63h "iirmii'fttri"'ift'""i'6iirmmt-iirah6 Junior Drama Workshop of Highland mi and Ravinia, "The Dominic!†whicE iii 'irbiritiaitttVttTmtdii' was: "361mb? tum ant-tttat an: is a very entertaining three-act ploy. and will be the first of its kind to be given here in our community by n group composed entirety of local your“: people. . Mr. Geoffrey Baker of Harvard, Boston, and Chicago, is directing we production and under his eomtrtrtmtt 1nd experienced supervision the cast and numerous assistants but been putting in' my ham of wt work. /rhe out of "The Dover Road? is as follows: __ _ - Domhskh, the butler. -...-..Gta- I. you†Annapurna not: was! - _f__' JUNIOR WORKSHOP TO GIVE PLAY APRIL 18 Mail Hickok: laid tw-tV Pom The women of the Highlgnd' Park Pretrtrrtertirrrehurteh- trttrtotdiartrV of bakery goods nnd home cooked foods at the'parish house on Batura. day, April 11, from ll an. to 3 pan. There will be home baked beans, cod fitrh balls, coffee eakes, angel food and many other kinds of cakes, cook- ies, rolls, breed of every kind, Ind home made dandy. Friends are urged to attend and provide tltemttelvetrwtth week-end "goodies." The proceeds are for the phi1anthropies of the Various organization's of the church. wand Under the direction of Mr. Finch and Mrs. Hannfnga, the Glee ehttis, chorus, band, 'tmromhanstra are work- ing on numbers they are planninng present. 66rl _ "ri" Pprottiv Bowen, former ttrad- uate of Deerfietd-Shietds, will sing several solos. "', The program will be divided Into foni groups. First the orchestrn will present s group "ot minibus, 1011on by Miaa..Bowen. Then the glee clubs and chorus will give. their, share of 'the entertainment, with the had of- fering the concluding numbers. Card Party April " I . The Sheridan Rebequ lodge nre sponsoring . public curd put: on loudly 1:3:th April it†Odd PM, I W. '. Pris-0.. ist -JMM. .. With 183 membersaof the various musical ortranimrtiopw participating, the annual spring concert at the Deerfield-Shields high school will be presented April-17. P bout of "matte-the members. Food Sale Saturday Presbyterian Church H. S. Spring Concert _ to Be Held April 17 The hunt contains sixty members, forty-eight student: play in the or- The Dover Road," by Milne Has Been Selected; Sup- ",e,qs,,a.,,atrgLM,JlttattL,,,es.,,,, C.CCr,,LCfL'C..,rLC.L.d.....C, Donald Vuthn ..--,.L---r-d:.---. lanai]: 3.7 an ci..----------. Itettatttatt. Thescene is the balls! an Elisa (Continua! on page 31) ' who think: In an glujt to her 1t=.CLi.Tc..LLc.:L'cC.r. ‘m m . . neglected vib..ln. new Jacob-I . . â€We hehdgr -- - _ m To Bold Conutmnity Marble Tournament l Apr. 15, Sunset Park The community marble toumment wttttsetretdonttteteesniseourtant' Sunset Park on Wedge-thy, April " ,teA:Ptetr-At1rtA,c - _rty,t.trs.,qi,elt,-yt boys of the 3rd. 4th and 5th (rules at school, and ‘another for boys of the 6th, either"! ttth, grades; also a class for girls from ntl nudes; Suit- able prim will begim thou win- ning fuse, mend, and third pieces in the tournunent. For men: weeks now these young marble shooter's have been trmetieintt for thin big event. They have, in most instances, been successful in winning places in their local school meets and now are ready to try for Winners in this tournament may compete in the state ltr, natioqal meets. . . The marble tournament is one of severe] outdoor _com1_nunity meets 4rlaami,att-aasMUa.atsU-aEaarr-arrs earl; nndo1aygrttuttd mu. Others include the kite fbintr,,tournnment, mentioned elsewhere in this week’s Press. and the baseball pitching contest now be- ing planned!†eel-1y in May. The firatt kite flrintt contest will take -pleee Saturday, -- _ April-- tl-,- at 9:30. The eontest is being sponsored by the Park board and Community Service; Inc. Mttterialirutd inatrue- tions will be provided’ to the contest- ants at the shelter houses at Burton avenue, Sunset park, and Port Clin- ton playground. These shelter houses will 'also be operifor use as workshobs every Saturday from now until the day of the contest.’ r--'" the city championship. There. will‘be 'two divisions: the junior division for children under thirteen years of sue, and the senior 2ttt, for, those over thirteen, In order; enter this equtest the eon- testsnts are required to fill out an en- try blank. These bleak: they be ob- tained at the shelter houses. Prizes will be offered for the Ingest kite that flies, the smallest kite that tties, the most novel kite, the most artistic kite, the highest ttvide kite, the best baa kite. the but “mummy! kites, and the Jrite with the strongest pull. Kite Flying Contest _. f To Be. Held Saturday; . Park Board Sponsor The manual tmintntr.departrnents of the Highland Park, Ravinia, Deer- bsW,' Highwod, and Lake Forest schools are doling special work on kites. . _ Mr. Hurry L. Allen, director»! ffttrytt.yp)f,r_gerrie, Inca 1ig_t1ryttdtttttr, Iain“. content. 31’. win be'misted by Howard Copp. T ,. t Bakery Sale April " _ _ at Lincoln Market Girl Sch!“ of troqp 2 are having a bakery ale on Saturday; April li, in the Linton: market. The “I. will begin at 10 o'clock. Cakes, cookies, bread, candy and other' homcamde things yin le'on "u, The people; an ill. _ m,wm s"lfit'l'r2'lf, '..?,,8rl5,1, '. .., 7. , -- _1.. _ ---_-, THE .On Thursday, April 9, " 2:80 o'eioek the North Shore chapter of tho Daughter: of the American Raw; magnumsm ite, 7 _ _er-estittl.!.lt, road. . _ ' ' Annual D. A. R. Musicale To Be Held On April 9 Home of Mrs. Shipnes Thir will ho the annual musical at which time the D. A.9., extend: its hospitality to their. guest: by present- ing Mary Kimball von ’Shee‘ndem, soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Joule Wood Sincere, and Miss-Shirley Mrs Kay, pianist, All talented young oft- jsts of Highland Park. T T Assisting Mrsahipnes will M Mrs. George W. Rossetter, Mrs. Gordon Buchanan, Mrs. Arthur F. Brikrld, Mrs. Harry D. anon, and Mrs. Fran- cis L. Gehr. . . At the Oak Terrace school, High- mro.d,-Athe--qaa-r-httbou-Aasest't'itav,-us held April “rim-$306 p.451..- Ahaw didates include seven men and two women; n: followmfo: president of the-board, Hrs. Hue] Chapman and Guy Viti; formiembem of the board, MA. Ruth Rtrok Rogers, David 0!- son, Gabrielle Doretti, Dr. N. C. Ru. jord, Frank Smith, Albert B.ork, Chas. E. Peterson.. ' _ - _ OakTerraee School Election Saturday . In the Highland Park East Park board election on Tuesday, April T, Mitten J.3hrrdnrre, and 101m Hilde,“ werere-eleeted members of the board without opposition. The votes/mt in the font voting places were " fol- lows: _ _The Ravinis P. T.. A. will hold a brief business meeting including the election of others, on Thursday tvt: ning, April 14, in the Village House; after which the parents are invited to the clue rooms where the work of the children will be on exhibition. The teachers will be glad to explain any phase of the work to the parents or talkHteer any problems. . - eeV ~ Hardacre and Udell Are _ - c,., Elected, to_ParkBoard Ravinia P.. T. A. Will _ Elect officers April 14 Plans Under Way for , ----.- AnnuaLCleaLitrwesgs, For M. J. Ihsrdaere--5'irst precinct, 170; second, 68; third, 12trp fourth, IV, total, 371. . . For John lk ahull--rrtrttatrxttstrtetr 170; second; 68; third,r104t fourth, T; tonal. 349. Any “we tulip or plant which is spoiling tut "ell-planned color scheme in your garden hill find a home not quite no particular in Ar. den Share. Ora honeysuckle or phil" too large will add (teat 'be'auty and 19in 1ttttitensttrttble ,tspreeiittloii than. Many tterdettertt are weeding out Ind, clearing np‘thoir border- " this time. If you find plants or shrubs you do not and. pin» number. Ar.- 1tfE9ttrrrti.j3Jttd - Mi um. I; K. am__uey will hand 19th“ POINTS ADVANTAGE OF CIVIL SERVICE 11?N NI I g tlg; r' *- " e Stiffâ€??? ‘91:". ___ pin}. .; its". 'i'"s%rce'aiiiil'i'i2 5133;}. land Park at the coming city election, April 21, for Mention, the mem- hem of hath the police and firts de- pal-twent- wish unequal!“ the peo- ple of this city with the desirability of Civil Serviee," said Fire Chief Ed- ward C. Hosting yesterdty, “as we all feel that it will put both depart- ments on a sound business hula. tm- der uniform rules and regulations. "Under Civil Service,†explained by Chief Hashim, “all applicants for either police or tlm department duty will be required to was both yhysical and mental examinations and will be rated according to their ability. thus assuring the men taking the exami- nations of a" fair and irt.oartitrrmst- ing. Both departments arxr.imtrttt-, mtmmmvam personnel Homesejenaxtmentsi must be of the highest physical and mental types; by Civil Service this will be aairiiiikUrji -daartiiiii,-iiiaii ‘Civil Service the men may look foiwartLtrr advancing themselves to the grade that their abilities allow whenever vacancies occur, thus insuring- the men of an opportunity to advance themselves. _ V _ T Fire Chief Explains Vahie of Plan; To Be Voted on at City 1319mm _ . . "Ninety per cent of the men," con. tinned Chief Hooking, "are married gallium»! Janice lutheir de- partment. They carry their respon- sibilities in an honest and upright manner and feel that with the adop- tion of civil service the department will be â€priced wrt a" per with other cities in our state, The residents of Highland Park can assist in this im- potrttutt.itsaue brvotine in favor-of the Eivil service act. Both of the de- partments have enjoyed the respect end eonfidenee of ottt city ofBeails both past and "present; and- do not gist: tocreate the impression‘that either, department has been unfairly treated." _ I . W. J. Obee Thanks His . Supporters fir Their ' Aid in Town Election. maximal Park; April ft, 1931 . To. all of'the people of the town- ship of Ireetfutd, run this oppor- , tunity to thank you, in the name of , myself, and the other members of the Citizens ticket, who- you on Tues- . day, April , elected to serve you as trtttt1hsa-ter,satrarnrerristrr,----d-tvs-- - sietsnt supervisors for the variaus, terms and will further assure you that ‘we will. to the beat of our ability ,gtcttttrttrrettess,, Km you The†Irest serviced)“ is possible for is to give, both as county and township oMeers. Anni "thanking you for" your exprm- sion of eontUenee, you by your votes have expmeed, I um, Very St, you-public servant. Open New mice T V Dr. R. B. Juks nnd"Dr. Ban announce the opening of new? ol and x-ray tnttotatorUs in the N Show Tum trt.1iipt1tr.lryl.i1te/1, fog-munch: in u 1611.8»: m..- M“. "_-e-.....---.'. Jd,-,,,:,.,.,,"..,, Thuruni, April tr, 1931 tttfi om M h of -Ntelr, to posith ntent; an no tmet 1 ed with- arugula As . I performtl supervise ber that â€Name term». economy, ciples. ' . I wish formed that I I the am Evan De I wish' expreuin the citiu the, hone, me by. e visor, an in High! and ttthm day, t In ttt Will edgt for the g ble and a of the o! "arri - 1.7.?!) Old In I MmL,,.m. tntion ,0 continue M .&, “Mm lim. Mr. S In In Nichol-o Derrick“ Ch0drmi--i kle" on the ache Hm Van Vin-(cl Villa-e w TOG This lt dam: toiiiii.) of the I work to: to baron in thr" of â€â€˜9 at hoping f of all th sioh fee Rip VII , Katrin- W; Parka y Hendrick I Thu-Ida Upper with How Girl