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Highland Park Press, 25 Feb 1932, p. 22

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r--","" -. I. upenulnl several tech with her sister, Mm. Roy linking, of Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Oellig of Wil- mette‘wm the [nuts of Mr. and Mm. Bruce Blaine on Tuesday evo- nine. . . ,, Mr. end Mm. Ednud tere.) M - “VIM Jr. then, Sand:- " a. -"'._%ri Hesse. _ - -Nrq_ C"""""""?""' "‘5 ‘1” Jean Pettis is entertaining twelve . turned 1?m1,Wi.n.e and Tern "e.. girls " dinner,, may evening, " on} dars with his family " 761 the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Chestnut street. . . J. A. Reichelt‘ Jr., of Chestnut t Mrs. Harry Eowler will entertain street. . It, Thursday 'Per, W3 - Bert Boston has rented his house P' tt In::ten::ek at her one on on West Central syenue to Charles use . . _ Reuse of Highland Park. Mr, Rouse f. 'e and. white hand-made u professional golf instructor " ttill, " to, be trwen 'tmV M. Pn.. Briernte Golf etttlu,erhe house was triek's, night nt the T,rli. party t) formerly occupied by the- John the m.ur Sto" -futriislie Ietmre ' Radike families who moved to High- which " being "tomHtred by Mrs. land Park., John Klemp, Jr.’s circle of the Altar Miss Barbara Huehl' sang with I _ and Pytrotletr. the North Austin Community chorus t lg.- Imus _Brnnd spent Monday on Tuesday evening. Abou 150.;par- 1 in vnnston with her, parents, Mr. ticipated in the singing of the 5 and Mrs. P. J. English, “Messiah,” which was directed by Mr. uni Mrs. Edwin Johnson Ind Mr. Paul Vernon. It was given for r two children, Sylvia and Edwin In, the benefit of the Relief Fund and s and Mr. and Mrs. George Pettis, was sponsored by the North Austin l occompsnied by human?!) 'dee,,': Woman's club. and Mr. and Mrs. Btart er "on Miss Harriett 3%" left Frida tt and Bon Stanley, Jr,, of Half D." for Dyurt, Iowa, to be‘the hour: h, road, were Sunday dinner guest- st guest of her sum. q L' , _rM= - the Joseph Milli n hon "G . . c.. 'e,19fhPE,PaFciGiAGGiGiiigiWi' " via-uh IlE25EE=====CCE2T.rVTLCttT.a' Wesaley Stryker and Herbert Pen-O Mrs. Mildred Gibbs in .m-Ah- -" Mrs. E. B. Jordan entertained at luncheon, on Monday, in compliment to His: Winifred lWard of Evanston, preceding the pay, "A Kiss For Cinderella.” _ r_Amqeestfo_tunaottwineu, been made by Mrs. Robert L. John- son. chairmen of the mdwieh com- mittee, for Northwestern Settlement Home. The twine may be sent with the sandwiches on Hominy. _ Miss Lulu Behrens of Evanston was the over night guest of Mrs. C. l, T. Anderion on Saturday. t Mr, Edward Wernehuis his re- turned from Maine and spent tree- __ Gin, the leader, had as her assist- ing hostesses, Mrs. EJJ. Brnso and Miss Ruth Front; V a Additional one: F, of whooping cough reported this week are Mat Ind William, the two little sons of Mr. and Mrs. w. K, In.» “A hum Mr. and Mrs; W. K. irGi%ii" fiUit Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Rtlph Peterson. Miss Luella Plagge of Chicago spent Sunday at the Floyd Stance! home. . _ W "’ __ The Arena club will meet next ”Thursday evening at the home Itt Mrs. Edward Klug of Nonhhrook. ,Memhers of the Mission Bandea- iored a delightful party last Sat- urday afternoon at the Bethlehem Evangelical church. t Mrs. Em" of, David Maggi“. little nephew's Wuith Pnettmoniic, __ father, Mr. iiioorTi,i Sand” for Sprintrfiel funeral Arf the three Mr. George Kurd: spent but week MI'. home of hum-ind": and a liter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sac- mFof Crou Plain“, Wiy. l lice. the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. o. Hopkins will he taken to the hospital nextJmk for an operation on her neck. Mrs. Arthur Mamet. with har V--- -"" uuun. . ..... :11er oz umeego, left Betty- Shulder of .Chicego spell for Springfield to attend the the week-end with her cousin, Char of the three year old son lotto Fredricke. Mr. end Mm. Jo id Moore, M Mm. Mex-net's up]: Shulder and two younge: nephew’s awn was due to daughters were guests on Saturdes ttir. " at the Emil Fredrick: home. Luella PUtrtre of Chicago The Get-Together club met Tues- mdny at the Floyd Stator day AttrsratttorLariu home of Mrs. . t 'h -_H __ Bury Trute of Forest avenue. me club will meet 'ttext Rette Ree Hipsley of Northbrook r evening " the home ht was the week-end guest of Jane ward Klutt of Northhmotc Warner. _ --. we of the Mission Band'en- Irene Juhrend injured her knee delightful party hat SIL- " ‘U - rht gum of Mrs. c. “:2, 533': S. y: . dalttrhter, Mrs, Wmhms has re. ,‘h - --. 'BB "" net neck. tin were gm har Mamet. with ber homer'of Mn Moore of Chiugo, left Betty- Shu] Springfield to attend the the rub...“ patrty last Sat- b the Bethlehem h. t Mrs. Emil d as her assist. 1iUJ. Brnso and} r of Wil- have returned from Mr. and home, 1869' 3mm day no- had ban the guests ter in Nebraska. Brennan Follow the eh, Sunday JittU dauhhr "fat DEERFIEJLD LOCALNJE ITG' “Home the christeni of guts. (Innate: of-Mr. 'f,'l'Ardf, Mrs. Jardine of sever?! days of this ur. and Mrs. As o. Rockenbach of [Crystal Lake visited Mr. Rocken- bach’s father, Mr. George Rockers bach of Elm street on Thursday. Mrs. Angelina Garrity Kindig has gone west to join her husband in California. Pq -- --.,-.uu "=1: Knee 'e in the gymnasium " .rleerpsid- ; Shields high school on Friday. Dr. snag; lipee4 was called. On Sat- - SEMI“ she vise removed to the I Highland Park hospital, where X- rsys were taken. The knee cap had , slipped out of piece and all the ', muscles and ligaments were torn, ' which necessitated the opening of the knee to replace the cap and fasten the torn ligaments. Irene Wes brought home from the hos- pital the middle of tltth,week, and will remain than? for several ' months," due to the severeness of 1 the injury. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A: o. Roekenbaeh of I Crystal Lake visited Mr. Rocken- J bach’s father, Mr. George Rockers bach of Elm strut an 'rt..-), k dinner I Ho . Mrs, Chic" y Radolp mad. Mr. a tin we: -"-"---- Minna:- nuta " the home of Mn. fl. Mort of Elein. . " _ in. Henry Becker and son of Gringo were Sunday nests at the, Rudolph KM home on Wauk’egnn , mad. Mr. and Mes. mm mm no A-- " this week with-he;- 's Harold Phgge. is tyttrtainine twe1ve, 5W left Friduy the" I rto lifting-home held “an home on Wankeg}; l Mes. Harry Ellis of Apr. “m" on Sand-y at the “’33“??? Hahn. . l n ligaments. Irene tome from the hots e of tltth,week, and than!” for ‘several ' the severenéss a Lyenue to Charles Mr, Pnrk. Mr, Rousé were " instructor " eveni: r-er%rhouse was Centr: by the' John in eel 0 moved to High- weddil rented_ big house! oil tanks ii-tiii' Chitatro spent " cousin! Chur- '. and Mrs. Jo- two younger ta on Saturdgy‘ ,v-.v.. "nu-I, lovely [silver and pewter gifts." q I Mrs. James Wilwn of Sgnders road will entertain the Ladies’ Aid society of St. Paul’s ’church on Thursday afternoon. March 3. _ The monthly business meeting f) the Christian Endeavor society was held Tun-Anu- -“"’ - - ,,--- .. all: 11on Crou , church. a dinner was held Sunday son of noon at the William Desmond home at the in honor of the event. Sponsors 'for nk’egan little Patricia Louise wore Mr. and Mrs. Bertolini “(Anne Mal-chi) of .f Atm- Highland Park. Other guests were " the Mrs. Mal-chi of Highland Park and . the paternal grandparents, William spent Benson of Chicago, and Mrs. P. P. Char- Browning of Glenview, also Mr. and s. Jo- Mrs. Albert Kreuse of Deerfield. mum Mrs. MeDonnidy, house oh Chest.. ;urday nut street is being remodeled into F two apartments. Alex Taylor is the Tder. contractor. . -'RCP 'r"t"f"o"ry. was delightfully spent cards, followed by the delicious rtefmphmenu: Mrs. Fredrick, received ( silver and new?“- -trs.. a“ we are. T. G. Johnson and - V .......v.. I". unleago, and Mrs. F. P. Bon Willis 1ePrt1twiveekGiii with Char- Bromine of Gleuview. also Mr. and Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Johnson of Os- 5. Jo. Mrs. Albert Krause of Deerf1ehi. wego, up r.r unger Mrs. MeDonnidh, house oh Chest.. Members of the Wednegdgy after- 1rday nut street is being remodeled into noon five hundred club enjoyed their two apartments. Alex Taylor is the annual theater party Inst-. Wedges. ther. contractor. - . day afternoon. They saw “The Blue Mrs. Miss Jane Karch was a guest " Bird" at the Studebaker theater' in a luncheon on Saturday at the Chicago. I urook Hotel Jeasnue, Chicago, followed by The Holy Name miety met Jane a theater My. Tuesday evening " the Holy Cross . The Tirelem, ‘Toilers were enter.. pariah Ull. knee tained at luncheon last Wednesday Miss Irene Evenson spent last leld- " the hape of Mrs. Roscoe Fetus- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dr. ling. . . . “--' Shroeder of Half'Dayu sat. The Tuesday Evening Sewing club Doris Kreh has transferred to the the will meet next week at the home of Waukégan (high gum]. The Kreh X- Mrs. Robert E. Pettis. . family is residing " the Lt o. had . The Just Sew club is being enter- Brockway home; the tained next Tuesday afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. George Harder “a rm, the home of Mrs. C. Johnson Davis. son Melvin and Mrs. J Htudesrh, of Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Bruso spent mother, Mrs. Harry Whitehall) spent ind Monday with their parents, Mr. and lagt Sunday at the can,“ mu. me Mrs. Hilding Oberg and Mrs. Sophia - . - an- w-., -‘ "‘ . were hosts at a ‘par1 evening, Dec. 20, " Central avenue.~ Th in celebration of the Wedding: anniversary out tive times this past w extinguish grass fires v threatened near by houses urday they answered call nockbuin and Briar Woot Sunday at'the Jordan far the Goldman subdivision. evening they were called ( 8:30 -to combat fierce tlam John Woodman Drimert,, Mu "-'__ nun-v In “mutton. Miss Edna Wilson and John . lr,ie..Airna Gnebenow of Cltigttrk Ariana of Highwood have announced _ mung. at the home of: her cou- their marAaire which took place in 'ttw, Mr. “nth“ Fred titt, Balm November. They are residing with for Beveral weeks. Mrs. Ariano’s parents Mr. grid Mrs. Mr: and Mrs. Henry Jain-end en- James Wilson of Saunders road. tertamed at a family gathering on Misses, Mamie and Martha Kareh Sunday afternoon and evening. visited in Chicago on Sunday. A hardtimes party. was held on The fire department was called Arr"im,, "s-i-r- - ' A“; A-., -- -- - 'rerrdar" ;:r;in In luncheon bn Saturday at the Hotel Jea8atle, Chicago, followed by a theater party. . The Tirelesa ‘Toilers were enter- tained at luncheon last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Roscoe Wen-l line. , . 'nttt street is being remodeled into two apartments. Alex Taylor is the contractor. - I . Miss Jane kareh Watt a guest " a luncheon bn Saturday at the! Hotel JASalle, Chiesurn, hum-MA K-, rk tit spent the div" 'iarrk; ,. Honnberger and in the Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Klemp Int- and Mrs Benson " received many lovely G... .43; », ear by houses. On Sat- .nsWered calls to Ban- ', Briar Woods and on e Jordan farm and in subdivision. Monday I We're called out about In. . Emil Fredrick! a Apm'ty, on Saturday 20, " tle,ir hottttrmn V The occasion was of their twentrtifth; ersary. The evening br. spent in'playing by the rserving of .-._.,.. .. we 11on Cross law a dinner was held Sunday Stu the William Desmond homo M: of the evont. Sponsors 'for part tricia Louise wore Mr. and Pe: rtolini “(Anne Marchi) of hive: I Park. Other manta were . we rchi of Highland Park and bad: 'nal grandparents, William Mr f Chicago, and Mrs. F. P. Inn , iierye flames iiGiii Property near the tracks. 'i past week-end" ii; fires which had ‘ Mr: 3153 I g; the Aolr this" _ and in Monday It about - "“' "no Rev. hserfiehi. Wes: It oh Chest.. " odeled into moot, Iylor is the turn: _ day I 3 guest at Bird’ ' at the Chic: 'ollowed by Th, . Sophia A ealled Moi and‘ to tem 1 had Am, I Sat- Ietti Ban- play td on M tnday Were Ibout in G t the . the mf,? . 'rt Rohe "c ‘Hirsc my E. ll You W. l was oft" d ifth on Ft ting 'Peer11 'ing Arum of Condo of m"... w, ”an“ or Deer- mu. Fred Trute visi field teoopg 51 and " were called ttttwht ttister, Memin out Monday morning, to report at and Gotuehliek of C Blodgett, and assist in searching day. for a woman who had disappeared, Miss Eleanor Soy! the day before. The boy: my. out Forest VII the week all day until dark covering that ter- her sister, nib Ben ritory from Highwood to the south- 8anmum maui. ern limits of Highland Park. " "duh"':,', Me”; f, Mr. Fred LaBahn ti m with “an." W" JPY..' o Min pm Wt.“ and In. Manama“ pn Thu and Rorettb'erier"iiai also W “£9133qu A. Care I a (g,t Monday morning, to Blodgett, and assist in for u woman who had d the day beforg. The boy: all day until dark coverim ritory from Highwood to l em limits of night.“ It. I”..- u", use "mo" home in Highland Park, while Irene remains " home because of nu 1n- Jared knee. :' '. ' her sistc home in __ -.-....... A hardtimes party. was held on. ed Monday evening at the Masonic to temple. The peerilehramit of the Id American Legion, entertained the t- legionnaires and the cast of the 1- play "Rainbow ot the Rio Grande." , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph-O'Connor n and little daughter, Mary Therese, Y were guests at the Matt 1,Krre home t in Gleneoe on Thursday evening. . 3 Eight captains of the! peerftekt . l Boy Scouts, Messrs. J, E. Flanagan. i' Rohert Johnson, Max Reign Henry _ !SirrhtnrodieT, Marshall ottenger, P E. B. Jordan, John thn and W. a W. Mollvaine attended the “Kick- oft" dinner at New Trier high school : on Friday evening, Feb. 16. Other 'peer:tteId men who attended were 1 Arthur Goelitz, C. E. Piper, S. M. i Gooder, L. E. Lockwood, Lloyd Nel... ..M tron, Min-“- ““‘ -- -- P"-- "nu-u ull.’ "_.. - "uc’5 01 Fund; We.“ and an Janna mama on , Rorettb'erier" have use I”? l $533.31; 'u _ ".9, at. Ina In. Ito, Ly Shea of De Porn, Wis. to Marshall Fredrick: spent the ttmt n- part ofhit week in Detroit, Mich. d Pour birthday: and; wedding an. sf taint-nary were. eaGiGaii" stud”, q I week Mo, " the Almon Rockw- d blah home in Crystal Luke. a Mr. and Mm. T. G. Johnson and '. son Willis 1?enrt)yrimekGiii with I Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Johnson of thr. wego, m, Tr lawand K y ward. eaitiiCi' Mo, " the Ahnon ne in Crotat Lake. " 11., - _ man". man! as ml mania 1"CT-'aaua"=Td2'd=ue=9 ---_, Lloyd wag}; l G. Johnson, er Toll, Otto -- ""?:'6“ home of her can- .. Fred La Bahn ' "in!!! Mm. at the Gran; gin-fem to the ktrtrop. The Rte]: tr " the Lt o. tgking - daughter. we and Mm. Itor Lucille, Sno k Monday. nonor " a surprise eon, on Wednesday, her sister, Mrs. Tar' Quite s number frm tended the party. - Masai its; Albee honor nt' -l; Mrs. Honora Sm visited friends in De day. in_the Eaii Mayor. and Mrs, Pt.tyttt) on Wednes on the. magazine w xirte is by far the rendintt that -has © some time." _ clever ' autobiog- whieh. Mpeared in mmzine "The Pr It Was reviewed b: Sundgy'g Tribune: Teeny. who is forensic ability, is on Friday evening at the Holy Cross Mr. and Mrs. J Wilmot road wen at the Connolly In James RiehaAiso, fear for Mrs. Elia catro and Deertieh clever ' autobiogn -___,. M Husband” is to t Ilferfieu-shieii, Mareh I; Thig j the play “Back t by the Deermsh "Back Stage" is I ed on the Preview The Reverend Mm. "Ware! guests on Manda Albert Freese an enswood. . Mm. Anna Bla Chicago. Mr. and Mr dWChter Shir] m., were Sand Mr. and Mn] _ Miss Maria, Arthur Gander ton, Were marri “int by Rev. 1 Witnesses for Wen Mrs. Ear Olson. Mr. Ind Mrs flatttrday evenin the home of M, Yerger of Chin; Mill Harms “pent Sundgy Molly Pttatei. . Mr. and Mr, .dluthter, Mr: Sunday with , Local senior L Elite '. Boy],

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