tri,' Thirrn4iirnht.ieAieiriisuniin groped in the dark for remedies for his patients. Unwittingly, unin- ttI1tityytlly and jn spite of. wrong theories, he often blimdered upon seiyitifie truths - which /our physicians Will hand down through the ages 'to posterity. ' _ _ ROBERT W. PEASE, Pharmacist Fro. Dummy including-Sunday Ono-Ito Chicago North Weston Station HIGHEANDPARK -fiy-r-jto-titt- qtrr---te- jfrhtittt Where Science and Ethics Reign Medicine-Man TELEPHONE HIGHLAND PARK 1800 The Home ‘of Savings Depositors Phone 1 " T You will find that our omeers and staff will give you a hearty welcome when you enter our door, and be glad to give you every assistance in all your financial business. So, come in. We will welcome you. ite""'""' [ In gpiIttl1rpqgll lite, hire much more pleasant it is' 'tiriiFiiiitiiiir"aui'tiiiiir.'" This is the rule of our bank. THE" PRESS COURTESY Frank W. Russo & Co. . . . Here in the' New Gibson is combined all of-ttm tmFrett -trrt trettrtem of electric refrigera- tion in theme» trim. plitUd unmet. Gibson (has its work ’quietly . .. "ieientiy . . . eco- nomieatly. It will pay you to make a special trip down here to in- spect its many futures. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR WHAT YOU EXPECT IN AN A. C. Siewern. Jr. Gihaqn Electric Refrigera to r 533 Central Avenue Highland Park, Ill. IBeautiful in Designiand Finish I Quiet Sgoothneéé I Low Cost IPositive Food Preservation I Unqualified PerfGGialee" I Automatic Tempéfature ,Control I Qilick Freezing I A Below-50 Sara} Ikrroje Food stikiG Capacity , Balanced simplify I Abundance of Ice Cubes Frank W. Russo