ril m 4at cr, .15 ":'i,r, I First Church of Christ. ' Q "fit/ten-ere' 1'rrttit8rturtrarrthHiiCBti%iitu'iif, _ _sen home, 126 s, Green Bay road, Fri- . day evening atv8:00 o'eloek. A part ","_isj1ti_rtri0, hate, (£3132 _ -_v....‘..~,,, v-vV‘ pull. Thursday: quhers, and omcer: of me Evangelical church of the Chi: cage area win meet for a banquet at the Logan Square church, Chicago, Thursday, Sept. 24, 6:30. . with ourHnereaaed attendance " the Wednesday evening services,, but we have room for more. These prayer services mean much in .the lives of those who come, We invite others to enjoy them. Wedensday, 8:00, p.m. TLA‘A,~J - . 1rtettimrarr"r.'rsrmririiFiiiiririCii7iFarc begins at 8:00 o'clock. The pastor will speak, .ott_ffAa, interview with Jesus." The Deerfield-Shields conven- tion of Religious Education will meet nt¢2t30 tttttattire 'hfte‘rhoon at the Lake Fax-est M. E. church; we urge all workers of this school to attend. ‘ént'm‘ u! to all. -- - -"7--" - Sunday+Sunday school at- 9:45 Morning worship at 11:00 a.m. The --'-'t'- "H. F". Fmiiii%rrt,lriiiirtiir" â€'7 Friday-c-A iireiiir-iritherrng for. the memberrgrnndr friends of the church cwifrhi, held on/the lawn of the Han- iFfifi pleasant experiences -firr." all who ePmrc _- A etrrdiarinvitatttm "is 'exttyiitr- . A free public reading room is main- ttined by this church " 43 N. Sheri- dnn roadlyhiciy is open daily frami? "o’cloekvin- %'-'mornin7g“to 6 "in“the ,vettintcea.reept on Wednesday, when it is open until Tt30." On Sunday the reading room is open from 2:80 to 5:30. Here the Bible and all author- etW'-Chrtittiati Science literature may be'md; borrowed, or purchased. an are cordially in.Vited to qttend the trerviqes and make use of the reading room. . _ church, the First Church of dam, Scientist, imBoaton,- Muse. The thm.. day morning service is held at ll "PiiTtttk,2""riiir"th'g "Wis'diieiaiiFr""i7iiiifiiir" meeting, which includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is at 8 -4Wi1iiigUr-rrTriiiiaiiy iigiiiiiCiii" open 150 pupils between the use: of four and 20, and is held Sunday uremia: " 9:30. Subject for next Sunday’s lesson sermon, "Matter." Hum Park, Illinois, ttri Haul a; The Bethany EvanttetieytLChttreh __f11tr_r1itr)rm:stLansLN'saGsuern, NETTIE and NUTTY ENE BABY wmnm Foe d6ih.trBeififr"diitNty Ntr,,Ar,,t4gttfgi. "___..-..".-.".". 319311,!va Fir- "e-y-ttici-Ae-ec-qi-ttr-Ft fFrTE 111‘th DEAR a' WEE wm 2Ce6ritydirt," 'wuv.unnc‘!| PLAYING- tre" THISWEEKTSWSERVICESAT»LOCALAGHURCHES "rif"iiaihTiiiri The purpose I"t7aiWa7iciiirTiri: STEFFEN AUTO SUPPLY - ttr,.eg.s.teiiiEtiLEi..i' 15..17 N. Second St. Phone/LP. 350 I The Lake County convention of Ite- j llgious Edueation will be held Thurs- day, Oct. 1, at the f1rmsrrlt1r_ulF_.__).ii wcmnday--- - {7:45 p.m.~Evening service in 9A5--Church school in the parish) 1,ish. The pastor will preachI house. Parents are media iiiiGi) mon of the theme "The Pa their children early. 8 j Prayer." f1:00---Mornintr worship. Dr. John} Wednesday. Sept. 23, 8:00 I McGown Stevenson. formerly pas-‘ Mid-Week prayer service at chm tor at the State Street Presbyterian! Visitors ere always welcome! _ Service Leaem/ executive hoard mee.tinyr,c'r'htTs.A.v, Sept. 24. 10:00 a. n... in the' parish house. .' Highland Park Presbyterian Church Rev. A. S. C, Clarke, acting minister Laurel and Linden avenues Church phone M.') Monday, Sept. 21, S. Matthew-u 9:30 am. Holy Communion. . Announcements: . " W“ b-, _ The Vestrr-Monday, Sept. 2t," 8:00 4mm" -inr therriesrr.-- A A _ The Jleyeremrcrrirtirph IreWr, mete: East Laurel avenue mm! district convention at the Lake Forest M. E. church Sunday, Sept. 20 at 2:30 p.m. '. V l The Church school showed a very noticeable increase in attendance last Sunday. However many children and young people were still missing. We hope totreet them next Sunday. Special (in; iGit" Gir cGiriiieration will be given. to Visitation Evangelism and Loyalty Sunday. V F. G. Piepenbrok, pastor Church school, 9:15 mm. _ Worship service, 10:30 a.m. Friday. Sept. 18, the members of the Church council and all officers of church organizations, including the Ladies' Aid, Sunday school, Tri C so: eiety; L. L. L. club, Sewing circle, and s‘hqir, will meet to make plans, tor the work of the new church year. and Loyalty Sunday. _ _ . The choir wilt resume. its activities Friday, Sept. 25. "Lake County e!.tytyirrdic Ttii-lib, Canny eonveritGir"iit RelittWiis Edits a. church. Thursday, Oct. 1. ' Leadership Traihing: Our Leader.. ship school opens October 12 " Pt F , I , 1 Mr. . 'r'"'""'"'"'"""'""" 9:30 a; Servicesi' ’ , . Sunday, Sept. 20-- , 2aaLautc=lulxzzfutmmurrisus ijiniiriiuii, iiieie;iLTiiiTiiureh St. Paul’s Evangelical Church 'Tehtr"fir6 PtVitTr" Tiifit"7iir" "iiiWiriiir, Deerfield "iTiiTr m“ as†av cum in: 601' i'iiri Rama mom. THE PRESS I'--'--'-,'--,-)---?-.---;--------"--------- First M. E. church of Lake Forest. 0:00 p.m.-t-Meetintr of the Friendship circle. . 7:45 pun.---)) serviCe in Eng- lish. The pastor will preach a ser- mon of the theme "The Pastor’s Prayer." Wednisday, Sept. 23, 8:00 p.m.-- Mid-Week prayer service at church. 2.30 p.m.-Sunday school Atlly at the the Sewing circle hasbeen postponed a Week. It will be held on Saturday evening,-S_ept. _2fLat, the home " Mr. and Mrs. David Olson. ' Famda - y, Sept. 20: - ‘ ___ 'c"' 9:30 a.m.--Mdetirtd of the Sunday school teachers and offieers. 720330 a.rn.-Sunda school. A "r'tiFi'rii7ri t5 FrrGTi house." _ October " 4.. 11:00--The celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord's SPP- ger and a Conseeration service for all officers,' worliers,.and members of the congregation'in the church. Dr. John a beach sooner and vcsper service. Holy Name society members will "luesday: T . V _ approoch Holy Commg11ip_t1urtl_tua 77:45-L-The Too-rig Woifiett's club 'will o‘clock Mass on Sunday. l _ -. hold its opening -meeting of the Beginning Saturday, Sept. 19, a _ year in the parish house with Miss 9:30 a.m. all children of the parish Helen Flinn, who has just returned who have not made their first com. from Eeyp', as honor guest. t munion or eonfirrpation are requested Wednesday: " to enroll in catechism classes to he 4:M---Junior club meeting" in. the held at this time. _ parish house. ' ' A _ _ s _ --r------ . Coming events: A. 1’†St. John's, Evangelical Church September 27. 9c4ir,---Rally 413an Ahreen,Bay-a:oad-and -Homewoorrave the Church school with a special pro- __ l T'. W. Fischer, pastor motipn, program. Parents are in.. Remember---, _ _ , . vited. ' . _ God established here His church for September 27, 11dl0--Dr., Gerrit-l-you tttid-for yotrr-eMhhen. Verkuyl. A,eid, representative of the "n, Attend Sunday "tettool and diving Board of Christian Education and a servicesi . specialist in worship, will preach. Sunday school at 9:30. October l, 9t00---The annual con- . H9ivine trervt'eetg at P:30s, vention of the Lake County Council Nobody nor anything csho1tld keep of Religious Education at Grayslake. WE away from the House of God. Ill. September 27, 11:il0--Dr., Gerrit Verkuyl. field, representative of the Board of Christian Education and a specialist in worship, will preach. irhiireh,Uacuottvme, lil., will prench won "The Worm's Guilt Need.†day school meeting in the Lake Sunday Masses, 6:30, 8 and 10 at] Forest Methodist church. Saturday, 7:30 to 9 pm. A speed 1iiitiiirY,ro4st geogle ts' gang; - . _~ _-r. M ',iI2,tt) il) """7r'rGirp" WI tried at t e church of canons. _ " Highwood avenue" and Ei/iirts place William W. Nelspn, pastor Res. 131 Pleasant street Tmot67 Tlte_8yredish, Methgdisl .Chuxch‘ 5trrrTe W1" 5.113 Illa Ill?) - 8?me .7 _ mr_bitririiriiyriiFFira _ 320-25 Aha-"mu Dnnvllb. Illinois. . My!!!†' - Mt A PIN"- "TTiir6Fiiiaa6irTTTCtia Mme "a place pf, I heaving "rottNom8tesstttmoiribe' Hand? by communication with the Sam, of the “an: Commerce Canmhnion at Suriname-id- mm; _ -- --_ ---re.i--V_ v-vnl‘ III "I! I'll". by the undersigned with the Illinois Common! Commission of an "gmeatioet forâ€. Micah ot SfttttttieeFmij.WiiiaTi; to â€out; n I agony“ en rtier for; "'m'rre.r'Tr.rtimr'7Frit'riritWt7TRGFir-im7 C8tRO, 1mnois, Ind the Jl,l'r%l,'t,"atd, of State Bond lune loch No. " or Sheridan Ytd,_te_ttt.e, lllinglg-thgmnln Mate, Line, An X-ray tube which shoots its rays with the accuracy of a rifle in- steadpf spreading them over a large area is a new invention. V Evening worship, 8:00 p.m. Sub. jet: "h Sqnmf Thunder." This is tht third ora series of character studiesr oLthe twelve disciples of Jesus. Wednesday Giiau, 8:00 p.m.-An evening 9C11r_;witr,utrcirssscamr,atuds ior the entire ch. reh. _ "A church tha'tieares." ing), 7:00 p.m. WHOM '18" Irrmmr5mnRrTiiTiiiiWfiF all ages. _ Men, and. women need re. ligious educaiton as well as the chil- dren. Our school seeks to meet the needs of all. _ You tire _ alWays welcdm; ics, John's, church. _ ' ti9'rrcE. ul tinny GIVEN hag-long. T "-'e"Fr"-G-l-"-EAii_r"-"s-_G_-', GirGrWi" e impfg hktlme society members will out, in Octob 'el C Fy C°mmgpion at the ear and in I 0( rk. Mfss on Sunday: T-T--" ii-i-ur-ir-urn, mf/je',,",)": 'S‘tPl'daY. Sept. 19, a card of Supra w'ho ht; all children of the Part' eek. munio ave no't mad.e. their first com. The October to .'G",. eonfirrpation are requested in their work' h enroll P catechism classes to onth and n I eld at this time. re 'i;i'niiiG " _ ' . 'r--------- resentatiory i: St. John's Evanzelical Church ages. Bethlehém Evangelical Church 815 Rosemary terrace“ Deerfield V Rev. Earl J. Bruso. pastor EhELciIJshQQL. 35.45." 3.112;.an NOTICE or APPLICATION Holy Cross cuhonc Church Deerftehr "W" - . Thursday, Septembér jr. l . (Young People's meet- GENERAL FREIGHT AND TRUCH . CORPORATION. Br Fr c. Women.- ' l . Frauen! um w- My- of the Min and divininreg 53mm -.-- resl duced and“ appr iist. l Hiaeneryatter; N Lake Villa, Ho tioch, Ira Simon Grant, Gus Lu net; .Wnrren, E gall, Ahdrew Pu J., Lund and SI with; Fraiiifâ€' George Obemu Gainer; Cuba, ' met .Gosswillc 1itptrt_1lerfi, Fill sugar-an: I'm won: at Grant, D. A. l Hansen; Warre Winkegan, Ma Morrison, and John J. Bpetlmi Libertyville, Gt mont, Howard George Hapke; -Thoso drawn grand jury in 1 knrr. Benton, Rd E; Shipper, tnn ' Benton, Erne Stewart; Nam Villa, J. J. Bar Kins and Loni Stanton; Avon, J. L. Flood; Saute and Lem Iherfield, Jrrr,r _ t Mal Ordered to a following: Brick venne: ha been inven for covgrin‘ f: KG. iriver; Sikh E. J. Gurkha Kine; Fumo 1'es-',ti,.t 'IL' chler; EI _ George .ist AP)?" Benton, Nels _ e Octol Those chasm After, " $31M