'otte'rootrt TI! ’tlll stead of 10:30. .. A cordial welcome. Friday, 8:00 p.m.---Adult choir re- 'd hawk, .. sM "-r,r-9re " r,-'--. _ -', J,, --9hr'i'jiukGiiiiGe'rvse. . - .. Wednesday, Feb. 17---L.L.L. club meeting. Tuesday, Feb. 16--rriiiiraty meeting. St. Paul's Evangelical Church Deerfield F. G. Piepenbrok, pastor Church school, 9:15 a.m. Worship service, 10:15 am.- -Nondan 3:45 p. m-Children', choir. .----_ "“""‘""’ “- Tuesdny, 3:45 p.m.--Cub meeting. “Tueadty, 7:45 p.m. - Church School Parent-Teacher meeting. a cordial invitation to everybody to visit their stores and shops on Dol.. lar Day. T a score of years has the purchasing power of a dollar been so great, yet the "merchants are making avail- able to their friends this opportunity to realize even greater savings than are normally possible. Dollar Day this week is a more than ever be- fore, genuine thrift day. Merchants Co-Operating Dollar Day was inaugurated sev- eral years ago by progressive High- land Park merchants under sponsor- ship of the Highland Park Chamber of Commerce. Merchants all over the town are participating and of- fering an unusual selection of val- ues under no circumstances obtain- able for one dollar at any other time. Their offerings are not clear- ance stocks. The commodities are fresh and specially purchased for the occasion. The merchants extend The variety of Dollar Day offer- ings this season is beyond calcula- tion and description. Not in almost No line of endeavor that possibly could have joined this event has been overlooked. Read carefully each advertisement for each offers unusual opportunities for the pros- pective buyer. _ _ This sale is for one day only. Practically all business houses are participating, and you will find their advertisements in this issue. Read them and take advantage of the bargains offered for Wednesday, Feb. 10. prices always comparing most fav- orably to those offered anywhere on goods of equal quality. Your dollar will go far inJLII they; gtoreg orriigriiadayriiiid on ell other days you will get full value and splendid service by trading " home. local merchants 7 "dGitGrnii at maimed to acquaint iU readers with Jtheir tine offerings, Dollar Day Wednes- day, Feb. 10, should result in one of the biggest selling events in the retail history of the city. Visit the Stores While the offering of good values at low prices for this day is a feat- ure of the plan, the outstanding pur- pose of Dollar Day is to make the people of Highland Ptr"rlr," Ravinia, "eerfietd and Highwood better ac, LOCAL 3mm 0mm BIG VALUES FEB. ll) (Continued from page 8) WAY. mun! It, "tt --r_-----u=5', Wide Variety 8in vari‘ety 61 Start. " 8:00 ', concluded promp play, “Backsâ€! teretrtintt part of business will be 1 the feature of th Picture of a m ine its devglopn lott, in the forest duet of n Porpfp) A9tmral_yrrtt l The first of a entertainments Deertteld Dram held tonight (T1 field grammar a Deerfield D1 Invite F lh Mrs. Chum months in an ', linquent boys can of the at brought her in children and tl for them and man interest w local and state l attempt to har (mean Mrs. Cl connected with tective League aunember of t the School of S. istration of the cage. Mrs. Rober eer of servic former vice 1 county league cago Forum, “We, and l auxiliary of t face associat ing " chain School of li'o league, and i: lied to discuss of patriotism. Mrs. Robe of the Chien; viee-ppesideni League of Vi now serving week-end Sch "What Patri commemorati ttsttttnnial, U _- Chandler wi the league in fare. “tint Prom. Luncheon and the co a large attel On Feb. League of regular m Session a WAY,