[Chanel] school, 9:15 name -- .-, "e--- Worship service, 10:30 a.m. Lenten service, T.80 p.th. Choir Friday,_7:30 pan. Confirmation" Saturday, 9:00 am. A new record went on our books Inst Sunday. Next Btmdarutrotmuet, It a better day. The illumt‘ed work hip service "Chaos and the Way Out" till be given Sunday mint. _ Our Saturday night performance f "Done in Oil†had to be called " In account of the now storm. _We hall repeat the play on Saturday, latch tt. Do not destroy "your tick- ta, call Deerfield 115. . _ ', Sunday, larch a. the maArtttattott high-en 11.iAhi,rr1WrnitLGiGriiiii cars were left in_the road, and on ther through routes many snow ounds marked the spots where an- s had been. abandoned in the storm. . Trains Crash No serious accident occurred in the rm hereabouts, but just north of Irt,Biutr two, North shore trains in rear-end collision Saturday eve- ing caused slight injuries to six rsons.~.The motormm of the Bee. d train could not see that the one end had stopped, the blinding snow- orm having obscured the visibility. d two days and many automobiles andoned by their owners Saturday ight and Sunday. and left until dug t _ttrhiehirsty gangs. Ott Route 21, tween Liberty'ville sind Graynlake, , 1-3.3..5 r"',-' ‘1.“ __-" --.-e ti-r-ter-, "_"," 39m town, but efforts were directed first all to clear the through streets, d the others were given Attention i Deserve Credit The street workers deserve high nine for their fiithfulne'ss And for . tl 1" it an “a re. Saturday night whenmore help ‘ras badly needed only four extra 'ssrueouu,heuinihttmLtgLariii ghor !s in the starry Irpt on ‘Monday,vwhen no sun shone, iilefttv' of them turned sl conclusion at the earliest possible lament. A . Throughout the' county highways ere blocked in many places for one a fttr, 10$, _tiygtsttr4itpt - EL 32m :avier" and packed harder than in at memorisble storm period. l Owing to a broken frame the street radar was laid up for femimsssalso, It as it is used ater, for cleaning a atter_,thtcautrisoCtlttLLttg,tyy, n's, moved by the plow, "t was ready ' action about " soon as required. EAVY SNOWSTORM TIES UP TRAFFIC 1.5"" Ll" P'NrW8'f5Mtmllrt5f, Some delay m occasioned in 'open andâ€, um 18, MMI St. Paul‘s Wm --_-------..-------...----..--.-...---- (Continued from page 2) n Saturday, 9:00 am. mi went on our books Next Btmdaputromines ' The ilhtstrattd woru Chaos and the Way Out" 'ttttdar evening. Evangelical Church Deerfield ie_pe_nbrok, pastor sam--, _ :30 mm. l P-m. tun. corn. 'rtteadar--NoodU â€up and crack. on. F Friday “we. . As a result of the executive board's amtouneement many librarians, and friengis of ‘libru'i’es are now endeav- oring to obtain,, sustaininz member- at1ttmcfrottt., phen and women who see the neeemrKirc2riirTnrimt1tetrar-dimttri1t times--of fosterinl? those agencies which nfomote self-education and help to keep no the general morale. ter. Hf the "20,000 can be raised through two .' hundred sustaining memberships at 8100 a yeqr the tut- sociation can qualify for a, million dollar endowment, which is believed to be in sieht, and an thus nrevent the recurrence of a similar situation a year hence. ' e . In some sections libraries have suf- £ergdsgrjouslglgubewaseef ILani; %iTiii'iic "3'irti"G71iiii""i' aWiiiii'i'isimTair ind lowered assessments have occa- sioned slurp cuts. Thrpqghout the country as s whou,hudtrit reductions because of the general economic sit- C Libraries During n Dome-nio- Libraries no no longer monastic institution. They no . living part of our current civilisation. They too! the up: and downs of economic In": no leu than hanks and Ital-on and in- t1-"-hS'iiEu'iitirFtii'iiitt'i--it *" h' "-c". -, e "rSatttMitr-ahtmi_ sion on a library are not a decree» in business and consequence loss of income. They ore a decrease in in- come and an incmse in business. hundreds and thousands, to escape for a few minutes or hours from meg; Meanwhile thglibraries are crowd- ed as never before. Unemployed gen and _ â€may ftoe1r-i-thar-madttttr rooms. Some, no doubt, just aw warm. Others because they hope to improve-their-eh-ue-ar mum mmtrattugitttigtritLat, Thtmrdnru-Btittere'd um: beams or Wednesdayr-Beef hash Deertiefd School Menu! _ Mondi-Bnked potatoes and but; Public Library Spaghetti yaitd tomato nWS‘c} 091' .'TP-eeeee-e-e-.."e-'-""-'e'--'-""_ m-.---------.-.---.-----.---------- THE PIES! igLtlLti Purchase of 1,000 mountain uh tneowu eomp1etatd1nstmrehbrthe Imk Wolton league to be planted in school "yard: throughout Wow , amCuhr--sptartr, ..) , L," :i...‘ ;"._..;_:.:.. For, the put two weeks we have been holding our services in the Sun- day school room. We hope to enter our newly renovated end decoreted church on the coming Sundey. Our eontrritmtion is indebted to ell the volunteer workers, especidly the cor- pentere. who spent meny den of le- hor in cleaning and muting; the trustees leading by their good ex- inrple. . ",. " Friday evening the regula- meet- ine of the mum will take place. " Inimediuetrufter this service the Luther Lame will hold its business meeting. _ _ T Redeemer _ Lutheran Chtfreh -, _ West Central avenue . "r W. F. Suhr, pastor Saturday school at 9:00.; q q . Sunday school at 9:30. . » Morning worship at 10:80. _ lenten tseHtiseti, every Thursdn'y evening at eight o'eloek. The subject this evening: “The Redeemer Reject» ed by His People." A _ereaascjruasmtri1teLuut1ttt_rttgt_of workers Wt!» extm load willingly in order to give the helpless their onlychance to esespg present illness and possible lifelong defects. One of the major questions which faces the society now is the problem of finance to provide for children whose parents have swelled the ranks of the unemployed for whom the more fortunate members of society are be- int asked to die (loin: deep and help. , The Ladies’ AW meets todarArith Mrs. Wm. ngsberg of Lake Forest. Despite the great C inmate: in the number of mothers and babies" regis- t4mraiittcthsc1nfiuthAEk1ftmustttisttx the work has been carried with no in- (lIlh'fIlliYll% REPORT IN INFANT WELFARE IR. lrll1T, the gynount expended in any iiiii? which is bound to continue until the economic situation improves and the WWW EimFNm5fPrNiifIBttr #"".-'~.â€-- "r" a: right kind, of food it becomes more and more necessary that the children have cod liver oil. Right now it is impossible Hor hundreds of hmilies to make this provision themselves and thousands of children ere depend- ent upon me Infant Welfare society not only for general health super- vision, bututrgo for cod liver oil which they must hove. The Alice R. Wood station for which Highlsnd Perk-Re- vinis centered thesociety mkslns 1111 children for whom this kind of demand is being made sll of the time. _'thtr_egetyttity,r,3y1_trh,elt the Infant Welfsre society has bee; emf??? make for cod liver oil this Winter in 1triitttpopr11e the babies a chance for life and hiiiMrhiaeuiisd. 600'per cent (Continued from page " Elie neces- "ye"Mttbra't: cPrarrr-tmFamsdlt_r; Wednesday, March 18th 8:00 pan. Evcahing Prayer and ad- dress. - Thursday; Much 19th ‘9:80;.m. Bttlrinmtmion., Friday, March 20th ' 4t00Pan. 1ihmtintrPraa.rm.rsd ai, Announcement.- Service Luau: and Wound; Auxil- Monday; March 16th, at 10:00 6’etoék itrther-par%t-%nrms --_r- __ -'--, Trinity Episcopal Church Reverend Christoph loner, Rector But Lam-o! - Sunday, March 1gth, 7:30 n.1n. Holy Communion. . 9:80 am. The Chilton school. 11:00 nan. Morning, Prayer nnd - Sermon. Honda, March 16th, it 8:00 p. m., Altar Charter-- Friday, March 18th, at 2:00 ' m. irrthesatem'agr-hes-----------------, ~â€" for Velvety-green hawns {and We“: with this .l1tlFlrq eomtAeestiata-adtat Frank Siljestrom Coal, Ice, Building Material 148 North Flint Street 813th Park. mums 'elephone 11:38th Pm your lawn a Toutrow smooth. and‘vel- vety, orourjiwn must be fed! Give it the' square meal for piants--4 lbs. of Vigoro per 100 sqi ft. Ref salts will amaze your vigortr,--Hsemtpieteruteien- tilically belargced, iocrthe, largest selling plant food fbrlawntr, Bowes, Shrubs and trees. Clean, odor- lee, easy to utreu..atnd in; expensive! _ Feed