Dolittle from the toner John L. and and Dr. J. O. P. lists. will give favorite ootitt'le, former dmitted that he Republican pri. which cut: the ates in the G. O. td-hFHUsprrtstrr--. out: in the state Highland Park ties having the of government, r the senate and .. L.‘Emmerson. 'emoves the re. ' treasurers on f city funds and irement for t :ent interest de- ds in the banks. build up my oil it in getting in I need my time, been confronted onal boan for ty treasury. 0 go to a cam. g' eoroner," he ksfor$l ......$1 ......$1 Legislature ON 'or Coroner {ity’s 7, 7 Interest le tin of nd 8 oz. AY up? u, m: to accept de- [uirements and e]. H. P. ttti" - -- " & Second St. [étw- Yuma-a. mud in In.“ TIRES Flt-ton. 111333 .- , Am museum - 3m Starting - Lighting 4 Ignition Generator, Starter. Ignition Unit: Remind Ekctric System Rechecked and Rewind Antoine Bosch Delco Remy Dyneto Show†Phileo Diamond Grid Butteriu "21.. H. P. 266 29 a snnnnn - Haak’s Auto Supply Co. Tel. H. P. 2774 St. Johns Ave.---':- Park Ave. Tel. Highland Park 710 - 711 - 712 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS Repair or Rebl Takes Bumps AUTO BLACKSMITH BODY AND FENDER WORK -trhjth-as-lams _ "r-ieteiiiiii-s-n-' Mesdames Dan Hunt, Gordon 'Clouse, Wilson Neartrardner, Wil.. liam Cruickshank. William Tenner.. .tntuttt and C. C. Kapschuil attended the Eighth district meeting of the Legion Auxiliary at Libertyville on Thursday evening, when Dan Hunt spoke of the Legion’s publication/ _ Jlhe Lake County Legionnaires- -. _ A joint meeting of the Legion and Auxiliary of the Eighth district has been announced for Friday eve- ning, Feb. 19, at Lake Forest. to MOTOR CAR ELECTRIC SERVICE "PP5"r"ertRMmW5tr6trTtrm o eer: field members are planning to at- tend. SPRING SERVICE _ msomam: 322 North First Street Phone Highland Park 77 epair or Rebuild Any Mike of Radiator Cakes Bumps and Dents Out Ist. Your __ ‘Auto Body" and Féndern _ Drive Your Car In 3nd Get 'ihthrusto The choir of the Deerfield Presby- terinn church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Sturtevant of Beverly place on Wednesday eve~ nine for the weekly practice end social hour. The previous meeting was at the Raymond Johnson home on Fair Oaks avenue. 1 Purnell & Wilson, Ine AUTHORIZED DEALERS WAY. mama)! u, "a: Local and Personal of Deerfield HIGHLAND ' BUMP SHOP Automobiles 29 S. SECOND ST. Lake Forést, 513 Elm Place Clasit)iied L Directo ty Professional and Business .-. PAINTING and DECORATING Paints. Wall Paper, Glass _ Window Shades, Auto Glass - WE Supptftv"" Central & Second St: Tel. H. P. 949 _ _ -. "T2reTiti'rtC'"'" _ 30- "' Nun: an." m m. Tolevhone I78 . . . ' "orthtrttertatn Raid ' . 31.1.}... p"; Tel. Highland Park " - Glencoe 59 GARAGE and CAB SERVICE Automobile. Stored and Rerahed Batteries Chnrged Am §3§Jj§1§sgmwzgzggLnnm movéa {foil -t%rnirehAirirr- trail, which they occupied for just a month and have gone to Chicago. Mrs. Thomas O’Connor, who has been seriously ill for quite a long time at her home, 1414 Somerset avenue, is recuperating slowly. _ JAMES COLLINS Auto Painter' LETTERING - MONOGRAMS High Grade Work . Mr. and Mrs. George Richards of Fair Oaks avenue, entertained eight guests at five o'eloek dinner on Sun- day evening at their home. Iowa, and have rented. their “hot; to the golf profession It the Sunset Ridge Golf club. Mr. and Mrs. George Hupptich and daughter Ella of Somerset Ive- nue have moved to Watertown, Iowa, and have rented their home DR. B. A. HAMIL'ron . DR. A. J. WURTH Mrs. W. w. Clark will be hostess to the members of the Just Sew c1193 next Tuesday afternoon. Lake ftote. 939mm The Tuesday Evening Sewing club will meet next week nt the home of Mrs. J. R. Nota. Mr. and Mm. 1urerpuver cele- brated their wedding anniversary on Wednesday evening " their home on Forest avenue. Telephone Highland Park 542 Butter aha Eggs Butter - " Eggs Home Dressed Poultry 427 N. Green Bay Road Highland Park. Ill. 1rtu_ty_tti_hLr.s..r, lupr letter, have 516-518 Laurel Avenue BRAND BROS. Opposite Northwelurn LARSON BROS. Decorators C. B. HANSEN Dentists 1-" P339. OFFICE 7.368 BLOOM STREET PETER Ill. K. GRIMSON PL mm __ a r "mental J,'IA'i9l??hf185'-ai ‘m _.lreyphotte_Hisrhund Path 530 , " and “In. 1m Dom Ave. 1.1.“ Professional Piano Work Magiar‘m“ Sign?“ Plastering Contractors 360 wuker Avi. Phone ii.T "Let Mike Do It!" _ Telephone Highland Park 1266 Potted Plants - Cut Flowers Bethlehem EvantreiiiaiiiGiui" Another event, for the same whee-J mm, ThnPfwr--reb.-i-,---ir- t Father and SorG unqisiit Eon-r; Tre_o_pA51 oi the Boy Scouts at the The prom-em committee of the Deerfield Woman's club met Mon.. day morning at 10:30 at the home of Mrs. C. W. Boyle of Bprintrfield avenue. Mrs. Boyle was hostess It luncheon, that day, to the members of her committee. Miss Mildred Newton will. Air, hostess, to the Teneherh, Bridge club] on Thursday evening. _ l Circle One of the Dome moiety lot the Presbyterian church in meet- ing Monday evening, Petr. 16, " the home of Mrs. Carl Stedler of Od- ehard lane. Mrs. W. W. Clark entertained guests of Highinnd Park and Deer- field at on old-fashioned quilting party on Friday, a week ago. The Friday Evening Dinner club is meeting this week at the home of Mrs. Irving Brand of Deerfield ave- nue. e ERWIN F. DREISKE and Artistic Funeral Designs _ go to M. G. Maurine. Prop. - - ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES REPAIRING - WIRING 71¢ ELECTRIC SHOP “Say It With Flowers" FLORIST Artistic Funeral Designs 53 South St. Johns Avenue Phone Highland, Bark 602 piano “and "Say It With Flowers" dAvu. .MMn . Junta-a Florist ‘9 The Florist for '. 492 READ THE PRESS 700 Central Ave., Highland Park, Ill. CABINET WORK FURNITURE REPMtED Rettniahiete and Upholstering 388 Central Ave. Phone H. P. sri RELIABLE LAUNDRY Tel. H. P. 495 " 35 Lawn Mowers Sharpened Send your lawn moiers to DRY CLEANING CO. Phone R. P. 178 QUALITY DRY CLEANING REPAIR AND MARPENING We call for and deliver 60 N. First St, Highland Park RELIABLE LAUNDRY The bigger the market the better the results. RENT THAT EXTRA ROOM PRES WANT-ADS for Results Lawn Mower Shop DRY CLEANING CO. J. SMITH Miscellaneous Dry Cleaning - Pressing g Tailoring and Repairing brunt- enlled for and demand Phone H. P. 178 QUALITY LAUNDERERS JOHN NELSON Upholstering John C. Far, Prop, Phone 3090 JUNK TELEPHONE 410 E. NELSON AND Dealer in AND S. St. J ohm Ave. gun-1mm us for