In! ' ' by ' role of Pip ce tted to marry one)! William _ call Hor 'tHt living vice-presi- . chm-man. , plainly hey give without opposite MAI! AVI'" -rHather's, sec- “The Queen’s tol auditorium he 'hts are and "It itr quite possible," stated Mr. Sandwick in an interview, "that the Rodgers' house trill be V used next year for Jhe classes taught by Mr, Davitt and Miss Beckmire. The art classes will then be moved oven -to the vocational building to the room: now occupied by Mr. Dnvitt and Miss Beckmire." The art rooms will become a study hall after it luut.thst partitions torn out and is in general beautified; 1} For the future expansion of the school, this school board Yas acquired the properties of Mr. o. A. Much had the late pi. Daniel Rogers ad- tees the school grounds on. the; n _ west corner for a reported sum of $32,000. . LAND BOUGHT FOR FUTURE EXPANSION OF SCHOOL Ruth Parke Ruth Pardee, the highest ranking tstitioi, will be vaiedfetorian of the class of 1932, Deerfield-Shields high school. --' ut, mun". muggy u. m: hams. SENIORS RANKING HIGHEST BCrrpLAB'nCALLY am Pam; _ ‘ . Valedt'ctmjan Peter White. Saltotort'estt . "Robert Dobbin Jacqueline Stone:- Jean Morton Richard Guilt George Ray Ben Stein . Madeline Thielon June Loewerutein Grace Sherman, Alfred Meyer Flora-com Janet, Guidsik Mary Gullowly lyr- Jane, Button Tom Jones Tony Vixnocchi Elisabeth Andaman may Tedd; l f. D d Gunmann Aug): 'Nttt TiRiiema him: Atl high ,ehool stunt. m Y HIâ€! “II"! N l .m: ed into the may -..-rtu M oun- uistin'g ' of iriut â€at? traumatic! Ind English; the ‘ngcond. In hm The highest ranking,25 students are in order as follows: Ruth Par.. dee, Peter White, Robert Dobbin, Jucqueline Stoner, Jenn Morton, Richard Gault, George Rey, Ben Stein, Madeline Thieleti, Jena Loew- enatehtccqrHe Sherman, Alfred TE71irR%iiitamt, Anne Taft; Janet Gaiddit, Mary Galloway, Hm Jule Button, Tom Jones, Tony Vitam- chi. Elisabeth Andaman, Edam Todd,' Jen Robert, and Prison}; Mann. . . . . Awarded.. Automatically _ The honor of being 'vuledlcterian or suuutatorinn is awarded automat- ically to the first aad-aeeoetd-hftthaaet rating srtyA1sttts ,ttpsarfieId-tyht'eidtr. mmT"'flTe valedietoriiin, heads the class with one of the highest ever; ages it is possible to sttain. In the commencement exercises. these two students give the enceph- es. An introductory oration' is giv- en by the salutatorian and a fare- well address is made by the vale.. dietorUm _ orRrrmmrmfirrsrdu has been in the orchestra, French 'eluts, and Pot Pourri," and she has been ottt- for swimming. Ruth carried four tsol.. ids throughout the time ‘phe. has been at Deerfield-Shields. She has received A in each of these sub- jects, besides four A's in orchestra and three A's, in social science 2, 3, and 4. Ruth lives with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Par- dee, at 245 Cary avenue, Highland Park. Four solids have been etirried'tsy him each year; in thehe he received twenty semester A's. . Be also re- ceived three Ah, in Social Science A 8, 41nd 4. 3 Peter lives with. his mother, Mrs. Peter White, on Lin- eolnwood road in Highland Perk. First 25 Students‘ Having evaluated allot the grades numerically, Mr. Peru rdted the 223 students of the' clan of 1932, of which -214 took mdemic subjects and 9 took vocational. New Rating Siste- Used A new system wat and In judg- ing the rink of individunl union. Peter Write his been in the Glee club, Garrick club, Airplane club, and the eouneilor force. Peter. was awarded the Harvard club prize for having attained the highest rank in the Junior class. He has been prominent in the scout world, and was given the rank of Eagle Scout in 1928. Attnininz the highest scholastic averages of the graduating class, Ruth Pardee will be valedictorinn and. PeterKWhite will be salutltor- inn at the commencement exercises to be held on June 16, according to Mr. Peru, school statistician, who completed rating the senior class last Friday. . RUTH PARDEE MADE YhlLEIhCr0ItllM; PETER WHITE ShuJ'rh'rofuhN Senior Class Members Rated '3ehpiasrtieaily on List Ruth Pardee itt by Mr. Peru Tll PIIII l Girl- Club Ola". Lher.Ht_drtNeMer, M T T"" '-, . 0mm. ttfuttcaMeftmit Girh'ém Ohm“! "iiitttiiiGir%" c.a'it-Ti_ettvtttwatiriieWr'i' work. V c' - F " dt Ir"""" Balsam. nodal chairman; Janet Leonard, vice- p a . _ q . Bottom row-e! baht, ; Selma Cook, president; argua- tmn. m 2%.†pm?" tr""' . e _. All ‘grades of those different groups were evaluated in points as follows: an A in the first group, 4.7 points; second group, 4.5 points; third trroup,M.8 points; fourth and fifth groups, 3.4 and 2.2 points re- spectively. Similarly, the grades B, C, and D miei‘rgluateijnnpoints. gauges, higher mathematics, high- er science, ancient history, and sten- ographr, third, all regular moving subjects not under the preceding elmstMeatioms; fourth and fifthcthe sloweg- moving classes, such as Mly ending. _ The utudent who takes the hard- est subjects gets trurreater.namber of points than the 'student who takes easier. subjects, even though they! both obtain the same grades..,, Peter White Peter Whité, a member of Mr. Eiker’n session, will be salutatorian " the senior class oN Deerfield.. Shields high ,tsltttori-thsr--eom- Evdnuion in Points T . Ali, 1rradesrof these different group trtemRTiiiiiitT The minor of the club is as» Wilson, .errcises this June. RELIABLE LAUNDRY A limited number of hotel rooms with twin beds and bath are nogd available at Depres- sion Prices in Uptown Chi- cngofs smartest uhotel. They are annually large and hand- somely furnished. Some as low per person per month a; $36. Live here and enjoy the swim- ming pool, splendid cuisine, beautiful lobbies and quick transportation to Loop. Several larger suites, 'some with kitchenettes, at equally attractive rates. DRY CLEANING co. Phone B. P. 178 QUALITY DRY CLEANING AAA . New Low Rates at a Fine Hotel! 6200 Kenyon at 0min. Phone Bria-gate 8000 M. LJoh-uu, AND