Thumdnr, April 10. 198t Art omtstmllrfhte assortment of home appliances has learn, assembled for thirsr?eeiial Spring Swelling. All of them are new models "by well-known manufacturers. Here's your chance, to ‘Buy some of the "ct'shrepunces you've wanted a longtime at material savings. "Little by Little" purchase terms, if' you like. Among the Spring Specials are: ' . "SPRING SPECIALS" DO COME OVER! *YOU’L‘L.‘ FIND“ JtirSTO' J," ii, tttth. OF . e ' TlP-AND-TURN TOASTER . . (by Hotpoint) . . . attractive and very pale. . tied. Chrotneplated. A $12 voluo~cosh, only $8.95 (by Manning-Bowman) . . . ftnUhed in shining dimmploh. A $6 vrthte--eelt, only . . . . $3095 with tttttttmatte temperature signal . . . am kind in chromoplafe. A $12.59 vahre--eash _ ($1 down) Also SPECIAL ALLOWANCES on washing machines, electric cleaners and twfontttfk electn‘ci compute with tray and four black and crys- tal .99 cups. A $10 value-tcash . . . . . . $6.95 6-CUP TABLE -PERCOLArOR . . . MANKSCRAFT EGG COOKER . . q HOTPOIN'I' WAFFLE IRON . . PRICED VERY LOW ($1 down) ($1 down) Joseph W. _ District Hm . bum Illinois --.. t, L. E. Huron, District “prism: " South " John. Ann-o _ 1“;th PUBLIC SERVICECOMPANY or NORTHERN [Luann $8.85 I'll Pill. -l-..'-l-e.."'W.. “»“-"‘;-‘_x"' c' -l-..el-e-.'e.."'..'.'-'. "", z, ' _ ' .--...-.--_.-----. a navy assortment of 0mm models with porchlpom ,eyritilrjrttAit,. YiirteiiilLirkrd.' . . with 'roreoloitt-topp'ed Mb}. eatihtet and two aluminum bowls. A .532 vore--.eout ($2.24 down) . white bowl decorated in green, blue or black with drop cord and outlet-east,, only ($1 'down) FLOOR AND TABLE LAMPS . . . fisr frying . . . toasting sandwiches . . . and baking wetffUs. A $16 Vout-cash .,. . . $13-50 KITCHEN LIGHTING BOWL . . SUNBEAM ELECTRIC MIXER QUEEN TABLE GR‘IlI... "tttand Park N ($1.11 down) $24.75 -Pree.qlP'e_.P....T. .. 'A F Fr', t--i- ll