l Tel. n. P. 1m _ '" Catt-311A“ mm Filth [Ill-oh MODERN PLUMBING AND When it comes to tltrRrintr the real cacti: oil heating, it's not the initial cost of , burner that. tells .the complete “6171189 the coat _of operytiittt your .trttrreri--riG after "Kr-that determines whether or not you will enjoy the greatest "ff,'tt of automotic oil heat economy. And, In the htel unalnin, this heating eeonodt bingo- on the design of the bttrttétrou 1'lUt'. mu --"'""'""e"""--t- I UN Bans. on. Co Electra] Oil Burner Pltit a. Brian {-27 North Sheridan Road FUEL OILS MOTOR 18li/rr19piihsris---- ALCOHOL BANQUET mums 7 - Delivered Ind called for FOLDING cums Hot mm. Vow. mu or I Mini-Nov Ht' My. Work 788 GLENCOE AVENUE ', Wuhan. "than has an 'E- D. Jun!" . For Rent tdr Parties and Gatherings DING alum: Phones = A .cblmnc-r Gum: mu Event BURNER FOLDING dun 1.4an AND covnns ""3“", fr/tttear-ara, m"'rmdamauditriit, 34 Spurn FIRST STREET V H. F. KELLEY Successor to B. M. PRIOR CO. . Fungal] Director ', A “FOR FUEL - tpm OIL†DISTRIBUTORS op F, Cart its Bun " Highland Park 3290 - Phon- Emereerrr - 3291 _ HEATING 33‘lhorLoanumM - Rates V017 month]. WEE T9lephone B. P. 4260 . “5".†" Cum»! AVINUI "'sstst-ari.u.airiiGii; J. A. may“... CHAIR COVERS Ti" . m of Escape When Car Turns . an todgy In one _the dealers listed below end you Over" Four Times, mport Vi" dim"? thnt Won- Mrs. 'te McElroy, 2319 Eecho ' . mat ND pA . avenue, on, mireculouely escaped . much: 'flg,'de death " 9:45 o'eloek last Thur-d: C-trat Bird's" . _ 'Jeetr, when the steering m:- o 3...; a“, ' " "'“‘ "“ --_- " - - I my not Toast -J n " handled by merchant:- who desire tit under 11ml let-vice to their minors. and there, . in: te Val lppn} Point- A to the The now u: ty and utilise Rica 0 meat i: Beta can be phone Sheri! I vorce because his wife laid down forty-seven rules of conduct for him. Somebody should. wise him to the fact that forty-1m is really the minimum.---oaJtotl News. 1 "I am awfully sorry; Gaijint" Ig- sponded the mteruit.--Westi% Farm 138.. ,,__ "a“ an, “a eieart You just missed me. '" -- -bnkln Mice; tdon't'GoT'riii;i; t.han 3°, ttm before the " h- llnz_Nortl Shore friends. Window Clan er to the yteriiriCu, iiiir "Id " to the added volume of tion "orded to resident; SPARKLE 1.3. Not: Hamil" a. v ~a __ - w“, an be reached between the hours of their telephone calls. Coat of the equipment is held as small in eomparhstttcto the den-m Birth-I Hiram an, " -- w you“ Dy “1.. phone and then broadcast to the aheritt squads patrolling in the coun- v. These "and. report hourly to the sheriff', ofBee for instruction, but there iamo way by which ther, m h. -a.ao K-t_., -- -- "Bern -__ "uplqeu‘ "I ‘n. npttmheasMetn of criminal- ,rftt he pointed out by the sham in his plea ",tt . n I s equipment vi be of the type new and in Chicago and Cook coun- ty and Lake county authorities will utilize the radio broadcasting (acn- itiea of the Chicago police depart.. ment in sending out alarms. Details. of crimes in Lake county can be relayed to'Chieazo by tele- nhnm “a ac, . - Shel-“f to Anna: SCOUTS All) [mm . . 1Emlllt , 'jirjinti)iiiii.;'isna,) Jasmine i'iiil. Is (ll aw Hardware '_ngr" m. wul as m by Silent Lute:- Ttiran, " the meeting of the board of supervisors next month, “cord- in: to I report from Wuhan. Value of such equipment in the] nnnri-c... " - . " - Petition for the install“ short “'0 "did let: in III M dotssn cam aantttmd to i tie. will be made by am: May " the mating of the A, n_-_n, New Jane! mu! want: . HIGHWOOD 'h-Han Gang. then ttrdiiir% "iii'i for A. i ratio not. can win " volume of protests able. So iGuru"i to residents of the dveloped. scout- In“ the urgent at rifle WEE tic inrtaiintion of t lot: in all of the “ringed to hit of. win adiUi for whicitv‘; and_likewin â€Id for which - a--- a.» "r""'"% "If o “V. Been .0] the ante she was driving map, A}!!! i " .. . 1t.e8.r] BtCSnrtrrCatXKEaeiiaiaCCaia, .. ..-_ , ry cu riving south on Sheridan line the that road. ’ Col. Smith de Her automobile evened from the tkremur, o highway overturning four timea an Stratum dated it rolled into the ditch alougeld theemdtt 1’"! the road. The machine came to a†“d for . rut against a treexhich prevented tor. . it'll-om falling on down into a creek or Pali. In. Kenny -ttrd from r " 1teerett)t.e' tgld"r but 'h1t'rtitrriis “use 1',NPtftr,f.1t] '--_ - A'VWpWU n yuan 'Per In.“ a. ‘jobs. If each committee is success- the â€with"! in tl NI in its attack, there is no doub At “other “an of the success of the whole can Ptys1,is,.t â€Mimi! min. and 1,000,000 use earn some tby bah can now unemployed will be back . emor of Illinois. work in thirty days." _ C, Ihetttlt ht "T-"-"-----.-- Col. Smith, the Zion Woman in N arrom- _ tU mm“ Inttded legislation advanced 'itg1 il2et; Car Turns mm for the qstatsl er our m Repo stats bureau of at --- 88, _ tton, Col. Smith“! Mm. John McElroy, 2319 Escho modem methods to wenue, Zion, miraculously escaped criminals. In". _... -- .- - - - --_..- yen-VIII in his payroll, imsmuch as 099,990 other employers ere being asked do the same thing,†the instructions declared. "Other plane wiii-fotttrw but them-st object is 1,000,000 a , m. u “A A m, Ployed add a}; his payroll. i. I Tor which wages cannot be paid git'ttggt , and for which no funds are avail- 1"l i, of inane: .nhle. So far " the plan has been a†ittemA to t dveloped, scout- may act as meanen- ul,',',: p REF trem. an aides in the local omcee 'brok e don in hi and in the distribution of literature dati by the and gathering of data after school and "ll,, cruel-ch hours and on Saturdays. ed some of the p _ Cam to Aet the law to: the 1 Committee: are being set up b 'tate bureau of American Legion post: in 10,800 thm. to Senate: communities according to National wmcondg, Commander Stevens and the cooper- _ Al Dunlap. put, ‘ation has been obtained from 800 tive Magazine, t magazines. 1200 billboard plant 01-3111, led, the w: owners; 280 newspapers and maga- of praise for Re] zines representing the labor paces, " the toutmaah and the two great radio chains. In- . Honor I. structions to Lsittomiirm, issued b After former Pl Natiohnl Commander Stevens read: John Alcock of G "Add One More†travel over to Dun , "We are asking that each em- "tttleer-sd.. ---. T nlnv-tl -"" ---- th 1Naity-tiruk 9.rAteryutrgt a r .- Boy Scout. In This Bf. tort Reported A. The 852.270 hon canned 'in tin Boy Scouts of Annie: have of- fered their We. a a my. ta help the American lotion in i 'rtrorts to tInd job- for a millio‘ Jute earner- now unemployed. Th The Legion, through its Netion Commander, Henry J. Stevens, Jr has accepted the profter of th scouts. Mr. Stevens is and has bee for a number of yarn; In utiv scoutmagter in Warsaw, N. C. Aimiation of (re “Mini: tion of National Ad Algerian Fodentior mye Potions toi ,tiriiiiiG ..., tuG'iii 'tGaia';',',": I _' 10101. who“. 'ft use: the mod: mm Col. Smith declared. Search!" of Stag Shanon stated that ', an credit for than tun Ind for line-tit: have km. 1-rrhy is {he gm; Riven to a legigm Illinois. He den Lyon: put throng] “tum?" lechw M {on than ha the uiritiiature in ti "In After former P John Alcock of C Ravel over to Dun 'e' declared: Wauconda. _ Al Dunlap. puh tive Mutable, 1 organ. led, the w: of praise for Re: " the batman or Val...“ M "To be the ottttnmrt for 01 my oomph-he: Lyon: stated A 1eitrtator ha by Lieutenant in. David E. the bane; St Smith, Judge und women ft Nation at a i day night at in Waning“. the Richard J, "T"!!! his I assembly fro; didtrtet, was State at " c pmthl} it