Mayor Nunez Ravinia Garden Club Sponsor Rose Garden Contest By his signature to the exrrtiiiente provided with "W6ititiik Rania ‘Cé'nia: pinion, Mayor Lewis has appointed the Raviaia (Pardon club the 'Dmcial "'"th'iii'ith'itiiTii has; had by the Woman's Home Companion and pro- vides a prize of $1,000.00 for the Irunietpar Ross Garden which makes the greatest progress from June 1, Hp-i-D-ttee-NV-i-With-ttur aithnsiastlc support of thas city he- hind them the Ravlnia Garden club alters may“ with the greatest con-; Mem- "s Material expression of this support is expected " the Garden Fair being given on Saturday, May 9, all day at Ravinia Station park, to raise the necessary funds for the start ot‘thc rose garden. _ Plans for the fair are almost com- pleted, and in next week’s n%nte we hope to tell the children all the in- "'t would not have you loosen atten- lon in the American Role Annual to he developed "ttfetal tones, or re- luce the ewe devoted to breeding; 1tt Why not set going a reader plan tt illustrate and deftly ducribe e. ertain number of wild untouched. md, perhaps, "tmprontfsittg" men, M the Place: where they live, in V??? issue, until you shell eventually ryttr to our people the great joys of one; that are really at home t" , The following qmttntion.frotit the pen of Dr. Liberty Rowe Bailey, writ- ten" in: 1925, and >W=h~4ht American Rm was! af that you. Expresses the idea the Ravinia Gate.. ion club has in. mind in planning this garden. Dr. Bailey is America's “most editor and educator†and his endorse.. ment means much to any community. “In rose literature'there is, to me, rcertsin essential lack. Great na- me is the background against which ill of us, should work and set our ives. ' I admire, the wonderful horti- :ultuml roses, and marvel " the pa- ience under which they have been mrdueed and the skill that enters in- 'd) the cultivation of them. I look, For many more novelties, with com-f iinations of qualities we do not yet; brsee. I often wonder what will bel he riches of the rose-lover of one mndred years from now. And yet, if I were to make a rose- tarden for myself, it would not be If the formal tteat-ns-a-pin kind. I would want a tmct of upland sloping lown to a marsh; and there I would :olonize with a liberal hand the na- ive roses of many countries together with such old self-perpetuating tar- len races as would be at home in hose associations. I would want ther shrubs with them, .Ech shrubs It freem- thnt when Comm isn’t mm: Ibout something to drink it I Pr1titta1roiaostteihiet. to, out. " l them some way to introduce PM} vitamins or a kick into ora- ' new rattan-ally with the†TOGO! there they - wild. The wild birds vould love this Men, and children would run through it and feel It tome. I In! Wham. Thursday, April 16, 1981 COMMISSIONER Robert Goreenallladle Independent Candidate THE PRE Highland Park Highland Park for " It] a?