' the Goodzcit. resolution and called upon to Itrtyqtdid_aetr I eoneernirttt unpainted ion took an lint NOW for the com: q mm of for. [der mm C. Ito for the of. wander of the convention and ppm!) I (Wham!) a "datum thin ta the in.†" Snmt’thy. in W She' lite Eduard M. Lung, who " “not“ in- built up the come and was in dart _ could ho dune up to the time of his recent destruction. A: lamented death, made the perteetr hro taree ho kg of we]: and - one of the Panama Can amen trun- a labor of love. {mm point The fault- of his skill, foresight divide our In and comm are were "pester" “it! thus lar wident Int summer. Drought con- reis- ot t!!! t mica: Ind “that dim that In. B - on nun. and. tin-11mm " mt. depart. appropxjiate re- ami. Bisrtiintt's $011.91!»de tna11gtotrttsitt tothomult etromthe8th axt WM; , conquest 1021 on or group at? aback the hut can. in union It: on ‘How to hr nonsense.“ Talk- Mt evening W nmandgr of the of the Am naming tutu-c much): of "tte "Ind‘ ndjutunt were patented in Miran n studcnt it gave two mad. rhich made such onded with u idtes. William " (Hampton, received num- my part of citi- d moccasin: Am to ram iitle','g Park I provided by mesq- Spencer aubket wu Mend; b6ieh, Jt Icon? Plll0tTlllil0IS AT IRaetfe!tetflu?,t The iasu1ta of his skill, foresight and constant care were "peeta1tr evident lest summer. Drought eon- litiens end nrious diseases that m on leper. render pa . _ p edbplsying condi- lions or numerous - of otheri â€maintheloeeleren. Entetj Sunset Volley, thanks to enough voter end mot too much, to proper “feeding" and fertilizing end to constant watehftthtetut, the players "0oredoetNet putting greens from beginning to end of the season. Mr. Kelly is making every effort to atthier the some resultsin, the coming men, had this is a feature which the membership committee is thtdtntt very potent in frtfitsenehttr urly signing up of members for 1932. "Your eomh1nntion of con. valence. low cost and splendid playing conditions throughout is unique And cannot be beaten." is the my one men recently spoke in an- nouncing his intention of Joining the Sunset Valley Golf club. Meier Improvements Some local golfers. are still un- aware if mint improvements cont- Wted tower}! the clasp! bet 'PP' son on this local ehampionship course which the Highland Park East Purk bond hnd developed pri- mu-ily for golfers in the Park dis. The tenth hole was made Into a tricky “duplex," with 1 water haw.' std on the second shot to the green. The alt-vent}: is I pu- three over the Skokie Creek. The long twelfth also now has a water-hunt! on the drive. Earlier {that year the m- entunth green {as winged 3nd trapped so is to make tint/gagi- wimduphole one of the most aur.. eating of all thezeighteen. '". -iiiia o. tferrxsrtt_ctatte For.» "-Mrtat report â€proud. «mu There bee been on anneal emonnt of interest sarong prospec- tixe members for so only in the year. They fhtd Sunni Volley the new to the question, “Where and how an I play golf without bovine to think or".that well-known .de- preadon " “The only depreé'eion " Sumter Valley is the pond in the third “in!†out I well-placed!»- ond shot will get any golfer‘ over that one." is the my one member put- it," Went Proceedings closid. iilrelgti-g,'; Healing“, Birth“ Ptiikc, string on and mint eon- Wetted to M. 85. . _ ., . _ mm stunt. Much Rom IttgNemt, Pug-tum -ff gym... trition land - R. Rabat Btmdart 88.000. notably mot; meant proeudinn in probat- combf intend in this put of the county, are rgporud pl follows: - fgNllflllyhI,IIY Irygl - _":,',',":':)';,,",,":,",,:',, ___ ce -. _ilLtiyihir, COST WAY M's almost a ting. ot Sprint ttctttratr, in tut when our - ambit-rt muting forth: IB- uul’ Flown! Show we know that sprind eannot be far “my. nodd garden', to be ton by may feet. A Minx-lay is forcing are phat: and plumb- to onha'nce this Men. Mrs. B. B. hound, Mrs. Rickard (halt, In. Bolt. Bry- The Rubia Garden club luv. boon working for toms time on a 'U' _,-:-":.'.":. y Burtv-Sootless, t WAUKEGAN KOPPERS COKE Prepares for Exhibit . T Pel. Boretirdt, Prank Silieatrolpr ' Fr (aitrtttantrPiieiriterco: t.& V MeminilkMeeogni __ Gives Mpre Heat or 137 Easy to Control q C Leaves Few Asher. 3 Needs Leas Attention Makin No Grime' , Burns Longer Marni?- qur fuel dealer will be glad to and I Wad-mu Fuel users numbered in the thousands, among them your neigh- t,daGre making increased savings in fuel hills and at mam time aiding to the comfort of their homes. They are able to improve their heating and reduce the cost by burning WAUEB. GAN KOPPERS COKE, the clemrhpitie heating fuel with six outstanding 'features that 'create new heating comfort and 'aiiiieAtierviiie' man to inspect your 1teatiittrpUnt nod nonm- mcnd linedz: WAUKEGAN KOPPERS COKE you can burn tpmtetsontiiniamro Call him now? Or write fir campâ€: detail: to the North Shore Coke and Chemical Company, WeukegdisaliinoU." . " TI! 33!,“ at. MeerhtdurCmftsWBtatret, Mi.._W.ttarltoattar.ndMm.A. iikrdmtimitt-ttutd-eom. hihtt. ams. ma-tttto for this club ex- A paid nut-lamina with t$ernersnrt11tredettsetctt, 3111.356!- "dehomehaasutadttrMm.hm" 0mm . A tom! aim table will In? ex- hibited by the club under the direc- tion" of In. '11. G. Kottmr with In; Wnlter Riots and. In. Pets Eaton working with this group. The mini; Guam club will hold their - this you on on: any 'rurinCttieatto,-rtmo_tpted ttrttthr-rhow. , t%ttaMer,Aretirtithetttit -urtrttherrrbtitt. Tickets purchuodnowfrom gur- den club 'mombon. my be secured ford nominal charge. War, utter the show open: the mission will bencmiul. . no Ravinh Guano club are most anxious to all tickets now. Tttar 'nnrttemsetmtdfromotrofthes