Clean Up Days Are Here! Spring is here and we have many items to ~â€" lighten your tasksi NS Chamois Skins â€" Cleaning Fluids â€" â€" Sponges Furniture Polish â€" Soaps â€" Moth Liquids â€" ~____~~~Vermin Exterminators f EASTER NOVELTIES Party Favors, Candy E88s, E88 Dyes, Combination Baskets of Candy EgJg and Bunnies EARL W. GSELL & CO. Highland Park It Takes Determination Hicuranp Park Stats BANK We use only the Highest Quality of Drugs Mames put on Candy Easter E88s FREE Pharmacists Phones YOU ARE Telephone Highland Park 1800 Ravinia 2300 ‘If you would solve the mystery of how others, who are making no more money than you, are getting ahead, let us tell you that one word explains it all. _ That word is "Determination." s ; ts ~~You must determine that no matter what comes you will save and bank a certain amount of your earnings and stick to it. In a very short time you will see that small sum regularly deposited show amazing growth. wWELCOME AT THIS BANK _ : > T H E OFâ€"SAVINGS DEPOSITORS . Quaker Stateâ€"Hav’g)line Waxfree Motor Oilsâ€"Greases Phone: H. P. 3290 A Correct Grade for Every Burner Braun Bros. OL CoO. FUEL OLL PERSONAL SERVICE OF HIGHLAND PARK Distributors of Emergency Service 3291 VoLUME The funt large num! quaintances spread regs was held in al tribute ° beautiful, a 'l gret at the citizen wer FINAL R Funeral Y Resid The fune well~ know Highland P denly Sund o‘elock â€" yest Masonic t<t Cornell of C Masons had at Memoria took place. Kent, Paul and Geo. B were past land Park Mr. How Moran, Mr. Gallagher, Clyde Way Widely k resident 0 years, who funeral wa â€"Mry,.â€"Com nada theat Sunday e accompani¢ city. The about twer rad comple Sunset â€" Club _ Sunset _ for the 5 'ee,kJ,MQI Laing, of week, and er very su ular club. The gr cut. and a dent Lain the genial old, famil bers and ite sport The acti The ne er room : ing surpr somethin; to see, | ing day, number . the cours Seldom i tunity t spring 1 (Co