rim are: of un- it†in the possible tth, pnrtieularty of emourishmt, over. in: marten; and . thing my lead, not excesses of various discuss within the are but to lei-ions a such as tubercu. may; ttttttttid v-- ‘h’ien: tte' which broth out I community without her do they result activity of germs or le. mun share with horireii m which chil- dults come into re- vith the sick, especi- Iercular patient. It ten {person .drinks contaminated water ance indicates, how- Le of the anion. Ev- take it upon them- t distress, especially. pvolved, to the prop- ief. ste-e-bil-lg for not ‘xseue ‘ewxse nie (occasional) "ur. a tuberculosis. Man I: has been especially Lemice for the past '13:“th “We: 7.1.1002“: J8,Ttttls,, PM! Lelia. but iuituiipiur1L ed an epidemic. Do sore throats may be e invitation ‘of the making an ntt.tek. disuse: "e “mt ant almost all of the ting polluted air, by led nnd undernour- living for most of hat, to all practical 9t her, by clung- tel! tttemrfrtiiitidrtu" causes of every epi- vides' the soil in the [“qu it to become able for the rapid of the germs. or term".. . ttptonia. In particu- Itratiom of disease d In inch in tier. , which will continue life of the genera- Halth problems like of the inthtettee on ', may become deter.. in the politicd and mm ti, low and d by indulging too nys the desire for unto without com- a-ttar-the body is .Y. unmm as, Wt Peue in physical re- l0 whole a more im.. LTH, BOARD leople miy be over- doses of germs or lent germs, This at And diphtheria," rarely . Sudden inst- incubator for ‘dis- exposure to a 5 .t.otiijiiiittriiri,isiiiit __ _ -~amgmana Park mun". parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Walther of South Greenbay road. N Mrs. Canton Honky bu left for New York where she will spend Til-mm: and the week-end with her main-law and daughter; Dr. atid In. Milan. Mr. and Hrs. George P. Conrad of Deon-00111â€. EA. Mr. 1nd Mrs. in} shun-en of '...1et.tt,t..g1t. tttti, 1.9 Tuesday 'iFrrGRairiiTreTi' Wei will spend the ‘vinur. Mrs. Louis. Schemme! and" Louise Daniela will spend the Thanksgivo ing hotidi_itt_3rBtrhitttrtgtt.u, D, fl. . Harrisbn' ’Wnlther; a . student at Mr. tad In. Harold Bridges and children were the Smithy guests of Mr. and Mrs. S; P. Gary. evening. . q Mia's Alice, Joyce of Chicago, who Jyitr_tttttlt the guest bf Mrs. Viola taiiarrdFmurhtttrt, ten 4357:. re: turned to her ttoritt tMiddr. Mr. nnd Hrs. Sun Bernardi en- tertained at bridge hat Saturday neuter Lawn and Roy Summon of Athelsgne, . Wis., ware Sanity guest! It‘the Ciitrord Rose Mme on Onwentsi: ave. T Mr. And Mrs. Harold Bridges and titthihtrttrrrtefr-9t, mum, inc (Thursday) for Mimtoui, lic, where . . . week-end with relatives. Mrs. Arthur Forestter of. New' xstziraus-di-ssmseakarattsiar,-bsre. noun I aria of Jaime- and min; [nicks [anon and kids! Foe m who mum Jthe imptou their an: of Contact Emits. (and rite, wouldn't?) Cttieirm, leading -hodtk.-- Virginia Tubing. Om!“ a well at Belmont M an cordl- ally Invited. Mala up you own foursome. _ Bgttmsot'ltar6er - B. B. WW. Mien: Hm Bit-et nu The mm. Luncheo- 8!... Every Monday at Noon 11.. Brug. Din-tr 82.†Every Thad" at 6:3. Shitty Rod 1toleh9irta The print indul- blackboud {nut-ain- "OMB“ M. Iâ€! DTEL A†BELMONT mos]: and with their parents. Hr. gulls. M. E‘Connd, of Me- Gown st. Miss Elizabeth Phelpa and Ilia- Larson Davis have returned from n two weeks’ tour in Ion, Illinois, iniL Ger " a at at our expo": -rariLuruuuLu-tu-p.tea-f-1ri,,kttt I, or any. lownt’oumr railroad “an" LGG. Unusually Eomfomblc irith -- spring cushion. F". one.†Slaps. 33950 TAï¬ifthathbamfullL irisigitei1 With ’a‘ 'rosewpod and walnut mi, 1 url walnut border, and a richly curved so id walnut ' 800 base. 20:35:28 in.high . . . . . . 9 SOLID MAHOGANY _Wing_Clnir with I LEATHER Ltunge tihair. _inr_cd, green or iiiiiii Jiuirnisk coveti aiid n ' reveal rfe'Cit,'lg"t,sri;en"',". . . . . 32750 MIRROR inmold td finish. It measures ',,i'll'li'11S"'. . . . . . . 'll" HAssoctgofau'uidinmanrtit" ' 95 tmaivesupesandcrtlors . . ., . . . 1'3. PI‘II showy, strains at their place in Amdh Phoenix, Ark. ' T Mr. nnd Hrs. Carl Helium; of the Udell Apts. will spend the Thnksgivin: may. with their parents in Detroit, Mieh.. t The Walter B, mm 01.1.“: jujiaz"iie" 3:152:31 EiiiiFi on Display at This Sim 'lfyietf8fe'gfd7, Comet Love Sat iit the _ - QueenAnne. strlrshtyrraite pp- estriovia1niAfosretistad:alygt down" filled cushion. Prmnthtrounestsqs, 99 (ialtwied cushionmnzpumw. - 77 SOLID MAHOGANY“: that is splen- didly designed and is orvereWin a very fine Italian velvet. The legs and arm: etc ' hetndsorstelrcarved .' I' " . . . .... 69 WORLD GLOBBdntme-surel â€melanin diameter. Sand: " inches high and '28 tutsaso1idrnah-Use . . . . . . . "WiaAttert _ (thin-cum. 't-,1rit'a-'g,egf,'St'f,t1',vd IN THE ROOM ABOVE 'T,, PMIFWII i _ritiir" triuiifd iiitrrGFiiiritE S. Linden .nve., who ban rented their homo for thorium. kit (or the tooth yesterday (My). Mira Alice Ulfou will spend Thanksgiving Day with her that, Mrs. Ray Robbins of Mid. tites in " Year: 'aaBtrBN f _'-., 'RS, F553