in! in. on day an tin. titth Idea my eh toy. dit- ta." hid 981 mi mt 2hi. u. 3tgt the for the av- , I: met £9 1th the rt" .1" 3.: m Thur-day. July 80, 1981 1". IIGADIO I. TIC! OIIVIOI OF NORTH! puny is othrip g tt sort of post-graduate course in cooking ttfitttetetrtd ' __"' tti3tthtiiri. Every ay Itp, Hopgt Seance Jheprgtmeoris daunting the new kid)? in vivid, pnctic'al tetms. ", .. ' List yen, 100,000 womeii ih notihem tiii. nois attended the free schools the Compiny's Home Service Dimmer and her and? of assists um staged. Some of the schools were held in huge Mums, were attended by 3,000 Since the new cookery is so intimately tied /tatt did»: mt 'tass, thing: bare been happen. Ar a 'r. W. New oven; with ento- gtttitid hat" controls ind automatic timers have made cooking less of e sleight-of-hand ttedbmsanat; more a science. There are electric heater: to, mix batters better-in half the time, with one-tenth the effort. Mechan- icnl 'eirigeratiott is coming into common urge endwithitachancewCookwithcold. ' These are developments homemaker, had no notion of e dozen years ago. They played no part in the kitchens where they learned their cooking lessons. The secret ofrolling out puifpaste for apple pie we discovered in an old cook-book. These aeterieksauhe<mdea-ontetrknow.------ T,'dg,fdhtrte'tt,i'a:r,t be men. M butwomeucrsdkmostofthe 350,000,000 meisservedeachymrinthe northern Illinois (Immunities served by the Public Service Com- peny. And they're meals to be proud of, too! The art of routing ham in a brown-sugar crust has been borrowed from the South. A' recipe for feather-light angel food cake his been passed from' one generation to the next. NEW TECHNIQUE FOR 'rytlstbedofaseiestfmeiomtidatttste-tgtiteratieserma Companyof tHeei"atd_theeiri"ritett_Ki-Aiaciaar'ittrauat. Copiaof tgui-a-sarah-ur-aa-iota-c-te, " VatAdemrt, Chag- ..._. _ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY' or NORTHERN ILLINOIS PRIVATE INITIA'I'I Chapter IX I'll PIIBI -=====M=--)MMeeM-:etd. e. But; _b_qcr1srtpfitt: 1rtsptiqiptvrith disagpliances that are making the new era posiibl and its qitimsitr,rithahemdeds of customers, the Company is in at Mawlmoql which to. do a thorou‘ghtpnctic'al job of teaching the new home-lore. And it is proud of its op- portunity to help women, solve their home problems, to :bow than bow thtr an: make T h,, but Wk m 4tlrtas. aude.lettitttD {by an: awxug. (iiiiirriiiiiii'i7Jiii, mâ€"E%€£%>¢&W%#rsmd The Public Service Company is not alone In To keep up with new developments, the Company maintains an experitpettttpt kitchen. Here every recipe the Home Service Depart- ment recommends is thrice-tested. Here new ways of doing old things are evo1ved. Here the appliances offered for sale in Public Serv- ice Stores are used daily to determine their e%criveness. iiostirticrothei. . , . "king for advice-what to serve to a dinner pasty 1rfeight-th9w to can tpinactv-howto iron men's shins on a rainy iron-how to remove an ink stain from ilineniabie runner. The'Home Service Department does not con. fine iisHtivities to meal preparation. It goes mm the dining room and suggests attractiires proper table settings for my function. It goes into the home laundry and demonstrates women-and men. Some were held in little chtutbttidoawhere no: more thin 50 people could be crowded in. Booklets. brimming with recipes were distributed.' All LOCAL GA'ITAI. OLD ART RI ILLINOI‘ "