at!» mm Wk 'reel memuumc. “wmmcm. mu. Enter“ up ml, LL! Chicano can: ' N. Nicklaus Ave. trtat. can summon PIICI 33.00 P. "" All otrmam.tatust8tyt. but be main! by the tg1ute, addu- of tho writs. Ambler“ _ no: nut 1-1-33wa www.mpiumhmuh Whit. tt-otrtstr-ret.dtitet.. and: of thai, m. nireiuoee-htmmst. orother - when an “alumna an!" is unb- lhhod, will be ottarlod a - ndvertV. Vol. to ing The Presbyterian Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. H. C. Howe: id Brterhill road, Deerfield, with Miss Laura Sweetiand, assisting, on Tues- day afternoon at 2:30 o'eloek. A musi- cal program is being prepared. AAll 500 club Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs; Frank Wal, of North Green Bay road. . ‘ T Mitts' Betty Ludwig of South Green Bay road is a member of the cast, "8eoow"to be presented by the Mitltinhtrrpdt- Alumnae,' Friday. eve- mug, . The Young Women’s club of the Presbyterian church will make an in- sipeetion of the work being done in tlteWttWHtttrse-ort ~Â¥mad§yremingr - Mrs. John I. Marshall of 140 Pros- pect avenue, returned from Florida on Saturday tttlt and ittptoppintt at the Moraine hoterorn few days, while the is opening her home for the summer. a Mi. Herbdrt Osbum of Chicago, is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rankih of Vine avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pimtire of Funston avenue, are receiving con- gratulations on the birth of a son, born at, the Highland Park hospital on Friday,'Apri1 17. ' _ "Mr. and Mrs. George Rouse of North Green Bay maul are the hppy pal-eats of ibubyggiel; bow-arm day, April 19 at the Highland Park hospital. Mid-7. April 23. 1931 Mr. and Mrs. David Mayer ‘of Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe, are rejoic- ing over the birth' of 1 baby girl born at the Highlnnd Park hospital on nduy, April 19. _ . iiit,, and Mrs. Arthur. Thurston of b ie avenue are the happy parents of a baby girl, born on Sunday, April Mr. and Mm. Vivian Pagan of South Sher-lam road "momma the birth of n baby girl, born on Wedneso day, April 22, at the Highland Park hospital. Mr. ttttd In. George Jones as fir- ing to Ephraim, Wis., on Thuroday to be the Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Vail. The pilot of the plane in which they will ride is the mun who piloted Amelia Earhrt on her Mght. t _ - Miss Annette Jones end Mm. Stew- art ere spending six ometttt, at At- lantic City. Allen Jones is living " a (Mono .clnb flaring “in Jonu’ enum' l . "Q Walt?! cT.estttr.Ar.ttlryt,, 1trrl .o14e at loft club. 'ihiiitriimrifritrrrbr or net was: m: UDILL PWWG @011er m w A“ w rut. " Tel.†MUN-d Put “1m“ " tidiaii -__H "61.3";an WELT": ttte 'oytit__1tALe .9 EQUALW G ime' ot' tie with)": Itttk April 28, 1981 No.8 Min Adele M. Everett in spending this week in Hinsdale, the guest of Mr. and hire. R. W. Lamb. Lois Zahn entertained twenty-seven birthday party at her home on South Sheridan mad Saturday. All sorts of games were phyed and Movies were 3.139â€. _ A d#reiouts luncheon was _ Mr. Fred Rubly was pleunntly sur- prised at his home' on Gleneoe hvenue on Saturday evening when a num- ber of friends came to help him cele- brate his birthday anniversary. Cards were plated " tive tables. 4 In. Witter Cope spent a few days of last week with her son Junior in Champaign, Ill. 7 7 MrI'ahd Mrs. Charles Zahn and fatttilt will spend the week-end at their hammer home at _Twin Lakes, Wis. "." Miss Isabelle O'Brien of North Sheridan read is in the Highland Park hospital suffering from a broken hip which she received in a fall in her aloatraieeV-, --_rt __ "e' 7. --; e, W, _--,-"' Mitzi Mae Siljestrom is entertaining the members of her bridge club to- morrow (Friday) evening. Mr. Anthony Schinler of the High- land, Park State bank he; igtt re- turned trom a two weeks' Vacation in the east where he visited relatives and. friends in Philadelphia and New York. ' . V _ . Ravi .Knrl "c Roth, .413. Glenna. avenue, returned q6nidist _ from T Chilli- eothe,_Ohio, where he had been called to conduct the funeral services for Mr. Pinkney Brewer Sr., a member of his former congregation. While in '0Tirii" 2irf." Rbi-iris-is-ite- Siiitiriiretttt Mrs. ‘Roth, who is visiting her par- ents in Wapakoneta, Ohio. - Mrs. gotia C. Fey is entertaining members of her bridge club this " ternoon. _ A number of friends of Stanton St. Peter came in on Saturday night to give him a bon voyage party. Games of all sorts were played and a general good time enjoyed. Stanton left on Monday for New York to sail Wed- nesday for a_-year in England. -. _ 'f_Bobtty" Bosworth entertained 12 little girls on Saturday at her home on Lincolnwood drive. It was Bob- by’s tenth birthday. All the little guests present-report the best the ever. The table decorations were Jap- . _ Mn, Helen C. Golden, of 122 Mes Govern street, was a weekend guest 'of Mr. and Mrs. B. Harrison Norris of Oak Perk. w, _ 1 JEr, and My; Frank J. Conrad and aware; Arlene were 81:!!qu of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conrad of 128 McGovern street. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Maison and two children of Lambert Tree road; are spending this month in Florida. They plan to 'return about May lat. . Virginia Wilson in company with her grandmother, Hrs. P. W. Ken- key, is spending this week visiting renting in Kama City. Mr. S. T. Rebling was taken to the West Side hospital, Chicago, on Sun- (by, where he will' undergo trest- menu Card Party May 6 The American Legion Auxiliary. unit of Highwood is sponsoring a pub- lie cud party at the St. James hull, Highwood on Wednesday evening, my It at 8 o'eloek. Tickets any be iiiiikg mm, 39%th 19mm or iiiy'hi bug-M arm (loaf-{ha arriaeautitgitgurttgt,,a, -..~_ QM; TH! PRESS “Runny†Wampkr of Cary ave- nae yin operated on for appendieitia in the Highland Park hospital last week. . H. is cutting dons very nice- Is.,..--,.......-,,....-,.-,..-.-,.,.,-. Mrs. Helen' C. Golden will attend n Theta Sigma Phi luncheon Monday at the home of Mrs. LeRoy Kuhn, M'Pme street, Winnetka, given in ttlt5cii,idi'tt;iictlti, Tl e i'CrliiN , , _i5tiltt-)1ta f in New York. e iiireiitii"%mi' 'tiii Theta Kids. Dr. Beulah Nelson of Chicago, Mr. F. Vance Nelson and daughter Hu- rjet and Harold Evans motored to Lali'avette And Indianapolis, Ind., last week-end where they visited relatives and friends. Mr: and Mrs. Carleton Vail are leaving Thursday for Ephriam, Wis., when they will spend I few weeks. Miss Edith Hanson) Henry Hanson aiiiriri., Oscar Iverson spent†an! week-end visiting minivan irr0eotrou mowoctd .- M _ . Mr. end Mrs. Albert Larson enter- tained the members of, their tive hun.. dred club on Saturday at their home on South .Green Bay road. There were three tables. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wahl and Mr. and _ Mrs. Rohert Evans were the weék-end visitors of relatives: in Woodville, Wis. I Mrtc, Hearse _9owden.-hcuumtinssdcto his home with the mumps. _hrrs, I,, Rasmussen, formant: oi mallard Park miw of Visirfiistd, is entertaining at bridge tomorrow af. Mr. and Mrs ‘Walter Rietz arid two children are spending a few weeks in the south and _Washintrton, D.C. They plarrto return to, their home on Woodland avenue Sunday. Mr. Walteeresler’ and Milton Ru- dolph returned Sunday from a three- week’s motor trip to New York. Mrs. Lester Wobds and daughter Beryle of Chicago were the guests for several days last week at the W. E. mmiiiir hdinis" 6ifiiisttirN avenue: Mrs. George Healer of Beverly place will entertain her bridge club tomorrow night (Friday). Junior. Golden is spending a few days this week visiting his aunt and uncle, the Frank J.Aknrads in Rog- ers Park. . . North Shore Trust Company That Vacation Trip A. sp1all amgunt ' deposited iiiiiTiirTy -ii.iilsiisidiiriittiitin MBure you a pleaynt va- éation trip each year. BANK as “Hospital Day" at the North Chi- cago Veterans' Bureau Hewitt}. it was announced by Bob Gallic, hospi- tal chairman, at the â€gum district meeting of the Lake County'Couneil American Legion, at Lake Fora-t, April 17th. 7 _ LAKE FOREST POST HOST TO COUNCIL Lake Co. Legion Group Meets Friday Night; Hospital . Day Announced " The grounds will be opened to the public. Races and contest: by pa- tients of the hosptal will tofu! a ma- jor portion of the dny’s ovititii.' Var- ious features to entertain them are planned, such us band "e"iieeurtas,' drills, and martial tunes by severe! bugle and drum corps. , , "f __, May Change Beastitdur'r _ "aririiWgiriiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiriC6T%iiEirWir6: est read a recent report of anim- portant change in the veterans' lav, whereby a Veteran may clung. hits beneiieitsry on compensation and hr. surtutde'in 'his will. This iriiI Slim; "mate, nanny- dutresaing-, {estates ttf the former law. ' Dr. Samuel S. Cohen will conduct the services next Sunday morning, April 26th, at ll;00 o'eiitek, at the North Shore Congregation Israel, Lin- coln and Vernon avenues, Glgncm'l'he subject of 'Dr. cohon'ro1mitdt will be: "The Fires of the Arte." . _All are welcomed. _ . 7 Membership is expected to â€reach the quota' set by'trtarte otBeuU,, Bruno Henderson of Waukegan reported. He meet? Homer Dahrimr Ittqt 91, Air, (Continued on page 18) The Legion will donate prizes to winiiers of events and the Againâ€? has promised flowers and potted plants to the various ward: in honor of the day., _ Dr. S. S. Cohon Speaks , At Glencoe Church JiiGghal w. [and a-.-