developed a trmatmertt for same. I also tind it urn-(usury to mlicit work in the gonvral painting and pa- lu-r hanging line which I have had to dvel'mo in the past. During Bridge J ml M rs tlrcvn B: George Morris al GEORGE MORRIS and " ahle to he around attain. fnrgot the B,Y's can] Party at the Y.W.('.A. Come and urself. A door prize will he the holder: of the lucky num- ivlm-. 500 and Bum-n. H“‘n('l )US illne rs. John P. Itenison of May mud lvfl the latter wool; fur a six weeks Florida. They will make u in Palm Beach dur. . they are taming the his uncle, Mr. In nf this city wee c Ills. Michigan an an Griffiths announct's the her drutehttt Margaret, uymvmll o'Callairhan, on In. 2:] at the Griffiths rk uvonuo. The young I a wedding trip through in their return will make a Highland Park. WY "CCvntral avemie, the sick list last week he last fifteen years have speeialized on and hrnnzing heating t have noticed that tine is "hon allowed trrtvy' Mr. "tore" werc- culled n an account tho formers' Mr of ('vnlr Mrs. A. Judson Wells of Ridge- wood drive entertained at a surprise dinner and bridge last Friday‘eve- ning in honor of her husbands birth. day anniversary. Announcement was made last week of the engagement of Miss Mary Esther Churchill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stancly Churchill of th" Chicago Butch hotel, to Mr. George F, Davie, Jr., sun of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Davie of this city. Mrs. M. Kurtzrm and two.daruiht- cars. Marjorie and Berdiee left last Saturday for. Florida to be guests at the Biltmore hotel. Eldridge Hamlin and Stuart Smith are rapidly losing their standing as amateur theatrieal producers. The ynuthful impresnrios are giving pup- pet shows (the puppets being their own 'crmtinns) every Sunday after- nmm fur charity. The audience is always a Sim-able one and the fame of these two boys is spreading of these two thrnughuut the the north shnrr Milwaukee' Railroad Is Trying Horn Signals in Plate of Whistles Lake (-nunty residents arr express- ing favor for the new signal system being experimented with an trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. Several trains have installed horns to take the place nf.whistlos. Engineers stated that the horn is a better signal and more titeetive than the steam whistle. When motorists hear u whistle they do nut necessarily think that there is danger as they can he heard at great distanees, But when they hear a horn they imme- diately look for danger. The horn is much louder than the arr-rage automobile horn and has art-4t carrying power. However, it is not as shrill as the whistle and al- lows residents of the countryside to sleep without the usual disturbance. Sixteen trains pass through this rlistrivt each day, it the new sys- tem meets with fuvur, all trains may adopt horns in place of whistles, rail. road oMtriuls promise. High-Tone Restaurant Try Our Delicious BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH MIV, Central Avenue Highland Park Thursday, Feb. 12, 193 boys Is spread colony of society 40c on