ation from the Do, d, mum: their the Chamber of t MitTF6iitiiiRtitf1iii utintr. to Lincoln 1 Contract Let Tnesday evening, 8 p.m., Swedish mications from Coe "Tl".'"."'. _ , )lom were read, Friday evening the Brotherhood :atus of re..routir 'ill meet at the home of Mr. August rough Fht Sherida Lgrson. 445 Oakwood avenue, High- he contract for th and Park. ' road to the 1fighi Monday evening. _Sept.4 14, thel limits has been ‘let hurch board will meet at the church; :ussions were hear t 8 p.m. V l ntemplated entranc -- I k by the State an _ J T outs as outlined _ 'lamtiNtoarsociatio) NEW and NUI IT r for Highland Park: C ind INrrr-Sehncide "m----------------- is, and tlyrttmpg "trehiiie' price of dd be prohibitive t this time; . Post ottite_Bhiir. let made a report ; fhtd.intrs reltitive 9.2 Federal building i 1p iii organizing tyitmWRtW.=" i . V f "mun; - ' "/" __ -.'" ,, _ 7 u ,,___ 7 mp1yment and reli :00 There Irill b9 AI .meétinz AtCthe, _VAnmgqgmgnkg-wwwmwm tertiiretriiir"tiriheie" = Juriz’oi department in the Junidr A Boys' choir rehearsal Friday after- leaders is being ' " room of the 'pgu-ish house. - noon, Sept. 11, at 3:45 o'eloek, inthe I September 15. _. --r---.-.-.-- _ . parish house. _ _ Ang'ust 19. k, and Abt, WGQEQQHLQYQem Ieiley announced eting, which includes testimonies Id been had with Christian Science hailing, in It 8 "the-Park- oek.- Saab? who! it open to employment sit il, between the no! pf few!“ mbility to meet in . and is held Sunday morning gt ith. MnyoiMe "" __, T---------------:--:--"------ Yacre, caused this subject for next Sunduy’s Jason the members were mon, "suutsptee,1' . rt at the October A free public reading rriom is main.. 'iittTWfriifttdrsatfvi feat of discussion' Aygilgbiesites but nion indteated the tld not be tntffiei f Ferdinand Hun I September 15. a: :y appointed J. _ yward Moran -to 1 if both the Chamh trthe, Social Seri m, chairman of ‘mmitteg‘ reported ed "6r'ii"iuiiisiiyriimi 1 Highland Park. muting, Co, has riim)tstottcGrrt,iist M hence in- ‘securing an appropriation from nittee to, work wit“ u 'on this project. 'was instructed td man's I telegram fi, Mon for his 'iid 'tr return to Hi 1 tion was read "trod :ommission on unel‘ rd from my!) Mr. Schneider a, 'ailable site with 1 ' “the deaf Hfsa (IVE Tuesday evenifig, Fawkes. "iyTrrrxCSreraJhTrtiir"iiiiFriiaiifit" minister; will, preach. “There, will be special music. Those who have no “hunch home in Highland Park are invited to attend our ’services. 'c00 Session meeting in the pastor’s T:ptT,Triii:iiiiii'i, Linday: _ V " M5 Church school in the parish house; Parents are urged'to enroll their children in the church school each. Graded instruction, compe- tent teachers. . _ iageet' for next smddr'ruaiiit- mon, "sutttrttrrrest.l,' . A free public reading rriom is main.. ined by this church at " N. Sheri- n road, which is open daily from, tt Laurel and Linden avenues ev. A. S. C. Clarke, ‘actim minister ----ehtsre1tohomrEF.-Rr:i--- FG 'iiG"iit7iriiiriiiiiTfiiiFfT First Church of Christ, Scientist, lghlnnd Park, Illinois, MI End av. lug, is s bunch" of the Mother iurch, the First Church of Christ, y morning service is held st It k, 'udSMttesit,esrs1t,t,Sregr,,,l.tttr ighland Park Presbyterian Church ed Christine. Science T literature, may , read, borrowed, or pure1fiused. All are cordially invited to attend 1e services ï¬nd make use of -the Magma; -ee._e » __---'-- t , _-Y., ening, except on Wednesday, when is open until 1:30. th? Smith! the _ Henry G. Hedlund, pastor Sunday school; 9:45 a.m. _ _ English service/11 icm. _ _ F THIS WEEK’S SERVICES AT LOCAL CHURCHES . Zion Lutheran. Church tennis open from 2:30 to was BROKE AND _HAVE NO TRIENOQm MM†19.: Itfrt, s.F..sieluii%ir3arse-a-4o T iriisrse -. T 6 _ "a. I I II - idsi: iit?/'iiita .WAS ms "tiraaii "iiF7Frariara.rRSrrai" w 'iiat5aiiiria" and. Green Bay road and Homewood ave. Hithmd “on!!! and, Bum place P. W.Hi'iaetutr, pastor Willilnyw. New, pastor 7 V - What? » - 'tmidenttt 181 Mt M Congregational outing A Suturdgy! Sept. 12,} tayr-!90- At Sunset park _ Whent Standby moi-hing at 11'0'clock. Please be, there for divine services. "mule, dinnen 7 33:11,,â€ng - gm; eoftee will be served. In the after- iiddit "s‘foft's" mid -trtYrttitetrfdytRi Brttitr your friends along. Everybody is West Central (venue _ W. F. Sultr,_prgtor ', -. Shidny" wheel, 9:30. ' _ , Moininrsiiviee, 10:30. w- On the coming Sunday we shell ots. serve rally' day in the Sunday school. If?! "isiiiiatttr thtteevertt-har, and every child beprompt and regular in attendance. The time is 9:3Q. . witldimte. _On the following Sunday "we shall hold our annual picnic for the chil- Trish as well" isiffiir the tiifttmrtit Sim: set' park. _ This afternoon (Thursdny) the Ladies' Aid is being entertained at the home of Mrs; Gatling. The 'fékxfl‘if meeffnir" id the, conga? gation takes place on Friday evening at the church. 3 meetihtr of the Luther "League after the summer months will be held. T Tth7aaaTiiRiiii For Services: V Sunday, Sept. 13, the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity: . 7:30 Holy Communion. ', ----- -, Girls' _choir rehearsal Friday eveé ning, Sept. 11, 'ttf., 7:30 d'elotk, in the parish house. - _ , m. Friday 8 pam-Altar and Rosary society. ' . Saturday, 7:30 to 9:00.p. m. Confessions. _ ipe Redeemer Evangeliul Lutheran Rev. C. L. Mchnough, pastirr Daily masses-Tito a. ILL,†H, Sunday matsLstr---W.30, trand 10 a. jTcart4'iTT" thririitGci'ht Keller? . East, Laurel avenue H r-p Kv Deerfield QUICK STEFFEN AUTO. SUPPLY 15471:. Second St. PM! a. P. 350 THE Pills anster- [61" 'WELL' we've sunny mos ear 1105 Fm: Rama mom Mrs. Ruth Svedhertr, a soloist of the Covenant chorus, will render several numbers. The'program Mil be "given by the Friendship circle. The public in invited. ' wSundiy. Sept -ftr:" ‘7 i 16536 Bin: Sands)! iehhoT. i1ttRt, 9&Amgmm Vusit9ttGre' aways welcbme at Mir services! C circle in which time Rev, Hmey Siemun, pastor of the Bethany . Evangelical church, will Qpeck. ru."4tr p.m. Evening servicejn English. "Wednuddy. Sept. -i_6, 8:00 p.m.-r- Mid-week prayeg' neeviee at church. Rev. Earl J, Brttso,amstor :7. 7 A.llttt,, $1.991, 9:45 a.m., Mr. Ar- thur Ir. 'riiiueriri.itiirriieiiiaiiiE'L"" .Divine worship, 11 mm; Sermon subject: "The Church: ngterdny. Today, and Tomorrow." _ _ c-tua-c-Il,.-)-)))---; ing), 7:00 pan. t -, -, _ Evening worship, 8:00 p.m.- Cop- tinuing the series of sermon! on the twelve disciples of Jana, Reverend Bruso will speak, on the subject: "The i1tMLrthrttfpttt, of 32m†- "iiTsririfig , :00 Pan. TEETawn cw F" - of: pzwpt'uise. :antstndsgtdr, I, entire church. "A church with a genuine Vie}. come.†,, -i__, C:-, __ ,fl __-_' Church gchool, 9:15 am. Worship service. 16:30 mm. _ Team and tttBeers of the Church school will meet for their. regular m?rkerhr conference " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo; C. Meyer, ortmp- 16th. __ 1uttsteseaica-iiea1-cumtc--uauauttercorttd, triepdtusgttaigyd First Pro-him Church Weld Rev. Mark J. Andrews, pastor Sunday school. 9:30. Morning worship, 10:45. _ ' Tub "meetirttt Tuesdly, Sept. 15. Bt.'phttrit 'rvaiiiitreKaa _-- Church" v..' TEEEEN'S 815 Rosemary terrace‘ h "v"etsmft __ __, Deerfield M.nhtLIlEiIrtg..igl I hi march 2liehl Com: Lung! and. MrGore'm, H. P. Sienna. pastor _ . . Hunky: The Woman', Hialea- 3ry Jockey meta tltittctttfttttt_tat " the home-of Mrs. Cihtton 'trfiiGrF,mr- Ckncoe avenue. l _ Sunday: Ghuirh -Aehool 9:15 In. Morning worship 11:007531. Young People's meeting, 7:15 Fm. Evening “Wivgm -r.Trr.- "rv pistof'i’iii are " the morning strvtmrwttt be "The Rebounds of Life." M. H. C. Evangelical church will be the eve- min: speaker. ' , _ "... "'Tnosdsy: The Plummet 3nd Bat-u (lanes will meet at the homo-of Mr. .ndaerr. Wmanyot; " N. Levis street, Tuesday evening. 3 __ i i, qtethtkkte---V- them "lkrretftetd _ >Wéil'nesduy: The' Mid-weeE prayer service will be held at 8 pan. Miss Evelyn Snyder will have charge. All come, District R. E. convention: The Mid-Shield: cymention of Re- tMtttey11iteyttttE t.r.ilLltttttifY tlie _ Lake County R. Ilpguvention: The Lake County eiterJtiors art, Religious our Heel tataitrerftr Whip Training -éoiiirseGdiruee plaice Oct. 12.Nog.,1& cusps ‘wm be held at The Bethany Evangelical Church is? Watch“ Av.“ de. " 7 7 “low OOD M Camus 103mm . American Family MAKES .. Tree_.6e_ V. __.._t-.. ._ lh: FLOUR, Royal Blue; _ fully guaranteed - 333533- 1tgt',"?ll'ha,'iT, Ahi DILL PICKLES Ar-Be IVORY SNOW .' mm: DELIVERY .3 Specials for 'Mday ROYAL Irr7rttiiiiiar "'Siindi’? 34b. 571?: lh: _-___ 20c Me