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Highland Park Press, 18 Feb 1932, p. 18

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tnstoitGriiiit" TROOP TO CHOW WASHINGTON now: On Feb. " Troop. " four ml movie, the 1 9m: Wm... " T2','"t1"CTPrPrF7.rrTre-7iriFrTirCiiG- end also of the prenldenu of the United Shun In order. Then following that there were two short game: and between the other (ochre: to take the wiggle. out of boy nature. Since " m ttme to no home. we repented one of Lincoln't moat hm than. u I benediction. "With mike to- ward none and with charity for all." The troop meeting of Troop " wu . little unusual because of a ceremony held in honor of Abratmm Linéoln. Twelve Scouts. one by one spoke one of the lawn and then live an incident u, the life of Lincoln. showing that he lived the law: before they were written. Then cub Scout wowed a and an which wu a letter and n and: Seoul fushed his card in turn the name In: "Lincoln Wu." then beginning over again. only exvozinx the other aide which Mid-~11 "A an“. .....» ..qlt. “LINCOLN" mm: or moor xxx-nus V J," ---. UV". mug" -wm sun: at intervals. 1nd wereled by George Bench. Br request George did his [thee known In "The Name" and then Mr. Steele an: the German piece. for which he is noted, "Jon- ner Smoker." Every Scout and every Dad but one was present. ‘7 -ee -_- uw-w-u - wru II mil. The bratemetooened may...» for- Bembly by Edward Cue] and then the Scout oath and luv led by Helmuth Phoenbrok: ,'ht,.teteltrritirtticTiiiiiiirr"12'i','CC"'t,' Kenneth Vetter. During the gunner. which w” prepared by the different when. headed by Mrs. Gm, Scout lam-were sun; tt ".ttreyge, 1"te.fef.ttr Gail-2e Bench. AW. _ Fiistf'" iiirieia"t 111L REGIONAL CAMP HEAD SPEAKER Charla Steele. the Regional admin: claim”. m the speaker ol.the ennui It tYe ftrat annual Troop 51 Father tad Som' banquet which was held Thumb! eve- rt're in the uric" of the Bethlehem Evan- gelical church It Deerfutd. Bis theme m the “Return: in Scouting." He brought out thtPe-tertse"ifeaiG=;eii'i'i"'s'2,,l'ill Todd? i%Udf EGierir2orrt lemrtteter-Dort Clark, tsu. M” Pmlwterian Chuieh. Moee.rs'meetimrwaauuuterthe Scout meeting at which Bud Andrews was tytted Senior patrol lender. taking Fahd-v Games submarine to Lincoln‘s birthday were played after the an] opening cue- 'spmsksofTYoors8. BudAndrew-wuin charge of these one: and had Joe An- drews. Hilton Homer and Don Clark give tending About Lincoln. After these readings quesstiomr concerning. ttt.eftar'utde'tiGelofuiiitGiirire"iC nked the member: of the mm!“ the Otter who! answering the most correctly. The m-mben of the drum and tangle corps then left to practice in an adjoining room while the rest of the boys played tunes, in charge of Penn». Hopkins. aarUtartt Beoutanaater. Pe meeting eluted with the salute to the! moor onsnvns ugzcow BIRTHDAY Erwin Holmes, out. pit on a mic Ihow {or the fellmn. ’All geStortI about this In certainly good. Everyone is Butt '03de how that coin trot in Mr. bull's hit. Br the time the music entertainment was ended 'h '17:: 9 o'clock no the father and son’s banquet cloud with the singing of has. and another delightful evening of Bool- feb. lowship wu ended. at. "Joe" then any. or rather yodeled eat. It ”a few songs. The fellows ant-e "fell for" nor an -hi-oNtti--------- w -e-r--e-e----_-eee.e, F---eF-e--_-ie l Next a few ‘reeh of Cam. HO-ki-ja-nn in: n. v"etures were shown. M ”and to stink along. "te In intern: in the camp in the men neat In and to revive memories In the boys. Every- ' Dan.- on: my]? enjoyed thee 9km. Then "ter the dhhel had been ale-rod any Ind the table. had been folded up t?e8eo-ndttretrstheAGea-t"rateTt E t. as! Ikit 11113 "'tYo Doctors." Mr. '91.”! WILMETTE BRAESIDE KENILWORTH RAVINIA INDIAN HILL HIGHLAND PK. WINNETKA HIGHWOOD HUBBARD WOODS EVERETT GLENCOE LAKE FOREST mm betrinn this month all over the 'rrmm.% wftl lbw . m If... then“? {my Icon- cl the! lender} EBB; ‘Edge"_ iii; 'tyt Ember an usiiun't t. Troop " the mu'rT'éJme'; After 'Luhr on! Troop as of Bt. June. (chow, Hammad met on Thur-thy. Feb; II at 1:00 run. to "9"" for Ite ”In! wo.. 11100? STUD!” "381' All) - -_"-V -- ”nu-nus. In!» can Jun and oranges. After l cleaned up the cabin thoroughly up. bushel! ofwood for than We left it ":00 Friday morning. 14. Scribe, Arden shore. A Scout from each patrol authored wood for the atone and the fire place. and an ‘other set of boya gathered wood for the in- dividual patrol cooking. For Btttnter we had hunter's stew, milk, bread and jam and tea, mice. After will: was cleaned av Misha-and pots and pane. as well an the grub) we took a ftfteeet minute rest period in order to have plenty of pep for the inalde council fire. There were several toad patrol atunta. and a wacky play was given by some of the boya and the tram ts4Bers. The base Itrlnn on the string board of " old piano made thunder that aeemed more than real to u- Scouta in the darkened cabin with am Fthe low _ WWW it In. a thriller. We not up early the next mornimr. pre- pared a breakfast of pancakes. bacon. cocoa. have jam and manga. After this we cleaned an the cabin tlyrroeurht, and cut an a M- ....|. " w-___, - -- ""'Ne ..‘ wv-uu w var cooling and eating. As our troop is larger than the Ihndard we have Bee patrols. and each one of that patrols roped off up are. and we arranged thlnn in accordance with the Gimp-0.3:! requirement. SPEND "381' NIGHT _ ' I AY cmx-xmwoons I0ur troop arrived " the Cabin in the Wood. n 3 o'clock Thundly afternoon, Pets 11 Ind stayed until It o'clock may morning. _ As this wu our first camping experience. we started immediamely to pre- 'tere, patrol actions at different places in the woods where we would do our cookimr -_J -I-, - Among the _ public ell-ire river: by Scouting on the north shore ere the eleven District Scouting exhibitions and public cam- of honor given during the latter pert of Februnry and March.‘ Winnetka District open. the procrtm of date- on Seturday. Feb. 20 at the Community House. At these aho'wa the public 5 invited to impect the many displays of handicraft pro- beta. collections, model- and hobbies that the Scout. will have assembled. Beoidee the iii-ole” there will lie a ftne program by the Scout demomtrating their activities and receivinx their “Verde from the Court of Honor committee. The public in perticularly l lured to attend these affair: end they can be assured of an intending program. 'Ne dates for theae district exhibitions ere as follows: Saturday. Feb. M. Winnetka at ‘the Community houae: Fridny. March 4. Deerfield It the Grammar school: Saturday. March s. Highland Park at the Lincoln school: Saturday. March 12. Northbrook at the Northbrook school: Friday, April 16,' Glenview " the Civic building: Saturday. March 19. Wilmette at the Howard school: Saturday. March 26---KenHworth at Bear's Ichool: Friday. April I. Highwood It the Oak Terrace school: Saturday, April 2 - Gleneoe at the Central school: Wednaday. April 6. Lake Fore.t at Gorton school and Saturday. Amigo: Libertyville at the Liber- tyville hixh u i. The meeting wu held at Art Bald-urn house Friday afternoon. After opening it with the oath and law, we talked nbout tanking a meeting and then plnyed I little Ping-Pong. Then relruhmenu were unwed end the meeting we. cloned. - Pine Tree Patrol. Scribe Henry Wilder, Troop 85. PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS ".Ahrrtrr,r'rtttGitiiaii V eat. It was unrated by Beemtmaater O'Con- nor that the AENlt?.1',h-'-rs?t1-t-eet'styit.u 1mrirtrii mt Likes. Naval trun- inz nation. each fellow bringing " friend Hoax. A vote on this will be taken It the next meeting. The meeting was cloned a O 'tart.----'-, Art “that. _ m [INK 13337 PATROL A board of review w held It the last tasting of Troop 86, Feb. 12. in which my badge- were named. A Fat of these budge will be given Inter. Neely tho en- tin meeting for those not appear“! before the'board was spent in practising u-u and wrangling. After. opening the mating o o n-t --" I-” __. . - V V - Ne""-"'-) --Ov‘-I'w‘lllu' I with the oath and law. Attendant: Mira-3m m... ”Olgqggyr AuiiiicE ‘ cunt-cu canon“: m m """at alum W M9003 qritqrcirit on which cooking TH! P3333 , Board of leviéw for January van bald recently by hoop " Ember; to! "..tugtg V bll and Mr. C, E. Bates. he .lollowinl boy: advanced: Second elm Clarence Beck- man. Richard Hellman and Wehard Jon-n- moor n mu; BOARD or yawn-w _ a ---..., "nu-null“; -Henrr Richard-on. sign-ling ship; Pro-o club quill. Kevyn committee. conducted the ho. for M1: 88. The born who advancement were: Pint clan hag: Itar:r.-?rettrr Richard-on: Troop 46 met on ms. The Win: was open. and instruction on the t were given. We then w A few intending 33m. l,'g,e.'t'g In: gland with nod etion., "no. Dmo Forest Prenbyurhn mm. On Friday, Feb., 5, My " mating with the colon. The reviewed in nut-chins. We had I about the Scout sermon given to Roberta, Sand-y, Feb. 7. Ind the into patrols. A few racing I dodge ball were played. The In. closed with the Scout Benedlcti: Donn. Troop 16. Luke Fomt P Church. , The last meeting of the Wolf patrol was ‘ held in Kelly's barn. There were five Stout: present. They were Jim Rice. Bob'Snyder. ,8"! Kelly, Ed. Behrens 1nd Trum- Hamil- ton. Before the meeting we had I came. Then we had dietitian shout the petrol. We cloned the meeting with a tune of Cap- tare the Fhur.--mni Kelly, Assistant Re- Porter, Troop 32. TROOP DISCUSSES k SCOU'I: SERMON F wow PATROL "93408 MEETING Mr. w. "E were then told LiGiitG"iit' between patrols and other n tloop. The meeting cloud u were men mm attout a ten week content between patrols and other matters of the troop. The meeting closed with the Indian Sign lanmze. Benediction led by Mr. Brutrh.---trooi; 32, Reporter Dick Clark. In our new meeting place Friday. Feb. 12 at the Elm Piece school with 21 present, After the opening exercises we had . period of drill and the dividing of the Scouts Inc- cordingkto their rank to practice tests. We -i-..-o -N__a - Tmor " Meeting The regular meeting of Troop in our new meeting place Fri, at the Elm Plaee school with After the opening exerci-o- n _ Like -Fuiit, . T300? " KEEPING _ Troop " held its meeting Friday. Feb. 12. It was a night that we: enjoyed by all the boys. The boy: talked about different thing: that they are going to make. Then the hon had I nine which ended the meet- lei ntr9:00 Tr.m.--Homer Fowler. Troop 46. "no, rum-t ' ,H. ,_-. -. 'lullllw w "gees Gill'- ing the wpek. Near 9 o'clock we unmet-ed in the main room Ind "sad some snappy O'Gndy drill. After we had maid the Scout oath we were dilmiued until next Friday.-- gcri‘lrae Dune Teberw Troop 88, Highland At the weekly meeting of Troop 88, Feb. 12, we worked on Seoul requirements under the leadership of Mr. Boyd Anderson. An- nouncements were made concerning the new collection Saturday And the coming Hobby show. A number of tab, were ere and e'tchupatrol planned to meet dur- Park. moor as wonxs my JtPttnrurMrrNm The meeting adjourned It 9:00 am, with the Beoutmaater'. beiietiom--Dtitrie"t Edi- tor Ambrooe Cantaeatits HARE “0K8 FOR CHURCH The Diamond Lake troop and. wax 1rtoh, Jul“. 40: -tht--BHatomt- hie 'titrtith: All the Scouts were prmnt. Some of the Scout: nailed and lame out. and other! phlned the rub. Four of the fellow drilled holes in them so they could um on the _eata.---Trom, To, John Celbn, Du, mond Lake. were led by the Junior assistant econtmuter. the Scout. participated in come “as. Tub were given h, Mr. Pluto. the chair- man of the Troop committee. Mr. Musik, diatrict commissioner. Mr. O'Haherty. the scoutmaater and Lewh Young. They were given on the coming hobby show. itruusee and on the mobilisation day. he Beoota aleo had some ttmt aid which Wu taught by Mr. Hunk, our that aid instructor. The awards given out at the meeting were merit badges, pioneering and cooking. They were given to Louis Young. our uni-hut ugutmuter. _ ' I'rerrbrteiii.it, -iiiiirii, " "..-- ID. "Ft-taaa) 7509!.” mums nu an: amen": We Bad I film. had dictation shout the patrol. the meeting with a tune of Cap- Fhur.--mni Kelly, Assistant Re- - .0 moor " yam yen-ongjcmaxz of 'tl sermon given to an by Dr. Feb. 7. and then we went l few racing cune- and played. The meeting wu Scout Benediction.» James . Lake Forest Presbyterian on Fruurriim. t2, 1932.‘ Hotpoint value iron I oItned..wfth the eolors _:.I. __!-I A_-__c, - we collection or "per; m went to our pun-01., I"). were trlared. The with up. Ind the Scout 2:8"; Troop " Lake board a rgvg who synod their ee" scoutmute, I “at 'ueuGiuTliir.. p " opened in The ttors were hid . dhgmion In --gotin' iGC ', Merit had“. Ind grant; Smith. 32 was held flOCAI. STORE ; andyoor COMPANY STORE Hotpoint ,raiBe iron (pictured) with aid temperature signal, " ished in ehromeplau and etched with nth-naive denim. h only Wadrar are no trick to make when you bake them electri. cally. Automatic signals on the new irons tell you when to pour in batter. No smoke ---no muss. Bake them right at the table-serve them hot and crisp. They're delicious. ___ --- "mu"... Scout: earned their advancement: Tender. toot--imuet Daniel. William Daniel. Philip Getty 3nd Fred Siding. Merit buds. - John Ginter--Bremanattip and Robert Gin- ter---ftremamNss HOOP FIFTY-TWO BOARD or REVIEW ' The board of review for Troop 6bot Deer- fkrld was conducted by Mr. Mark J. Att- drews and Mr. W. W. Todd. The following ’ BOARD or REVIEW I POR 7300? " Mr. 0. B. McCorilon. Mr. H. Cm. J. B. Jackson. Mr. H. G. Bolts and Mr. J. P. O'Connor were the member: of the troop board of "View for Troop " fer the Jun- unry Scout 'uhraneement. The following Id- vnneement I!” made: Tenderfoot. Tommy Simpson: Star-Calvin Defenhnu. D. Wino, tan Lou, Walter Natal! and J. P. O'Con- nor; merit badtmr---Artttur Bald-“f. T.yig, 1nd mm l Job; WV mi: . mton Iamir--rmbne health Ind menu tttit i John _erntetr-zmntmtiiiire 'id,Ptt. ”steal trrookUq mrvm‘." 'a Connor-rrmnonnl health And public mm” Jack y.eettimr-ioneiaiF. Orlando Vivir. itar--athietter: Peter 1nstte--=hemhrtr, ttttd interpreting; Henry wyder-sathttndiG and Chale- zattn---statttttndintr. HUNGRY FOR ryrat 'ttaa.--'. Chronoe Tou.. John Jing- Itrom, Clurl- Burnett, Arthur leaner Ind Walter Toll. GLENVIEW MUNDELEIN GOLF LIBERTYVILLE NORTBBROOK DIAMOND LAKE NORTHFIELD HALF DAY DEERFIELD RONDOUT BANNOCKBURN IVANHOE o0terumgutrumnm. onihpluydm mURsD'AY. manna 18. t9rre ooo " fer the Jm. ,. The followtng Id. Tonderfoot. Tommy yielding. Jr. Win... AUTO monsoon: N. B. P. 891 Sunni: - Li comm, Marten Electric Spam R Autotite Bosch Delco Phileo Diurnal Hank’s Au Parnell . AUTHOR] M. Johns Ave. Tel. Highland ELECTRI AUTOMOTIVE Rereir or Rebuild Take. ”Bump. an AUTO BL SPRING J OHN SO] WhethQLL 'iiidjiiFth 1 will be able t 700,00o to be ipation notes relief workers Auto Bod Drive Yur Cu NtririiifiTreF.' While legit of the bills f stated that tl tired by Cook a gallon gas which provid tire the antic Sawfly There is 1 poor relief L assembly an L. Emmerso: anca of 818,i notes tot rel have much I it is feared, I"! "per. 322 North Phone High mgnsnA Y, Poor Rd Not loch-rad, HIG BUM Ail

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