The spring rummage sale of the Phihthen clus of the Bethany church will he held April 21 and 22 at 14 & Tint Ill-at. Cleans, 74mm; dilhes, ete., will he on true.,,,..-',:::, Rummage Stile to T V Be'Held Aprir21-22 cmcmmxm re', SPEAK FRIDAY NIGHT The next' meeting of the Ravinia Garden. club will be held on Pray, April '10 at 2 o'eioek at the home of. Mrs. Milton J.\Hnrdacre' bf 334 Gary avenue. Mr. D. E. Gage of Gazer]: Jordon, 1andseape gudeners will talk on “Home Ggrdgn Landscaping! Mr, Jessie L. Smith will also talk on the proposed municipal Rose" Garden In Ravinia. , _ Rayinia Garden Club T " _ Will Meet Friday The time allotted each speaker will be strictly adhered to, mum will be no questions 'from the floor. This policy has been found to be of the greatest betmtlt' both to audience and (Continued on page 31) .. With seven men' in the nee for commissioners, Wm. J. Brown, A. B. Cook, Lyle Gourley, Robert Green- ala,ds, William. :Reey, Joseph Tnylor, and Julius Zimmer,, and manning for, the oMee of police magiatnte, Earl Purdy and Herman Schwery, each with a large group of friends anxious to see their candidhte in of- flee, as well â€as the greet intei-eat in the two eandidatea for Mayor. Mr. Emil B. Home! and Mayor Lewis, the meeting promises to be a large one and the League" urges everyone to be in the auditorium before eight o'eloek.) m WWI}? B. P. ' Report to and including April 1081: _ N Registrations, w.......................:...', Given part time employmcnt eteerpriiijiiiiiiifjiiirir thin gm! eouopemtifir'iiiUn- 2tpe iiiiiiiiiiprrr.crircd ef fttiuthttte rc.....-........ Min: Mt to "utilue daily .t.. N!!!†- Itpttr curb"; t The interest of all .votoen in High- land Pukthie msékisturnitttrtothe Candidate, Meeting to be held in the auditorium of Elm Place school, on Fridny evening, and sponsored by the Highlend Park Leann of Women Voters. _The meeting will begin promptly at eight o'eloek, and all the candidatuior city oiBee will been its platform. Vanna xx Voters League Is Spoils Place School; Plans . Annual Meeting In". HIGHLAND PARK SOCIAL SERVICE , The Highlanb padrpttgg Sponsor; Elm Plans for B. P. 4000 _ " gu 814 365 " Fred Rekhndt spoke on “The Fu- ture of Troop 80," 3nd aid that he ubolievod Troop so would be one yo! sin. but hoops .in nighw {tart within the "SP.-----...- -c..c.cuc.te During our dinner there me. man: singing antrgtter3rards Hr. Bolttled WWO things. After the singing. Fred Relehardt, with the aid St,',',,',' other boys., [we a first lid natrntion of three diluent ways of earrrine injured persons. Then the four p34 trols put on their t'yttl humor- ttgtLttatitE Mini; Jty2htirttM.t: her: a few bathe. m Larson gave I talk on "What Camp hie-Kuh- Bran did for me." _ ' After the members of the Rotary club had been seated in the dining room the scouts thatched in with "ttrr. ‘They gave the pledge of ttl.. legiance to the "ttrand the scout oath. Then all sat down to a fine dinner which consisted of chicken and all requisite accessories. Everyone' screed that ft was dhte meal; Mr. Udell said “there was a thirteenth law it should be, "A scout is hungry.†Mondnymoon the mute of Troop 30 were the guests of the Highland Park Rotary club " luncheon " the Moraine hotel. This club sponsor: Troop 80. There were about twenty- tive scouts present with their scout» muster, John L. Udell. Mr. Boltz and the “out executive. Hymn _ Ryholt; were also present and helped with the program. r V - Scout Troop No. 30 . Rotary Club Guests; _ Fine Proirianctyweit The directors are hoping for I lamjmout. a, thttoamttertrist he édnaidered are of interest to nll mem- bers. . _ Mr. Wellech's speech will den! with the fact tlint there ere various such courts now in existence which have proved setiefactory. The ides isthat the judge will heelected Irrl the townspeople and paid either by the county or state. Should . city court be establisheddn "Highland: save considerable time by not baring to go to Wankegun.’ It is also pointed out that the city court can handle the work, of police magistrate, if need be. _ "ee -- _ The deferred matterraf them posed increase in died ,iilrbe brought up at the meeting of the Chamber Tuesday night. A, Mr,, Emil: Wlllnch. n Highland Park resident, will speak on “The Adventure and Disadvantages of 1 City Court," at the render monthly dinner meeting of the Chnmber of Commerce, Tue-dey' evening, April 14, nt 6:30 o'clock in the Green Tea Pot. ' "tti/ttiii/UA, arc. ofC. Meeting Next Tuesday [new Panrr, lumen. Tum“, Ann. 9, 1981 Sltom--d_-auitdtn-bsmt Sata_Arru--1tr. 12:30 Wednesday afternoon, when e ------ workmen opened 1 cu pipe while. ‘Conlr-euu holding e cendle Mining it to be e Confirmatttm men! water line. Before the blue we: ex- be held " " Jo tinguiehed telephone line- and light church Sunday nitrh ,';fr,lt'g; demand, "Athe building This is 'ttttttc It is announced that as there i; only one polling place in ttysmtth1nnd Park section of the high school du.. triet, friends of the school will pro- vjde cm for voters who can to use them. The care will be at the nil-, Saturduz A.ttergtt? is TiiiiGiaaT. . ‘School elections in DistrEtaf 107 and 108 and in the Deerfield-tNita, township high school district will be held_S_aw,_rdsy afternoon, Apr-£111.. Oak Terrece election is; mentioned elsewhere. There is no contest in any of the districts. except Oak Ten-nee, where there are two mdidttes for pr'eeident ind seven for members of the board. .Only two members no to be elected. Lists of»candidstes in elf districts were published in lest week’s- Press. Blaze in N. S. Trust Co. Building DamatrerWires J After discussing an . T appropriate name for} this new chapter and tnik, intr"tver numerous plan. for the fu- ture, the meeting was adjourned. Re- fresmnte were served in the dining room, the table beautifully decorated with ftatpr and red, white, and' blue candles, favors, cakes and candy. Eighteen children were present and many morerare expected‘to increase the number in the near future. The objects of the society are to promote good Ntizenahip, ’develOp character, create respect for law and? order, .loyalty to and appreciation of the meaningof America, and to in- still true love for peace and good will among nations. ' n . T,-ter. ~";:-J te5rrtt â€M†V5:11;:m5‘2h’w2ï¬???â€If: _ - _ ", A YC,', -- s', ,- .7 _ , W . -t, TiriiirTiittiiirefiiitii2re"r"i, Axum IlmiRliSr Bind Initial Meeting With e festive air of gaiertr M " Wrath? Instituted by Mm. the nine time with a ditptiBed spirit zme " Which Local Gar. of responsibility the Brat meeting of dens Eligible the Children of the American Revo- --- lution " the home of Mrs. Orren B. The following announcement has Peabody, 268 Moraine mad last teat- been received from the Woman's ,urdny afternoon marked the launch- Home Companion by local promoters ine of this new society in Bitrhiand. of the municipal rose garden plan. Park. “A “A. ....:_- " .1 Mn s, _a-_, a L Deertiehr Schools to q Hold Election April 11 Miss Edith Cullom of Chicago, the state organising director, talked in- formsuy to the children and, their parents about their work and of the other 12,000 children who are shady members of this society. Then follow- .ed an election of otfieera. June: Gar- nett was elected president, with P:- 1argairiiamsshe Juattodar--teeatsr- urer; and Eleanor Austin, as record- ing peel-em, ""= _._,.____ - mrs "ihe"_er -3-.aW-"-.,- The firemen were eaiIardB the . Courtrtttttam Ben}.- Conttrmattttet amnion service- will be held " tit. John's Enngelical church Sunday night it 1:80 o'clock. This is pomethin; now. Come, Ito.. What!“ In)“ gtturultt a-ttte. 1* igs."u'2C-, .'C' r. "c-:L'savaas-ztacric, Reservations , for the luncheon 1iytuid roach In. George Bliss, 522 North Linden avenue, not later than The "ii-ins luncheon and ennui meeting of the Highlend Park Wom- an’s club will be Tuesdu'y, April 21. The luncheon will be followed by re- porters-Fu-tr-i-tr-tr-ttatt hour of song: by Mrs. Arthur Byneld. accompanied by Mrs. Jeanie Wood Sincere. . , An orchestra. new to Ravinin, has been engaged ind promises to be un- usually interesting. -- . 1 7 .,, Woman's Club Spring The committee in charge of the Spring informal to be given by the Ravinia Women's club, Saturday eve: hing, Aphn It, at the Villnge Home, announces ,1:th they shall be able to necept it few more renovations for the party if these are phoned " once to Mrs. Frank GauttrB. P. 1931.‘A goodtime in assured-to those who are planning to attend, with an excellent, supper It midnight. ‘ Spring Informal at IA cash prize 0131.000 is otered by the Women's Home, Companion, to be swardeden-ough the Americsn Rose _ Society to' the local organisation, club, or other association oMealry" desig- nated as muniqipsl rose garden spon- sor in the city, tawnor community which shows the greatest progress with s municipslfrose garden dug!!! "ttrtstrWt8kr1tifittiiiihiiruiitie I; 1981 dnd ehdttTitiiitisriiwr' "31‘,“[93f' ‘Whéther' such 1 rose garden is nlready being made; or St" 'tiittreiTiiWrii" “Twitter publication of this - gtmtottttemttetttorttt not Infect the chances of winning, since judgment will be based wholly upon progress nude within the, speci- tfed time. We hope ’and invite the entry of municipal rose gardens in every stage and condition, from mere, ly plans and blue prints, the very be- trinnintiron â€pet, to those complete- 1rphiiirreif and flnitshed. Iris the bro- gress that the Woman's Home Com- (Continued on page 31) The following announcement has been received from the Women’u Home Companion by loco] promoters of the mmtieipirmse garden plan. Luncheon and Annual _ Meeting on April 21 Ravinia Saturday Nuns: 6