The , ' T Howard-Udell Cafeteria Willow Road Wilmette 900 Winnetka, Ill. Phones Winnetka 865 Willow Road PETROLEUM COMPANY COMMERCE FUEL OILS that more than meet the trfellieationa, m,cce,,gttCmtJlbtgrvauuttagurtgttii-,,,,.:, Long counters laden with steaming ditlesr--cool, crispy salads, dainty desserts and patrtrits-krentarhatge array of appetuitttas-u-tempt your iiimetites-at reasonable prices. IN THE UDELL BUILDING , o l a?†WWW I f 'iii' _jitjr2),i.t, 'teat ‘Q; fur, li / ', T" a , ' ' i . " h ‘ , , I - l I r . ' I . F t' l - Ill, If! Modern Plumbing and Room new: 0M1]; 61m, 10!)â€;an mm BUILDING 360 CENTRAL AVENUE Sher B P. 1404 Res. B. P. 489-1342 No modern advancement in the home eontributes the year-round comfort, "tiifiettott and 'lt"iu,",,i't go with modern Plumbing. lpride in an up-to-dnte kitehea--the p ensure of a perfectly appbinted bathroom-the fi'ht,'hTioye'trgteggrd inherent re- liahilim. modem My inst'dIed. Our estimate wifl interest you. Moran Brothers HOME LUXURY.' §D. Thomas, Assessor O. W. Farley, ma other ofBeiah, of, the Town of Zion last week were fll_tt1_ir1_t1irrAt..t, -airrTrirburiirfirf tariiiiG' and other Zion Independents who lost in their effort to enjoin the town elections in Zion and Benton. ‘The bill cona and: that an “leg-elk constituted, city administration in Zion petitioned the dividing the original town of Ben-l ton. . Qua warranto tmieeedihgt question- ing ther eight- uof-, Supervisor-3.51%.- Thompson, Assistant Supervisor John Exibe The entire state reported 6,992 miles of open ditches, 1,107 miles of levees and dikes. tad 4,825 miles of tile drains. t ' T . ' ., Question Rights of c. _ _ Zion Town ot1ttiah, Pioin 3919 ‘to 1929, which was cov- "e"d-hryyrhartremrtttrcttttrtrre" trs creuc of ‘operating enterprises in the entire state from 3,909,049 to 5,034,- 122, or an increase of 28.8 per cent during the ten-year period. During 1929, wear-ding to the cen- sus reports, 29,766 acres of had were mod for plating in the county, with an, investment of $1,176,372. BATTERIES B E C K E R Battery Service DISTRIBUTORS In addition to the emount there ere 4,176 partly drained acres which are suitable for partial crops, and 8A80 urea mm}: for crops because of the lack of drainage. Lake county bad a total of 37.459 It“! of had in drainege enterprises. . There are 29,784 acre: of drained land in Luke county fit for normal crop. this year, according to the 1980 canâ€: ot 1miegpraertuter1, Ruth UMMWW "North M. John Avenue Iommerce Department Report on Lake County Agricultural Acreage J. SETH JUNK PHONE HIGHLAND PARK " :mm. 1EigMeatd Put TELEPHONE 410 Lawn-o'c- Sharpen“- Now is the time to have your lawn"- mawct sharpened. ' Ptg?tttflr90._.gtttm aiwcmfrdiiinnrl‘"f~zw Adv. Dr. Charles Haber, county. plum- cian, visited North Chicm and (no the preventive serum to n largo num- ber of. students. Since the Bttht was started in North Chicago to combat the smallpox tir, demic. more than 1.000 grade school pupils and adults have been vaccinat- ed and scores of homes and school buildings have been thoroughly fumi- ttated. . Dr. A. E. Budde, city health phy- sician, stated that up to the middle of last week he had vaccinated TOO grade school pupils of the Lindberg and North schools and a few from Cen- tral school as well as TO adults. Many N. Chicago Pupils Vaccinated to Combat Smallpox; Scare Subsides As Chindblom long bu been recog- nized a one of the powers in the administration his ‘a‘trength behind the Britten movement is considered of decided value to the effort to make en Illinois man the next speaker. With ChiMl*tiip_tNk_itgrtst ere "RttrrtieT1ttiitri'eitaiiE R, Reid, Au- rora; 17ilWiit E. Bull," Pectin, and Charles Adkins, Decatur. Congressmen Carl R. Chindblom, representing the Lake county district in .‘congress Inst week swung his strength bath of Cengressmnn Fred Britten of Chicago, for speaker of the house to succeed the lste Nicholas Longworth of Cincinnati, 0., .three times speaker. Plans .call for widening from 18 to 20 feet, widening one foot with brick on each side of the concrete, and resurfacing-in between with brick. Those protesting desire use of con- crete, chiming that u brick pgvemegt will becombumpy through frosts.- _ Chindblom Is Reported Aiding Britten in Big -___._fl,rutdidarrtor.Srteaher on Route No. 20, Vole to Gnyllnke, 6.32 miles. Gunmen forthe resur- facing on the Roosevelt road and on gout; 13.9... 2Ctrarscreportad Janka week HF . " D_H,,,#_ The object of these concerted ob- jections itr"thatt brick is not consid- ered a good material for this improve- ment project. Several bids hue been received for this 'work by the high- way department " Springfield. iunontr them being tltttftt11sirttttrs, tV_. The aesttrfaerttit" iir-iu Roosevelt road between 1hrEatty aid tlie Ogle county line, 7.52 mites, and on the Lincoln highway; Chicago Heights to the Cook county line, 5.24 miles, end In line with the objection ofa dele- gation from Lake county to the re- surfacing of part of Green Bay road t1trathruuu6ti 't Titian orCiiiiiiiriii'd rt has nitro entered n protest at thMtttrfietd. The Elgin Association of Com- merce, the Eight Motor club and Meyer Earle B. Kelley of Elgin have Already voiced their objections. Further Protests: Over Resurfacing Highways With Brick Reported “My. April as. 1931 E l “About BE prevent the ftu prenata tram" t the lat! pares --"'ht-a 1y at' I tions," The held at follows and, 21 Rocldo its die in the per cm istered locally health tions. will ht Mum step h with ti the hi; nail. Foul institu plus I Stat Than Ada We "