- PASQUESI 13308., INC, c-sa,,-,,-,' w A Cr", Sarge 3.114 Ngggrr 8igaariee,-,:, 5 Quart: on '-_*.-e_._er.. '-e----e%.--s-----..-...,....., 7 Gallons Regular Gas o-f..-.-..., s"-Ahrisertiir :f _/. v---'...'-"..".'..'-","..".".')-...'..,'..".'.".'.'....',',..' All Servicé over $5.00 "--8L60 of 21244-16 Railway Ave. Phone 1600 DR. WEST’S TOOTH PASTE, 3 for _-_.------ McKESSON’S MILE OF MAGNESIA, 3 f McKESSON’S RUBBING ALCOHOL, 3 for EPSOM SALTS, 5 lbs. for -""------. MODEM, 3 for "----------, 'FRENS SANITARY-- PADS,- ' for 'uri'i.J..uc..'_c CAMAY SOAP COMBINATION, 4 for~..... VALENTINE CANDIES, per box "--_tmmwtwmmtmtr. DR. Elii?'17) TOOTH BRUSHES, 3 for FEB 'lt, .. r:.:...:'.,..:..'::,:.!"..::.',?!""'!' 'M l . il , v; it).:'.:?:'-" j " tt n. , - _ B" 1 q p Mil, Fi ‘ Fl lie, 'Le KI I il9tll r’ . 6 _ -. “ff, atlili' - _ ' Sit £16333. A ' . k HIGHWOOD STATE BANK HIGHWOOD PHARMACY Dollar Day Bargains Help fight the Depression and deposit your monies in your local bank where it will be tmt in circulation locally. ' Open A Savings Account $1.00 SAVINGS BANK FREE with each account .opeated "The Community Bank" F. L. MeOMBRR; a.†Phoné Highland Park 227 m------------.-" up ,3for. w------------" Highwood, Ill. 41 41 ....__.......31 _._.....31 ----$1 -art "" --Sl Tl. PIIII ",' _ CHARLES GLASS Wm 326 Wuhan- Ave.,' fiirst.ood, m a in} a iciviiivr" 3 Ladies A tons 'i.Ltr,'g=.aaw. . 1 'itiii?i'iei'rietp-iiitre 1 Mai: ll "em"'.....--..--...... 1 Men‘s Overalls ""'-.--rmwmrrm..-.... 1 Men’s 81.50 Caps '"'er._tr-qrwrt... 1 glen? 81.13%. znfor .'e..emr-ert 1 Here up} just ' few of the i 314 Railway Avenue 1 2-inch Paint Brush',Gifr.'iird" -iii for ..m.t_ Johnson Floor Duster, reg. $1.25, and Oil Mop, reg. 50c. All tor-r-rr,,-).----,--,,.,, 1 Nb. [Wish Tub/reg. 75c, and ' Scrub Board, reg. 50c. Both for.-...-.-......., 1 large Willow Clothes Basket, reg. $1, and 1 60e KeystomrCiothes Line. Both for............. 1 quart size Mirro Aluminum Pan, 50c value 1 1% quart size Mirro Aluminum Pan, 65e value All for 2 quart size Mirro Aluminum Pan, 76e value $1 Layer Cake Aluminum Pan, Me value J Self Wringerdkrub Pail, reg. $1.50, and 1 Mop Head, 35c value. Both for .------------8a 1 quart size Johraon’s Liquid Wax, reg. $1.25, and 1 50c size Paste ax. Both for --c------------.----8U 4 Hour Floor Varnish, reg. $2.25; special _----.-.---" 1 4-incl1 eaiyt. Blush, reg. $1.25, and . .. 1 Hand Hatchet, guaranteed $1 value and 1 Hammer, 60e value. All for ""'-"-"""-T--- 6 Gold Band Soup Plates, reg. 15c each, and 6 Cups and Saucers, reg. 16e each. All for _ Regular Luna Brand Malt Extract, 55e each; Bottle Caps, reg. 25c gross; 7 gross for .._-eet.--t. Bathroom Rugs, $1.75 value "m-"---------, Bhtahwoodtillie ttai, $1.50 value%i. Dollar Day Bargains SHERON Y HARDWARE Dollar Day Specials iii """'....rr-..--...... t Men's Home Slippers -....iii -duiC.CLC.CC.r 1 " Pair Boy's Long Black as. 2 for .-t...rrt... 1 Stockha- .-------.art Ell" Heavy 2 pair Ladies' Silk Booe........81 SHOES: Men's and Ladies. 81.00 cl from - pd: of shoes on Walnut!†only. BUY T1"l!1r_?fr9ArrpAttcAms AT aw of the items listed at the Special Dollar Day Sale fof Wednesday, Feb. 10. Cr-ii-tttttitil 'i'tt'itic'eun'iiiiik'iiriLr. halal: THURSDAY. FEBRUARY " TrwtRriritis,' l for __$1 each; 3 for-IN Tel. H. P. 2041 Tekrhmse.tgtq All for --l" ,.......$1 -Art .31 $1 .....$1 ....$1 31 -31 _.$1 Butter Rolls Sweet Rolls. , Layer Cut 2 Layer Cab 2 Layer Cnh , [4an Homemade E RAILWAY Hid 2 lbs. H, 2 tall ca ' 5 pests, 20 rolls, 2 dozen , 12 lbs. J 3 large 3 large 4 No. 2 4 No. 2. 7 lbs. W 4 large 2 glass Order: tai ALL S 1 lb.B