ry, [ji), m r-,,)--'--]--, ~~STRAWBERRÂ¥~~1M 28 - _'tu'e-_--'-s-'N---t __-- 'itTiifitEici" iii? JONATHAN APPLES '..Mr.rm"erm TOKA'Y alums w............','.., CHEF BOY-AR-DEE SPAGHETTI DINNER SAWYERS Ready _ in " minutes' FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (Cy ANN PAGE llltllllllWe may . c With Each Purchase of 3 2kg: "s, -ONE. PACKAGE FREE. . FOULDS' MACARONI OR Instant BGHT O'CiOCK ' Butter Cookies lub. Pkg. 18c . Mot-Bali Figs _.9. _ A. _llhl 152 .V, Red Circlepr. 23c 8okerus. 29c Del MohteU. 33c SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY _ Téiihto Juice 3 'Pd',?' 2Se Wheaties . . . 2%?5236 SnMeetcratsaqrt-u-oz-.Botsva Coffee . _ 3wu~0550“ 252 90 good. Try their: thii week. An unusually reasonable price, for such a high'iruah'ty food. Made from ripe biriiisii _ aiiiiG piio sugar. -Thtt'f yhy they taste _,Frri'itirdr"ff'it. LOAF 6c - .25? S-Cakes tat - a __. may-192 .3 ms. Ire. ct LBS- 29¢ 1115138238 tis be iUed to'imivGrt ice emit} melt. Ttii-Gil-rig" u"iiti,ir" 2ir'iia.'ikT combine". [ _.,' ventory and wuiver of widow', award approved. 4 . Hoiard S. Illich, minor. Petition for Letters of Guardianship, .1 filed, bond fhad u $15.00.. _-'-r- --N Michael H. Hussy. Waukezgu. Hearing" on Citation. eontimfeif 'tb October 8. . Dorothy Howe, gt a! minors, Luke Jiy2egCIlirgt.gettoopurved,cf. ‘_ mm, oCAdminiatratimuianad, Highland Park State bank, heirship proved. _ . Johanna Freberg, Highland Park. Partial distribution of assets made. F George J. Wilkman, Highland Park, iopplemental , inventory approved," leave given to pay interest and insur- tthee. . Elizabeth C. Hole, Deeviield, inven- tory approved. _William B. Il, J3rirmrrsi, Limlor, est, final report approved, estate closed. Elizabeth Graham Powell, Highland Pork, hearing on proof of will con- tinued to October Mt. ' ' - ii"th7rirsFii.' Albert Nata. Highland Bark. hear. ind on citgtfon continued to Septem- ber 24. " _ " Rodney jr. iiah, et al, "mum's, Highland Ptvrk---Resixnation of Mary ff. litrift,_tptrditr1., Mimgwgerd: "ttie 1t..tfCrI,iILrr, "trihTsTir5 x'ss'ua Ri {He i5iriitrii'hrii"fr'""'"" ' Airir-LAispraikiiiisit't bill 'ipproved, Barry B. Hutsted---Hearing.. Cita- tiondiamissed. ' Cases heard included the following: petition for probate of will filed and Highland Parkâ€"iddardim authorized to make eatpenditures for support and education of wards.- . . TMiii 7 riiFirraratmM: "criirrn- Tif Shep...., E. ‘thlke allov‘zei 1iegttttt.tl?.g.r., Final report in settling the estate of William'B. D. Barnard 91 Lalg -PirFiisbwittiuiitpiixijisd bi &iiVriitiiiiEiir .amrthe-estate Wilma? t--rr-r--'-'" Hearing on proofs. of the will of Elingeth Graham Powell of High- land Park was continued to October Letters of administration were ig.. sued to Katrina. Keller in the settle- ment of the estate of Anne Mtiriraret Jorgenson. She gave bond of $1,500. Other proceedings ‘in Probate court ineluded the following: t Joini Rectenwild of Highland Park left 835,000 in personal property in tddition-tohrae ml estqte holdings, according to papers flled in Probate court. Judge Martin Decker' iUniisd the Highland Park State bank admin: istrltor for, the estate; - _ _ _ The estate is said to consist of 817,,. 000 in, personal property and $23,000 EM 15m ’mident, m airuiaid $40,000, according to the petition oroUte the will Med in The once Estates of Highland A machine ha been "invented to John Rectenwald, Highland Park. Tin-u Probate Court I9tx,,g,o6ithibtstiipttur/tiaU tritrlu N orthern is' $oieirCtfii" ' in papiie l Read The Wiand: _ _ j, .. -eruerasitwtrtauserutn" of to of _ Thm ir alright. but what's ' 'te-iris-tite-ia'),;-,-',";','):,:,,','",','!,,'.,", as ed oer Wilbur Glenn. Voir last week. Mggmwmw TiCtTir%iFiiTiiiFFiiriCtTiitiit -i.-_ is bankrupt, England is in finanei trouble. Germany took a kick by o in: its stock &tehariire, Spain is in turmoil. and Chile is enjoying . new lution." '_, Re trade his in uiry in answer , e rope t coupons or so p being issued in lieu of money th _ -- "Sure, 15ittn'a alright, but I notU Highland Bump Shop A. G. JEFFERSON 513-11 zl- mm. 11mm Park Zion o. K. Says Voliva; - _" Whiithi' Wiiiiiihi Wd Dirty, sluggish cooling system connot give the 1Tfrtttt)oTtyrttint,t, "tiiiar'iiiira' "heft JsFfifiiiiGiodi/rrt mo- tors demand. Sticking a garden hose in the .radin'tor. and letting inter trickle through the drain tide]: is not tsufficient and ht fat? is I little bettertnaninthintr.V e ea --before serious damage is done to your at. “ EXCEE- Checked at ttaruar Rates. No CLASSES: SHARON DE VRIES Lv. Highland PM]: 8:!0 I m Ar. Milwagkce“ . 9:45 i m. . Tim. alto-in to Ccnqul ft vndard Radiator Repairing 710 Yale From 'iliihteitd Pap! STUDIO: Witten Hall 'reteti GCN.W.MA~ Blush-AME. â€an: Full _A noGance. 33.7.3! .M .W _ --' --' ..2’,,A _ "TIT-"Z Danseuse tltl Al dress: ,.-, T - ' e, Highland Park lays and Saturdays 6 p. m. J: H. P. 3034 H's}. Mrs. H. A. Art all“ Jer. Event er "iiarrigir6iietir drew." at Ephrirt Amiretes, home were enroute Eplgriam, after ding'of' I mtttt Saturday evenitt Rosemary In! turned to Bro' with their gram Willsamtr, whet until the Chris Norma Fuller day afternoon l roekburn, in , birthday annive: Mrs. Fred 1 with her sister ty_oLflhitgigrtt, Huston, Mrs. Cary, nl.,.and ccgo. We ehildranrSas Miss Mabel Mich, who is 4rtNtNtec'ttral Wariter. _ I1tL..t2essrtrtt_f, the United "3pi: sor"t'd ttther Ci intrthe fall mm a, morning: The Junior t meeting' . may. o‘clock it the _ church. Deerfield fresh: The Bubert f to the house on on Waukegan r Mrs.' Willian in? forl6nig E but of this n spend the wint: . Mr.’and Mts, ed a cud part gnd Mrs. Peter by evening. "engniE “in; of V cm Mr. ard MI Saunders to“ day "entnd m nests. served Were from " Pore-t, Bi ill: - ML min in Mr. and Mrs. er son, Oeerh1 161 Ch DEER Send noon.