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Highland Park Press, 18 Feb 1932, p. 7

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, in the series ".911th and" itenture com.. md Ptrk Wo. van next Moa, 5 pan. nt the in. lht A play 1. Each one ting hams if r medal. The will enter ea- 'or the pearl I tint series in which ' rihsd, Ther moving to be hey‘u-e pre- onary infor- ms in which Alf who no elsewhere on [ wited to at-l peak before the Village 28, at eight it" ChiidieG I Mes' "A under the di. sod and" at 11111.2: a; 'tttttttr' '0“. It was on Jan. 16 in popularly u. tutorial con- rimrtdn, Prai.. .nd Highland t contest and Gold Medal butt" is one of ribntions Mr. :he theatre of being "Peter by old and ten earlier in red with such “Cinderella's" mnists" aid nnd Bunk- known red. mt to But as tonsil! J'witod. Mary society r availing ser- Evangelical t which time ' Both use 31) Speaker la" at Elm One-Act Play Comretitide, In. l mg Bit creasing; Tell Groun- Asus céliditioll may tit. m, I ma. many " """---i-arc2' --t---_-r-i=tr'i_" Church "s . SILVER ap PRIZE y _ Dollar Day Here Is :. 22 IN DRAMA comm 'i'ine,yftieteai L To Bhd, the Stars The Friendship club will meet " the Y.W.C.A. Thur-day evening at tso. If the evenin; is clear they "ill to to the Elm rPlace school for 0 study of the atare from the ob- llrvetory. Girls bin; household Argentinian Park are “"123 A items-veal attend tie tee Sunday given by thin map from _ the invitation extended “rough the papers. -arrr"iutd Mrs. E. B. Jordnn have lent a very valuable etching entitled, IIGeorge Wuhinzton end Hie Fem- ily" to the Ihrerf1eld Township Pub- lie Library, in connection with the netionel obmence of the Wuhing- ton Breentenntat. ' The picture has been in the pos- Ieesion of the Persons femily' (Mn. Jordan’e parents) for 1 met many turn. Under the picture in en- mved, the, inscription: 1Entered 'fight:', the Act of Congress in the yeer 1864 by C. Schueeed in the clerk’s once of the 'iatrtet court for the Eeetern Die- , Met of Pennsylvulie." kThe picture in being exhibited dur- 1 Washington Etching Loaned to Library Arthur mie, Glu irunci; tau-hostesses for the after-m While each garden presented an individual problem of planting, Mr. Lipp'e suggestions were helpful to every member. . Mn. Eaton was minted in serv- ing tea by Mrs. W. A. Must. Mun February Meeting of . Ravinia Garden Club teat us there Ire now ten groups entered. The performances will be presented Wednesday, Thursday, and Ndsy evenings, Mareh 2, 3, _ (Cotttinued.mi page 30) , V-_.- "'"'i - w - IWIm' od by Community Service of High- hnd Park, Ine. to the drama maps first annual community oneact play contest. The Highland Park East Park board will give a medal for excellence in directing, and the 1hunnretsq-spencer post No. 145 American Legion of Highland Park will present a medal for the best individual acting. .. . Ten Groups Entered It has become necessary to en- . - *r"""" -- Highland Park merchants are MIR, Ten Gm” Are especially pleased with the success Entered; Details of Dollar Day last Wednesday. Cus- . ‘ --- tomers thronged the stores through- A silver loving cup is to he award- out the day and sales were in large T by Community Service of High- volume. Everybody seemed pleased nd Park, Inc. to the drama groups with the excellent values offered,; st annual community one.act play and the day was a success through- ntest. The Highland Park East out, it is reported. _ " board will give a medal for The Highland Park Press contrib- cellence in directing, and the cited largely to the success of this maresq-Speucer post No. 145 big sales event, " it alone carried merican Legion of Highland Park 61 paid Dollar Day advertisements ll present a medal for the best by local merchants in which many Lividual acting. .. . splendid bargains were offered, and Ten Groups Entered there was general expression of t has become necessary to en- 'ratitieation on re tu-Ratvimi-t ours or e 1t,tttf9rthssieGuoiGiiioi," In ldfts" t . . M "_--" -Te --- Mrs. P. D. Stokes the afternoon. ing a} {one for Mr ”can: t groups --- D.A.R. i [ I Friday evening. Feb. M, will be M Rtg‘g‘lfig fitt n know: as Philathea night in the e” "I00 Jubilee celebration in progress at The History Reading circle of the Bethany church. At that time North Shore chapter of the Daugh- Hiss Charlotte Brand, the church tors of the American Revolution' is organist and a member of the Phil- titrirtine this-afternoon " the home! 'athea class, will rive a recital on of Mrs.” m, A. Emu aniline} '1hfghtvtii--aiirGsaiii,7t' Thar. Union Armstrong, 1812 Rice street, (er-in organ is a gift to the church Ravinia. , from the Philathsa class. There "Era"." Ewa’ Tm: will read part will he other interesting numbers on, of "The History of Illinois" which the mm. ' th- .3_‘- A_, -a I A Miir11 Highland Park’s streets are in ex- _ cellent condition this winter due to the cleaning which has been done throdch the eoropemtion of the Highland Park Social Service and the city street department. The city did not have funds for this work but the Socisl Service, through lands raised by subscription, ave employment to needy men who did this work under the supervision of the city street department. This splendid cooperation has served s worthy two-fold purpose, the giving of employment to those needing it, snd improving that sppesrsnce of Highlsnd Nrk.---contHmtU Co-Operation of Social Service Aids in City -_. Street Cleaning Work I There will be many dark home double entries from other cities in the middle west in the western ping pong championship to be held Feb. 26 and 27 " the Palmer house,'hut down this veteran north shore team, they will have to show real elm to who play for the 1pterfraternit, Club. The Clark brothers, Coleman of Glencoe and Robert of Highland Park, captured the Chicago district ping pong championship on Saturday, night. In the finals they easily‘ went through Lewis and Pearson, last year’s western title holders in three straight games. In the semi- finals they downed the strong Jap- anese combination of Fuahimi and Ruahakom ' Winners in Chicago Dist. Ping Pong Match W335i Gt, Commerrie in Dollar Dar. an Recital Feb. 26 ' Success; Local Merchants, Pleased Waxing for this team by the Climber of Ill PI... of "The Notary}? iiiiioiFUG; the circle ir studying. 1,v.w.cii-i-iiiii-iii'i, I Tour to Chinatown The Educational department of the Y.W.C.A. an conducting . tour to Chinatown Thursday, Feb. 18, looting the Y.W.C.A. at-6 o'clock by 13m. Hot lunch " In m..- I The Community Garden class of the B. P. Women's club will meet at Mrs. Eugene Klnber’s home 510 S. Linden avenue on Tuesday, Feb mry 23 " 2 pm. Mrs. C. S. Gotslulk, superintendent of the Morton Arboretum as Lisle, III. will tell the club of the wonderful work going on throughout there. I Community aLia Class Meets li'gh, - umuucuve talk on evergreens; the talk was illustrated with Ian. tern slides of many excellent ever- green subjects. Tea was served and everyone en- joyed Mrs., Wright’s hospitality. . unused and the work found to be progressing nicely. Mrs. L. L. Kumlien, of Hill’s nur- Berg, gave an extremely interesting and instructive talk on evergreens; the talk was illustrated with lan/ tern slides of many excellent ever-1 green subjects. we ounnOCKbul'n Garden club held the Februray meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry T. Wright. Plans for exhibits for the annual garden show of Illinois 'were dia.. cussed and the work found to be progressing nicely. I Bannockburn of, . . Plans for Exhibit The Bannbckbum Garden " LI, - . “Cinderella" in ting ball m I " tons have tteerturiven.out to families where the~father is un- able to work for it and 67 tom have been delivered to men who have worked on the woodpile 2% deys for each ton.' Wood is for sale, cut in any desired length and delivered at 810 a cord, " e ton. . landing Nod-JIM Ree-- . new. I i,' ' thine, socks. pence. 0min": Ihoes end sweeten. thm, bowls, plates, cope, saucer-e, liken-were, and baby high choir. neeas. No money being given. The woodpile continues to fur- nish employment for the mutant number. Wood sold to date bu 13mm itt__Mtttt. 3mm:- avenue. --- -uv-vavlc rtuel " being given in created work, paid for in food orders or other funny needs. No monev bdrm ohm- . Lady Elks Meet Feb. 24 The Lady Elks Social club will meet next Wednesday' afternoon, Feb. 24, at the Elks club on Laurel Calls' from outside tb average only six t yeah these, only about one out brings the worker more t! Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Blanchard of Walker avenue were pleassntly surprised last Tuesday evening by a ""ilvirte visit", from their son, Lt. Paul W. Blanchard Jr., U. S. Army Air Corps, 'who flew to Chicago on oiBeinl business from his station at Selfridge Field, Mt. Clemens, Mich. The following day he took " from the Municipal airport on his return flight. e Total registrations ""------... Highland Park men '-"---.... Highland PIP]! women .".m-ww-. Highwood 'men C-.....,...... Highwqod women --rt_w.r.---___, Pays “Flying visit; to Pareqts Tuesday - ,_ v- u... """""ar II V the Green' Ten Pot, where the monthly dinner ,waa held, with large attendance of, MEIEM antr,invitate1,_, "iii-ttttis. was Howard Beam”: "fistula, 'rhittuiiTiii was "The Vik.. ing Empire and Russia," a~sort of travelogue about the Scandanavian countries, and their relation to Run- sia, geographically and otherwise. It was a very interesting and illum- inatintr' talk and was much enjoyed. Plan Co-Operation The principal feature of the busi- (Continued on page 30) At the Febmry meeting of the Highland Park Chamber of Com- merce, held Tuesday evening, Feb. 9, plans were developed for the co- operation of local civic groups tad individual citizens in the matter of community improvement 1nd wel- fore. ' , diiiriiiiiiiiiii"i""iii"aii'i""' commnon HERE Representatives ’â€" Named Meeting of Chamber l Commerce Feb. 9 spuker of m outside the U once Y Six t week and of lbgut one out of six BER' more than one chm?" Fe2tgrTit- the genius " um 174 " of at if: H:

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