WWWL 2,ttT manual ttfy, "d Mt N v.rr.t-. m a made for Friday. Fob. u. at 6:30 ("that Prov-ulna. In at tor I luau-ml and cola-M mix. The not“, - cl tho Highland M Y.V.O.A. will be ndttegtrd ISU " Lt'et w . “Page. “I I. m m u and - tau. will be bearded to Halt "an Girl Ruin. Triangle. Girl Reserve News ROBERT W. PEASE, Pharmacist including $1.00 JAR or CARA Noun CLEANSING CREAM FREE with a box of Cara Nome Face Powder. maximum) PARK 'l SéVING Ofmany' __ /" DOLLARSforyou osou,,uu,s,,,,a,,,SPsxcrALs loin-n Im- in.“ llllTlllM!7oegtallee no chances when; you buy . . . . _thtaranteed Coal Telephone Highland Park w "eti"Fiii"i"htiirTia, may not get the best? It costs no more to be sure. - about buying Consumers Coal and Coke. Every. ton carries a money-back guarantee of high quality, honest weight and satisfactory performance. . There :OAL- ’UILDIN' Bvorreatrehertrr-dtoatt-dwtthtter Girl have chub"! foe thb b on tho olthnyurmmhucnddaubhm ttaveamtodtimetatamth.e.Attittorrmd- lbw" NuthOt-o h'bouudbnult my man vbot. 'tei-ation-ttter-UNO' but than Thumb, noon. Fob. IL The who tum. “I“. ill! â€Itâ€. III“ hen worked out by the dilmnt Numb. BrdrhtIthtr-rs-rarttttt--thq when“ that " b In? " gnu-l duh. Stunts. Ionu_ _. Q utiua “In; atiriitiarFiie" “at. - COKE - ICE NG MATERIAL ILLINOIS TAUlCP_BB" B. G. Wells denies that conserva- tiam won in England, according to the New York Times. There is one socialist who never knows when he is 'licked. To. In, Ouch? Oh. Net “mnyGirleeeoohmvoI-yun. ful not to noon the broth even tho' suntan! Afternoon " Girl m not the â€p015 tunity of cooking good thing! to at a the Y.W.C.A. Th'l clu- b well numbed and eyery week and: girl cooks. The no“ fun come- when “wane bu the chance to at what they luvs cooked. Membership in limited for it I- felt more and» neeomplUhed with s In.“ hm. 'ntoneemtdtewUtr clan will open nun- day alternoon, Pets. rl-tia-ttk/trig,'.."" aTqr-tiitFir' Filmer s up now. AI three lawn course is o8terrd to cm (In. Stitch In 11-. I“. Nb. The Girl Room "wing dun that and: every Thursday “when m Inning to put the word: Into practice. Through tho WV. of. the, Wank-9n lit-9d: tte the 39'1". Beg n: Maeh inuiSurticl.tr.d,u/id an; .to can't!“- known, - iiiitFwit0iatre" and if interested in dtvtrttthere' II n chum to practice a well " learn. Don't let Jack Frost tan J"t out of twin-lint. Bring suit, up. an turd. q ' Swimming every sum!†morning. Git! have. It 11:15 to 12:00. Come and lean burial. 1-oetrnmrttiveet--hnatd "ttell mm»; mm tn 2mm totttonwimmhtg.ootsoetnstetmsa-at “Camp _ Dan" " Drum Ink... 111. A an; routine m tho 1r'ddt,ttigti Everyone enjoyed the mall at an; dubs, Iona. atmsta, and and»: day " camp. Mnny_ {ridged that I Camp Reunion be iG.tiuhirGieFtirriTt.GrG -- Gu%aita -- -- when fury-Lb It. "out. Mm._thrt Hen-mu. claim" -H 'm' Gaavr, Sufi In chum of thh alnu- “ch m. Tia-by "ternooet, I» O a 4 o'clock. ovGF7iAsTiGeTCiia"auaii;kia"Gii't "_u,ttfoesrelItiti.ttttrt. Atthhulum cirlirho wist-totsqtnh-tntttetaiit Bummmtmhmt nth the only manh- lint“ all. A11?! 5 notr-strerofthet3trl-ataadahq '-tvo.esoatwugdruas1-at-tt--teoo. oqrsisettoaer-rsttheett-iiasitatkes. _ mwdmhuotthoY.W.c.A.mh will ttt m" nu! plantain†_ Nharst 'tuirr 5"":3 7 7E ONLY the very best se- lected whole; nut meats are sold at our shop. =rehey 'trtrrtSBited dretr daily to insure their being unquestionably f r e s h when you buy them at " North Shem!“ Road. _ FXLBER'I‘S - CASHIWS - PMANU'N ALMOND' . Items PICNOLIAQ - MAW Write or phone for circulu' but“ " about thee Menu. A1soatrke tht HEALTH PARLOR Women Exdusivery Share-Vain“ Khan! loch Scielltllc 3w Hal-In _ lulu-3d Gan-w , NORTH SHERIDAN ROAD 300“ 801 Tel. Highland Park 40.2 RUDD'S HELEN CIESER, Prop. Wigh- “Cglthlhny Dun†Ila-n: 9-1:. " _ but by numb-alt Till.P.|m _ Troops on the north shore, Par. ticulnrly where they no sponsored by churches as so runny of then Ire, will attend church in a body, wearing the Scout uniform and in many cases take part in the service. , torsr-or-a-ehmehesr are pro. paring special Scout sermons for either Feb. T or Ig.' Troop TT of Mundelein is dramatixintr Scouting in connection with their church at Sunday evening Scout cervice on Feb. 14. There are strong Protestant, Cath; olic and Jewish committeel and members of all three religion: tive hoard of the Boy Scouts of America. Scouting is conducted not as on activity of any one of these religious bodies, but as 1 Movement in which nil may partici- pate, always conscious- of a splen- did program drafted nnd built for alt boys. the church can mobilize mammal worthy to set an example for ttttts Prom the standpoint of parent there is eonfidenee in the chord and its activities which gives an " sur'ance that boys are at meeting' or engaged in other activities and! most wholesome eigmmtstaneqs Furthermore, the church as an b. stitution, has an assured quality d permanence. ‘More than fifty per cent of all the Scout troops in the ~Unitad States are sponsored by churches of the various religious bodies. tht the north shore 65 per cent of all units are sponsored by churches, itt. cluding 19 to 22 Cub packs, 31 of SI Scouttroops and four out of nevi Sea Scout ships. Scout leaders any they ere particularly happy on! this, circumstance because of the tine atmosphere which exists which is wholesome for boys, also been“; The Boy Scouts of America. which in Boy Scout week, Feb. 7-18. 19tt celebrates its Went-second anniver. any, has been described as an or. sanitation almost unique in that the Boy Scout platform in one um which thou of all religions bodies and all races| may unite. It in pointed out that the Scout oath and law, from which Scouting radiate, is to be found not only in America, but throughout the world and is rgggggnghlshflgggggthm ment CHURCH“ JOIN IN BOY SCOUT WEEK PROGRAMS ----<AFtiTERIA HOWARD-UDELL Have You ---fti 7 bazaar ts --ir, 25c Luncheon Plate? guiida WAY, mutant tt, mg UDELL BUILDING The boys a in. Niels N Pikeville. Wil Future Farm _éonvention he met. Paul is a -iiiimiisiiViir " the Anti; liama man. partment In Both .boya 'r/mment p farms. Eleven of moi: boys, it and Iowa, PM)! Ind member- oi the . Future were recent the winner: culture Pro ducted by Journal. f Paul win: Ham 18th. selected fro, in: of the a Yogntr MAY. 19 So