Ty of North attaining the hundred club dined to her the past two nicely. yaon of Cen- rude Ames, present the mesa Girls' Milwaukee nting 1 series Wednesday) Jitel, who is a visit, fol- asicale. Beahnm of the happy Wednesday, was former.. daughter of V. Boyd of ms gone to med from -a south. b, who has me'with the red and able Central ave. mbers of her day evening. is spending mother, Mrs. >1 M. Hastings I Ada Moore, ’ part of this iz., for I Bev- r daughter. lian Smith, 'olyn Spat- on, who was by illneu the ask is able to lnwood drive, r sick list for try much ins lawn ‘leasant ave- "In. All who tbt [ Wednesday me was held md include “I“: "" entertained lion enumin- ridge club on rcetrttRr-ieflrhii" Mrs. Sellar at the home a, Music may n. "tt e__ -_- Wt" BC- complished. In no case have Scouts done work that men might have been hired to do. On the contrary the monthly paper collections are creating work for local unemployed men. These men are paid from the money earned by the Scouta’ paper collections. Help Wanted Ilu'" In} Want-A The relief projects as Scouts have resulted i and earning of momrv-f half cent each. Large quantiiiei"if clothing valued at mnny hundreds of dollars has already been collect- ml papers, clothing and hangers. In December the monthly ~collection 200 tons of paper am valued 'at $1,700.00. Scouts, to date have col wire coat hangers sale: half cent each. Lane I Relief projects are North Shore Seaman SCOU'I‘S SERVE RELIEF THROUGH PAPER COLI Candidates for committeemen will have 20 days in which to file their petitions for the April 12 election-- from Feb. 12 to March 2. All peti- tions must be certified by County Clerk Lew A. Hendee h Interest in the political affairs, Now 67 Incumbents At the last election of pre committeemen, the Republican I named 69 committeemen. /I'w them have since died, leaving committeemen in the countv, _ -_-., - - pen- tions and are still circulating peti- tions to train more signers. Max Przyborskik chairman of the Republican CentralYMttee, and John O'Keere, chairman of the Dem.. oeratie Central committee, have in, dicated that the vigor being put forth by the candidates for precinct committeement points to an intense interest in the political and†While the 6133;}; fommitteemen was Feb With " precincts in Lake county at present, two .more than lust year and six more than at the last elec- tion of committeemen. both major parties are making efforts to have leaders in each of the Dreainnf- T! Keen interest is being 1 the candidacies for repub] democratic precinct comn with nearly 200 men and w ported ciréulating petitions Nearly 200 Candidates for Key OIBces in County Towns Have Petitions KEEN Imam IN * commm RACE THURSDAY. FEBRUARY ttt, 1982 -""'""--K-aGau==t_f' In December and January ly ~collection amounted to of paper and magazines, , 81,700.00. Cubs, and date have collected 40,000 hangers saleable " one- can cert.try1Gihiiiiiei, and Keefe, chairman of the Dem.. Central committee, have in- that the vigor being put . 4L- ---- ..- - - Term he tiling day for precinct men was Feb. 12, approx- “11'de ma A thisfF . Deti- ojects selected by the sulted in the. saving money~£or reli1tthat. the April 12 election-- ! to March 2. All peti- te certified by County . Hendee. eh of the preeirGa." Ready to File old maiaziner Gi", wi, liiirrii tkiiifi ac- I case have Scouts msn might have featured in the COLLECTION wire coat Wing Shown in republican and corttmitteemen and women re- their peti- precinct in the Old South' the Televox: It ism“ " mt Fair; a live baby in its a and rocks the youngster to a with a awayin'g motion,_true to best form of the original arm: Mefhnncial Mandy Westinghouse research e', have demonstrated a new et the 'rtle_rsclt is Meetuintei "A friendly and helpful attitude to'ward the reconstruction of the economic conditions of those for.. eign nations.whieh (a) directtheir efforts toward an honest,reduaon of military and naval forces; l), devote their efforts toward world‘ peace; (e) declare that all private debts shall be paid when due, and (d) agree to pay such part of their governmental obligations as shall be determined by a et?rnmittee..of fhtaneial experts of international standing." RELIABLE Lummif at all 1 tion of States. DRY CLEANING CO. establish tions wit "A full and complete discharge by the Federal government of its duty to the disabled veteran and his family. "The repeal _of the Prohibition amendment and the Volstead Act and a return to the various states of the full power to rogulate liquor traffic within their borders. l able to pay and those most benefited. ', "A revision of the national bank- ing law to provide for a more strict sgpervision of national banks. . “A revision of the Federal Re- serve banking system only so far as is necessary to allow for its com- plete functioning in accordance with the principles declared by Woodrow) Wilson. v- . --....-‘,uv, l retrenchment in the expense o: branches of government. "A tax law which will place cost of government upon those able to pay and those most hen-sf mental functions which of ri, yn-tr-elle-fx-tst-ths/Giard,'; J,-i-iir-trhiiir-iGairGriiir"Ura' by the Federal government: Piroke B. P. m QUALITY LAUNDlIm “a on CLIANIIs "A revision of the tariff to re- ablish friendly commercial rela- ns with foreign countries and still protect our industries. 'A national defense which shall all times guarantee the protec- n of the citizen of the United; Thomas J. Lynch, Dem didnte for member of Cot the 10th Congressional made public his platform init held recently. Thomas J. Lynch Makes Public His Campaign Platform; Features t revision of g motion, "true to the the original crooner: AND J. Lynch, Democratic can- member of Congress from Sh.rntr.reteionai district, the expense" ii'aii engineers edition of its and: i to sleep of right be.. those best at: (e) a Tn! It... meet- the MARSHALL FIELD 'l" a COMPANY "w LAKE FOREST STORE 7_ _, -"r"""?"'"irat56tha," attention of our Lake Forest Patrons These exceptional values are Wash middies . . . . I Wool middies . . . . . Cheviot middies . . . I Wool serge middies . . . A Long trousers, wool serge . Long trousers, wool Cheviot Serge trousers . . . . . Flannel trousers . . . . Wash shields T . . . _ . Fs . Lanyards q . . . . . . . Suits with shorts; mixed co "f?.Cy1iii))iiirfii" all at very special reductions LAKE FOREST STORE on; byuarn suis, Blue suits gvith shorts flannel: ' . . . . Overcoats: limited rm APPAREL for BOYS Final Clearance of Wash shorts . . 5 Wash trousers, long Odd dollars . . . Suspenders . . " men sizes . .' '. . 16.75 ia, shorts . . . 16.75 ' . . . . . . . 16.75 I limited quantity . 9.75 . . $1.95 and $2.95 --Market tiquare cor. 4.95 3.95 4.50 4.50 .75 .10 1.95 .50 .75 ‘ 2.95 4.50 4.50 gum