Thursday, April 80, 1981 h/tAR-Sl-ous-ls, F E-ICI)- ~&*C.MPANY F"ANSTON STORE . CHURCH AND SHERMAN 'rose or within with new lace. fitted lines, sludow- proof panel in belt . . . faint? embroidery to fin. . it. _ Right An en the p: comes and is Above Buy any type of lingerie you like in this wonderful selling costume envelope cheqtisg pantie style, wh I tn tau I trimmed attractive slip nemng, In Vie; which rose only i with the I soft lace. teal ‘ _ ql1llih V " . _ ‘ , . - / Cl tit' (e::,, ll . All Decennial Values... . featuring prices lower than the level of I920-2l, qualify for qualify LINGERIE TH! Pill! Every Piece $3.45 A gown of French finish - in ten-mo or blue, trimmed with in. tuck- nnd hemuitehing. A Iplcndid value, moot “- motive. or white cape. with Aloncon I corn hoe. Pattie Above _ A, durum); tandem: Left noon patterned Pattie drawers, ll sl m qr