Mr; Hwrtrd R. Will ind family of Deere Park were the guests lust week " the Netherlands Plaza hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio. l hfiyy-rr_e1eer-carr,-, dmghter " Mr. and Mrruiixair, of 916 Lineoh avenue, is taking part in the May party to be given at Rockford col- lege, Thursday,.M|y 23. . . .2 Dim't forget the Pi Delta card party on Thursday evening,-May 21 at 8 o'clock. wPlan to attend and have a good time. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brace of Packwaukee, Wis., are visiting' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chrles Brace tf Bloom street, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vail and son, Bloss, returned last week from a mo- tor trip through North. and South Carolina and a dew 'of the eastern states. » _ . Mr. Ralph Ben! and son, Georgie, returned last "Friday from the Bard. plantation in Randolph, Virginieiygei '/mrriii"rittiriiiiriir"iiii'siiirirdtw after spending the past six weeks tn Vir- ginia. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vail and son, Bloss, returned last week from a mo- Mr. and Mrs. Axel Lia,; iilvGe- turned from a three Weeks motor trip thrytutrh Louisiana and Florida.» 1rhCPr'tisriirii are giving I card o'clock It the Y. W. C. A. A good time is assured all'who attend. Ticks â€ft? may Be Bad from nny Pi Delta members or may-be purchased at the door the evening of the party. - " The-Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Siemsen of Laurel avenue, announce the birth of 'a baby girl, born Friday, April 24. r --"-e"""""" I DRESSMAKING Miss Mercy B. Hooker of this city, president of the Oberlin Woman's club of Chicago, was hostess " the Oberlin Alumnae luneheon, given by -thsr--oberiirr-Aimnnae association of Illinois, in the I'lorentine room of tltt..9yettt1uly2tel Lthgt Eugene» Miss Lenin Perry, senior girl’s adviser, " the Durham-Shields high s e h o o l, spent her spring vscep tisiiiNHttrtatttttets. in maniac; mi: Perry, whose home is in Wilmette, he issued invitations for I 1 o'eloek luncheon " the Georgian hotel on Search!!!†2. ', s CCC.' 1 e "t hdtdsittqe annual "eaten-'0! ones“ lest Thursday evening. The following were elected into omce: Dorothy _Sintptron,atresident; Carolyn "athoff, viee-pregidek, Mrs. Emily lurks, secretary; and Ethel Kreh, treasurer. These are all hold-overs from last year excepting the president and viee-, president, who have exchanged offieea) for the coming year. l Made to suit your Individuality. Only the finest of -- 'Workmanship. _ (eit Street-Attention Given Details. Remodeling _ Altering 7 Coilette Soeurs Coats Highland Park Locals Thursday, April 80, 1981 Winneth 1011 Wraps Suits Gow‘hs Moths . . .* "thrtyit't'ic'ti"" ', moblllZIHgâ€"gua rd your wardrobe with "l,,, ttssh,, q MIRACLEAN Phone Highland Park THE PRESS Moths detest fur and fabric that have beenatiraeleaned. Befdre you store tiirruoirjrtiiit'giuaiisats or Other wool, *éï¬Ã©mave‘ï¬s'iéï¬avéiii£116 "5813614 it's the soil that tickles moth arise- tites and jnspirestheii, orgies of de.. struction. It's sensible to send things without delay---before moths have a chance to mobilize. ' INC. Furs, woolen mutants. blankets-in fact, every- thinit"mtetided for sum- mer atom e should be te,? waged in moth, proo bags which we are prepared to furnish free. We Furnish Moth - Proof Bags FREE 18 it m At