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Highland Park Press, 18 Feb 1932, p. 6

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Through his desire to tind a por- trait of George "Weltitttttotuwfrieh expresses at the attributes of that fineranan, Mr. C. M. Garland of tnt N. St. John’s avenue, made an in.. tensive study of history and col- lected many splendid pictures. He thought he would compile his in- formation in a magazine article, utautratir-4_ik-Sr-tmewriitaF a concise life of Washington which he illustrated with twenty phi-traits now in public and private galleries of America. This book "Waahtittr. ton and His Portraits" brim to us the "Great Washington," the most "Illustrious of Americans.” Ir; and It Garland‘have been eats of Park for sag; that he has given such -a valuable contribution to the world'of books. Washington Portraits _ _ Are Interesting Study . Miss Burnham’s talk was enjoyed, and whether: in her um] delight- ftt'1rreas, and refreshing manner. Tel wu served after the meet- in: ms adjourned. Mr. Helitshnmmer who is inter- mtiomlly known for his famous amines trtbve a brief talk on wood carving and methods used then gave a demonstration of carving while" Miss iCu-ol Lou Burnham of Win-, neth hiked of Mr. Bal1tahammerl and his work. _ Mr. Btultahanuner is uninterest- ing worker with a greet knowledge of humor: nature and a» keen genre of humor which is shown in his carvings. He brought with him a number of carved pieces which made an interesting displey. _ _ woman's club, Jitieil was irarTi the Village house Wednesday, Petr. 10. Mr. Carl Halltahammer, wood ttttver,, was guest artist " the Ravinia Woman) Club Interesting Program Tickets must. be Sought "isu,G,"Tii, show opens in order to take sdven- use of the reduced oriee. _ Men: Entries With the show opening still six weeks "my the competitive classes for garden club exhibits 'in Chica- Memhe'rs of tfri-ua," are selling tickets for the show now. The ad- "Pe price in nominal, white' Li. Mrs. J. S. Weinberg is chairman of the committee nnd Mrs, E. T. R. Murphey, viee-ehairman, Club made three entries in the thm. den Club of Illinois Flower Show which in tube at the Municipal New Pier, Chic-go, April 2 to tr, inehur ive. They will exhibit 1 living room bouquet in a high use. e sun room exhibit of a potted flowering plant, and e living room exhibit in . low bowl. _ _ Hats Three Entries in Aland Flower Exhibit Navy Pier April 2 to ' _ LOCAL GARDEN CLUB , Dr. IN CHICAGO SHOW - (Continued on page 27) of -thst-atii-viitin The next regal” meeting of the Deerfuid-t?hutits Parent-Teachers association will be on oftemoon meeting on Morph 3, 1932 " 8 pan. Min Brooiehnirman of the ad.. vioon of the high school will give . tolk describing 'hutt11 lyn- wide 'irttterfor-tmtfriretkt6t stu-1 “don‘t- pl'o'ue 1:0an Thurts/ day nftarmoon More]. In]. no. J lag Pin litiArr. a vote of its board contributed to the purchase of this f11m, sad it is hoped that mny hitth school P.T.A. members will take this opportunity to no the tlim. This flhrt k avail- oble for pron-1m: throughout the high "hootdutrietaodaG, bemo- Members of the De'ertuid-shietds Parent-Teachers exudation are in- vited to a celebration of the Bi-cen- tennial of the birth of George Wagh- ington', Monday evening, February 22nd " tt o'eloek at Elm Place school eudltorium. The ttrat show- ing of I very fine flhtt concerning the life of George Washington will, be the future of the evenintt'a en-l “attainment. META: throng“ High School P. T. A: _ Members Invited to _ 7 Attend Celebration The Men’s club eorduariGrtki everyone who is interested to come to but Dr. Bradley, Dr. Bradley’s discourse is happily chosen. The date of .the meeting falls between the birthdays of two of our illustrious Presidents - those of the martyred lihntuteiputor and the bicentennial of Washington -..... gives us the privileged opportunity to attest, by our presence, to those patriotic sentiments, never absent, but bearing astronge: emphasis oi: occasions of historical importance.‘ his own pulpit and from numerous forums in Chicago and its environs, ubonnd in inspiration, _ instruction and entertainment. The subject of Dr. Bradley, minister of the Peo- ple’s church of, Chicago, is Well known in our community.‘ His stir- ring messages, emanating both from TrrPiaaaTTiiaiieFnTifGiGriG “Two Great Americtns" at the meeting of the Men's club of North Shore Congregation lane], Lincoln aid Vernon avenues, Glencoe to- night (Thursday, February 18,) at 8:00 Van. Preston Bradley at Men’s Club Tonight appthElon . I'll In)" ”TEE Humane Pm: board i. ar, Ment that than!" many who will with to hip in this splendid work. " per cent of the people in the Settlement district ore out of work, end that 2700 funnies are in dio~ trem.' The Settlement not only ad.. ministers to’the physics] needs of the” ttnfortmuitass,. but tho lid: in “toughening the morale of. those who might otherwise become '1tttrttimteir,atr. V , l Smey, Mrs. Edward Roach, Mrs. Ralph army, Mrs. Charles much, Binder Is Speaker Mrs. Frank _Metreer, Mrs. Walter --- Rutledze. Mrs. Charles Wright, Mrs. Carroll Binder will speak before Robert Walker and Mrs. A. L. Mil- the Ravinia P. T. A. It the Village let. V F infuse on Tuesday, Feb 28, st eight ‘ :IUII - l ~_,.'OC'E :§--"l1|1 J 'vU' H " w' sts a - Communists” sw limp: g,',t trut 'i,tg,'d,t', It', “Rwy". life in Italy ml Rum! be given by "Mi-s. Louis Leverone " .her home " 7 o'clock Saturday evening, Petr. 20, for the benefit of the Settlement. The hoitesm misting Mrs. Leverone ere: Mrs. tea; the firtst to be given " the home of Mrs. Frank Mercer at 2 o'etoek on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 24, and the second, " the home of Mrs. Walter Rutledge, on Fri- day, Feb. 26. Tickets are now on sale by the committee in charge. and mey also be secured by phon- ing Mrg.-Renslow Sherer, B. P. 584. ’Invita’tions have also Been issued for , bttttettupper and bridge to The Highland‘Puk board of this Northwestern University Settle- pent apnoqnces two benefit bridge- Benefit Bridge Teas For N. W. Settlement _ Given Here Feb. 24-26 All members of the Highland Park Women’s club ire naked to save this special day of the you to devote an hour or, two to this worthwhile task. . . Everyone start now “vine pen- nies slid have them ready for the Milk Fund Tag Day on Monday. February 29th: . ' Many prominent young girls of Highlnnd Park " properly author- ized collectors, wearing special badges will sell tags throughout the day. Headquarters will be es- tablished at the Central avenue sta- tion of the Northwestern railrood where workers will report for duty) and instructions. I mw‘infi‘fiirififiifé :1an on Mopur, February 29th. A trindle Mule of miik%GGviG2 one would mean so much to help- letyt fhilgirgn _in _these trying times. The Public Welfare committee of the Highland Park Woman's club has undertaken the task of organ- izing such a campaign and it is hoped that everyone will gladly re- spond to this appeal for help, even if it is only yith a yery email trite. may, February 29th has been nan: (In: Day for Highland Park for the purpose of mailing money to buy milk needed by the babies and children of our own community. Such a Milk Fund has been found necessary to maintain the health of these little one: in unfortunate cir- cumstances here' in Wtthtfnd Park. Monday. Feb. (away, Feb. 29, To Be mgr up 0mm - I ijiiiiii'] "ltd,",',',', Effie?“ I PLAYS GIVEN FEB. te IN I); r, Mrs, --ltmrweit This will beain tttttmttal 9119* ttmitr tom “133111111: 11111.2 aukintt very for speaking otttrar' manta. F 1 Mr. Binder, 3 well known red. dent of Win, was sent to Elf: ope by the Daily News as foreill eormspottdent in 1927 and has tspat much time studying condition there. _ Ravinia P. T. A. to ' -- Meet February 23; Binder Is Speaker test. Ladies from Barrimrto'n, Prai- rie View, Deerfield and Highland Park have entered the contest and till compete for the Gold Medal which .will be awarded. Eech one of the Indies participating have at some time won-I” "silver medal. The winner of this contest will enter sn- other contest to try for the pearl trophy, the winners in thnt series will enter the finals, in which 3 diamond ting is awarded. Thee contests are not only proving to be very interesting, but they‘re pre- senting valuable _ missionary infor- . mation' in the churches in which they ere being held. All who no not attending church elsewhere on Sunday evening are invited to st- tend, tlme--'tt46. . The Woman's Missionnry society will lave charge of the evening ser- vice " 'the Bethany Evangelical church, next Sunday, at which time they will sponsor an oratorical con- Oratorical Contest _ _ at Bethany Church Gaut- m _ cordially iiavlud. By J. M. Bertie "A Kiss for Cinderella" is one of the two greet contributions Mr. Barrie has made to the theatre of children, the other being "Peter Pen," so well loved by old and young. When, given here .earlier in the year. it was received with such Appreciation that “Cinderella's" welcome was assured. Both are (Continued on page 81) - a- ,..., is the Goodman Theatre Children', Players' production of BIrries’ "A Kiss for Cinderelln," under the di- rection of. Muriel Brown. It was first giver this your, on Jan. 16 in Chicago and ms no popularly ae. 1tlaimssLthntiupGca-.a,,a.., is The third and lot in the series of Children’s Plays. pmented ttnder the auspices of the literature com.. mittee of the Highland Park " men's club, will be given next Moa, day. Petr. 22, " 2:16 pan. It the Elm Pluce auditorium. The play 2. -L- 11-7! _ - - -...--- “Kiss For Cinderella” at Elm One-het Place Auditorium; Big Hit creasi - in Chicago I mun. runway 13. 1932 I my". ""-"-i---i_uaGr-=udf _-----..-----" " study of the It". Watery. Girls l £0; in"mehund P ' ”minus the tea Sunday [In]: hm A the mum bath the ”porn. he Y.W.C.A. iiiiiu; tso. If the event fill 29 to the Elm "intend according Cums: in the y schuesed in the cla “strict court for t Met of Pennsylvuu The Picture is bait PS the Insular a, Mn. Under in. 53le thLJnllm The picture has union of the Par, {town’s Barents) ', lie Library, in L utionnl observant tol, Bi-eentenrttai. "Ml-Tana Mrs. I lent a very valmb] "Gsorge Wuhingt .ilr" to the Deane" Crt., Eradiiiié ii Washington Mig. Eaéton w: in: tea by Mm. Arthur Rae, and whosteues for While each tro irsdividuat proble: Lipp's suggestion "fry member. Wt. Wu preset: tive eritieiam on which had been of the club. CtMMt, “S It!) proved an intern afternoon, The regular 1 the Ravinia Gm lttsld Iilridan Ire: 'Februgry teat " there I entered. The I presented We "Id FWitiay em "r (Cotttinue Mr. Fain: A silver low ad by Comma land Park, Inc iirst annual ct content. The Park board ' excellence in Dummsq-Spm American ut will pment 1 individual uti It In. heed A'o 8M! Ent

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