Niebuhr Grocery & Market COLLEGE INN TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL 26 oz.; 4 for 'e"'"""""""'"-'----------.,-.-.-..-.,... ____._6-e. -_-- N 7. No. 2 cans; 6 for ......_..__c,.._...........I., COFFEE (Nietmhr's'Srr'ihseiai Blend) 3 lbs: for 'm'-------------------.-, CLUB HOUSE MACARONI 12 pkgs. for """"--------------.. TOILET TISSUE r 16 rolls for "'e".'"e', -e.r.ee_te--.-ee-----,i,, CLUB HOUSE LITTLE KERNEL CORN No. 2 cans: 6 for, H . 4 for -, TOMATOES, No. 2 cans 10 for _ 5 for GEUYERE CHEESE (Imported) 5 for _.- NON E-SUCH BREAKFAST OATMEAL, large size BEECH-NUT CHILI SAUCE, large TELMO PEACHES, large halves, No. 21/2 can 5 for """-----------e__,,, 5 for ___ VOGUE WHITE SOAP FLAKES, larrti 25c pkg, TEA GARDEN PRESERVES 4 jars for ------------ TEA GARDEN JELLIES 5 glasses for "l-"------------. RICE (Best Bead), 12 ILIb. pkgs. for CI1Crr.rr.Prr.C'r." BROOMS, medium weight 3 for "----m-----...---_,__,, CHANTILLY COOKIES 3 cans for _..-...-...:.., ROMANOFF CAVIAR 3 cans for _---.-.-..; Save Now . . q.O Dollar Dan" stock a several months' supply now at a tremen- dous savings during this sale of tintst brands of quality foodstuffs. V For Economy . . also mats AT? SPECIAL PRTCES 39-41 South M. Johns Avenue artghl-H'trrtrrfTr." "ll “$1 41 3I 41 31 31 31 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 TI. IIIII of Lake county npproximatelr $30,- 000. Judges of election and clerks will have more than 3,009 days of work.. School Election in April On April 9 voters will choose memo beta for the boards of education. Then will come the county, state and national primary on April 12, when the electors will select party candidates ,for the November elec- tioh. - l tee. Every township in Lake eouni, will choose similar ofBeers on April In township; voters will elect a road commissioner and sehoor trus- Many vital political and admin- istrstive questions will be settled " the polls by the-electors in their se- lections of candidates " the prim- aries and later st the elections. . Elections Varied The voters will choose, beside president and other national omeers, state ofBeula, township omeers. mu- nicipal once holders and hoard of edoestion members. . _cs_.as_a_aaa.,-.l In Weakest]: . city primary elec- tion will be held Mach 8, end the city election will be April 19. In Lake Forestthe city election Will be Lake-county‘voten will so to the polls " least tive or six times in 1932, according to the election date: announced by county and city of- acids. Several Elections in 1932 in Which Voters Cast Their Ballots _ ,,,,-__.,_..L‘ ,--3,-r_ _TBr"e ‘gyuvu.pllul - 25c CASHIER!) IoU9Ua.ltAqt.P, 3 Bats for -. _-- -. _ “a -----= Me TETE-AoTETE BRIDGE PLAYING CARDS, 4 deCh " Me ASSORTED TALCUM POWDER,.8 for .------......." HOSPITAL COTTON, 8 for ------------.ar1 $1.50 MEN'S BILL FOLDS -------:----.---.-atl 88alrBox-CAatBhAg for o.-........."....-"--", f' in all ly tetimtt that the voters so $1.50 CHATEAU VIN-AY TONIC "-----.--..... 26e MANITOU SPARKLING WATER, 6 for .'"".tm..-.-...t.. 4 DR. WEST'S TOOTH BRUSHES. Me size, 4 for ...... Me TETE-AoTETE BRIDGE DLAVIun (~1an . , - MURIAL CIGARS, 2/25 size, 12 for ----------l" $1.00.BATH‘ SPRAY, 2 for w-----------------.--" READING BOOKS, mystery and western, 4 for .---,.----8rt 8110 ENLARGEMENT, colored and framed, special for ........$1 5 ROLLS, 116 FILMS, 6-expos‘ure' fir _-L-.---"-.--.-." 6 ROLLS, 120 FILMS, 6-exposure w-----------.-.,-.-" 2 LBS. SCHRAFFT’S ASSORTED flH0coLATEs-..-,att $1 ABBOTT’S COD LWER OIL, 2 for w-----------" 50c NORWICH ALCOHOL, 8 pints for _---------..." Me KOTEX, 4dor rr-r---.--------------" $1 RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL, 2 pints for ------.-' 8 tubes COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE o----'---.-..-." IODENT TOOTH PASTE NO. I, 8 for w-----------" PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE, 3 for m---------.--.-" $1 McKESSON ASPIRIN 100, 2 for -------1--.----arl $1.50 MILLER HOT WATER BOTTLES, 2' for .---.-ar1 $1 PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL, 2 for ..............Si FLETCHER'S CASTORIA, 3 for m----------.-.---.-" Me McKESSON SHAVING CREAM, 3 for _-.--------" Pour IK-lb. bam SANTA MARIA CASTILE SOAP ...........SI' -l'-,t'-alRNvE,?h-,y,yi.Nte,siirsr ...~..â€"......=.â€"..â€"_.:â€"~';:.â€"$l‘ “A v TE2Aegr--a_-t- - _-tet:, -_- . __ - ,L Phpne H." P. 4100 Highland Park Pharmacy DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS . Wgtahatfia for??? Y. T. McMABON, RPII. not interested in a similar men's or- ganixation are invited to come. The Prairie? View band will furnish spe- cial music. , _ Dr. Yarrow Speaker . at Laurel League The Laurel league, which meets " the Bethany Evangelical church, will have Dr. Philip Yarrow of Chi- cago as their speaker on Thursday evening at 8 o'eoiek. Dr. Yarrow heads the Illinois Vigilance Society and is active in fighting the inter- ests of vice end illicit literature in state in 1Imi6U" wlio ever refum interest on moneys handled throng his ofBee. QthtraNHttetr-ttetmRRrTWT6mre state. Be In: mpde . praetiee of remit- ting the moneys collected by his or. ttee to the staté trennrer twice each month and in the only secretary of Stratum otfeed I startling an. nouncement te omcinl t?pringfietd six months after be had taken office to the "eet that he had earned 'Po0Anttt.ttt pn rpgggzglgndlem Btmtton stated in announcing his. candidacy that he will seek re-elec- thm to omen on his past record " secretary of state. Thus far, he is unopposed by can. didatu of any major Republican faction. William J. Bteattoet, of IMleside, â€entity “Jute for tie put four years.- ll detiniut, in the race for mama, his petition having been pest in circulation. Stratum ls Candid-ate 7 _ for Realleetiort Also WAY. with)? Jt. m: --------.--ii, ., He will have many inter. Highland Park, Ill. ::::::::::""‘l _---...-.." W .._........81 or ........$1 .......31 bug! W‘