(te4 t Ite 4g0 38 x THE UDELL PRINTINGâ€"COMPANY a I)OOkS l‘ â€" Udell Building, Highland Park, I!I. f new ave Telephones Highland Park 557â€"558â€"559 ' l The Painted Minx ._ _ â€"â€"~â€"f _ Robt. Chambers _| been added to ]â€" Books also rented by the ' day or week. ~| ~~ _ Anne Green Conquest Amazing Web The Gay Bandit of the The Sun Sets Red Jennie Gehardt Tumbleweed â€" Clarence Mulford â€"â€" The Golden Years Philip Gibbs Double Cross Ranch Denis Mackail Mary‘s Neck _ The Challenge of Love Norwick Deeping David‘s Day Highland Park Loren Carroll Carroll & Garrett Graham Entitles you to read as many of our books as you desire during a month. â€"One book withâ€" drawn af a time.~ ‘"Phone H.P;" 4100 â€" our library $1.00 ~~]| Chieago office 6 N. Michigan ave. _ State 6826 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Date of 1726 Rice street, are the happy parents of a baby girl, born Thursday, March 3 at the Highland Park hospital. inâ€"Waukegan.â€"â€"â€"Ait!~ members â€"of Highland Park and Highwood ar: urged to attend. Come and bring your friends. â€"â€"â€" > ~ Mrs. Peter Benson of Broadview avenue entertained at bridge last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. H. D. Bagg of Des Moines, Iowa, who is visiting her daughter in Oak Park was the weekâ€"end guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hoppe of the Gourley, apartments. â€" ~o l Mrs. E. T. R. Murfey is recoverâ€" ing from a recent tonsillectomy and is able to be about. _ of Lake county, announces that there will be a meeting of the club Friday night at 8 o‘clock. Excellent speakers and good entertainment have been secured for the evening. The meeting will be held at the Macabee club on Washington street Miss Pearl Swanton daughter of Madame Marie Therese of Park avâ€" enueâ€" â€"wasâ€"initiatedâ€" into ~Pi Beta Phi at the University of Illinois Miss Mildred Tanis and Mrs, John Hornbern of Kalamazoo, Mich. were the weekâ€"end guests of the Robert E. Clarks of So. St: Johns avenue. Little Ruth Garrity of McDaniels avenue whoâ€"broke her arm in a fall John‘s Evangelical church today (Thursday) at her home, at 448 Qakwood avenue. $ {fl.lu where an admittance charge is pubâ€" lished, will be charged at regular advertisâ€" SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR All communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication must reach the editor by Wednesday noon to insure appearance in current issue. s Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituaries, notices of entertainments or other A member of The Chicayo Suburban Quality Group Chicago offices : 1016â€"17â€"18 Willoughby Tower y Telephone Central $355 Vol. 21 Entered as Second Class Matter March 1, 1911, at the Post Office at Highland Park. ing Tel. Highland Park 1138 Winnetka 3012 [HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS Prices besin at $1.50 weekly and include ist week is improvingnicely. _Mrs. Fred _C. Bremer is Mr. Charles Felix, president of Marley School of Music FLORENCE CHASE Local and Personal ~of Highland Park: PIANO | Beginners and_ Advanced Pupile one private and one class lesson Highland Park and Winnetka March 10, 1932 THE PRES3 No. 2 â€"Mr.and Mrs. William Guyot and family of Waukegan were the Sunâ€" day guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Vetter. Johns: avenue; who has been conâ€" fined to his home with the flu is very much improved. f Mrs. Raymond Seiffert of Onwentâ€" sia avenue entertained the members of the North American union at cards last Friday evening. Mrs. Jacob Hecketsweiler was a guest at the John Hans home in Long Grover on Saturday. Miss Mable Ernst entertained the members of her bridge club last Friday evening. â€" . _ > Mrs. William J. Nelson of Broadâ€" view avenue is entertaining the members of her bridge club, Saturâ€" day evening. The Sorosis Amicae will hdld their annual banquet Monday evening, March 21st at 7 o‘clock at the Glen Gables tea room, Glencoe. Reserâ€" vations must be made with Mrs. Emma Timm byâ€"~March 17th. The Girl Reserves advisers were entertained Monday evening, March Tth at the home of the Misses Hazel Miller, Margaret Hunt and Jean Nyâ€" gaard inâ€" Deerfield. * /‘ Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F.â€"Beere of Vine nesday for Everett, Washington where she will spend a monthvisitâ€" ing her daughter Mrs. Charles Mc Clure and family, later going ‘to Los : Angeles to visit her other daughter Mrs. Clyde Haefele. ~Dr. â€" A. 8. Burdick has recently returned from a business trip in New York. ht uanw/ Mrs. George C. Bullock who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Flint, and her son, Mr. C. Bullock for six months returned to her home in Glendale, Calif., last week. § â€" mar school and assistant Girl Reâ€" serve adviser of the S.T.Y.O. triâ€" angle is spending her vacation in Washington, D. C. ~She leaves on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, April 4th. ~~ ~ ~ [ The Philomathean Reading circle will meet, Tuesday, March 15 at the home of Mrs. George Postles. Mrs. Paul Downing will read a paper on "Modernâ€"Inventions." > + Mr. and Mrs. John Traut of Freâ€" mont Center spent Sunday with Mrs. Traut‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCraren of Deerfield road. . Mrs. Joseph B. Card has returned to her home here after visiting in Palm Springs, Calif., and Phoenix, Ariz. Miss Ruth Card, her daughâ€" Mrs. Frank Hill who has been spending the winter with her. niece Mrs. Wm. J. Nelson of Broadview avenue has returned to her own home at 1329 S. St. Johns avenue. Miss Helen Hill of N. Green Bay road will have as her guest over the weekâ€"end, Miss Gasske, a misâ€" sionary in Africa who is at home on a furlough and is visiting her parents in Chicago. os Angeles. The Press Mrs. Ellen Fritsch left last Wedâ€" Miss Edith Hanson of S. Gree / road entertained seven guests dinnerâ€"lastâ€"week, Tuesday evâ€" Bridge club will Mr. and Mrs. George Delhaye and daughter Phyllis who bave been moâ€" toring in â€"FJorida are now staying with Mrs. Sutton Laing in Florids They will be gone two more weeks Dale avenue . entertained_... twent! seven guests at a tea last Sundal evening. * . , . Mr. and Mrs. Leslic Delhaye, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delhaye, Miss Joy Delhaye, of this city, Mrs. A. V. Hall and Miss Louise Netz of Lib ertyville returned home Friday from a fifteen day motor trip to Flor ida. â€" _Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fuller o{ Milwaukes were the guests of their son and daughterâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Fuller of North Greon Bay road. f Mrs. Joe Berube of Green Bay road entertained the Lady Foresters at a luncheon last Wednesday, March 2. A meeting was held aftor which cards were played. committee. Mr. Frank Austin of Wade street left Tuesday for a two weeks trip to Cuba where he will attend the retail Coal Dealér‘s> convention. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Larson enterâ€" tained at a family dinner last Satâ€" urday evening. â€" There were 2 members of the family present. The Phi Delta club is meeting this ‘evening for a "Pioneer meal." Several girls from other lands, will be dressed in their native costumes and will tell of the ways of living in their respective countries, Janet Saathoff is chairman of the supper _ Mr. Charles Moss of Cleveland, Ohio spent a few days visiting his sisters Miss Edith Moss and Mrs. Henry Bacon of North Linden avâ€" enue. ‘ The Highland Park hospital auxilâ€" iary are meeting each Wednesday morning at Trinity church forâ€"sewâ€" ing. Luncheon is served at noon. recently returned from Lake Placid is again leaving for Miami and Havana, for several weeks. The Woman‘s Missionary society hospits of the Bethany church is meeting Mrs. this afternoon at the home of Mrs. to her T. H. Decker. + * where Miss Alice Ulfers, who is emâ€" ago on ployed by the North Shore line has | _ father. been confined to her home on acâ€" Miss The Philathea class of the Bethâ€" any Evangelical church will hold their annual birthday party at the home of Mrs. F. C. Noerenberg o a good time, are feeling fine and are taking daily dips in the ocean." They also say that it is real sumâ€" mer, the temperature being 85. durâ€" ing the day. _ .â€"__â€" S. Second street next Tuesday evâ€" ning. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Jacob Hecketsweiler, Mrs. Anâ€" drew Decker and Miss Olive Haefele. A card from the C. H. Witt‘s who are spending a month in Miami, Miss Byer of Racine, Wisconsin is visiting her aunt and unclé Mi. and Mrs. T. S. Duffy this week. Mrs. Avery Rudoliph, 625 Onwent sia avenue, has been confined to he! home with the flu. Milwaukee, Wis. are visiting Mr and ~MÂ¥s:=~Orson B. Brand. _ _ Mrs. E. K. Hutton and daughter Mrt..John Hite of Kansas, Ill, are spending theâ€" weekâ€"end with Mrs. Lydia V. Hutton and grarnddaughter Myra Jane.‘ THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1932 66 Mrs, Virginia P ~â€"resident of this cit of Mrs. Robert W. _ cusly ill at the ~ daughter who live: Mrs. Larke is wit Regardless of the last Saturday, a 1 young folk from and Deerfield atten Saturday night dan bles, Ivanhoe. Mrs. E. G. Lyle dan road reports th is on its way for s in her yard Tuesda: the first robin of t] has been reported t Friends of Mrs. Ravinia, who has | time, wilt be hap; she is greatly impr RELIABLE AN DRY CLEA Miss Etta Grun the past ten day mother in Rockford home in the Udell Mrs. Pisert, mot Byers, is seriously ter‘s home. Lane and Miss ]1 Winnetka entertai ful leap year par ning atâ€" Northmo There were about. ent. & about three William Witten for the past mont week with his wif General Robert tioning at the E Miami, Fla. now living at th Mrs. H. G. Wi: to her home from where she was c ago on account o hospital. Mr. and of Prairie thes happy QUVALITY DRY tions over there. _All of the bus land Park and | to attend a mee can Legion toni Lieut. Bean of recently returned Mr. and Mrs. son of Chicago | of their parents, Cawley of North Jersey spent a and Mrs. Malco Mr. Cyril Duf home with the Miss Margare Daniels avenue, fined to her hor days with the around again. Miss Fern S THURSDAY, Mrs. Towler Mrs. aven parel y atâ€"