w _ ALL _ k ' 'tTl0lil FACTS PURNELL &'W1Lsou, INC. Stop’ in for complete detail, of this great new car that gives you everything yodean want in an autbmobile. , q A HIGHLAND PARK, 'ILL. Tel. Highland Park 710.711 101 -e 1%.; st-late, :11:an Melanin. Featured at Rube; 1illertrie Now - "Dkserfleid School Tonight thutrttrittonrRere, . and Friday Night ton-Genera! Electric - The Haber Electric Co. is dirtrihua You'll hush! You'll cry! You'll tor in this territory for the Federal thritit it the story of the stranded Bioetrie Wu:- and water cool- band of setup in Cream? cow town in: deviesk “a other my meg. uportreyed by the Weld Dunn hie products, u reported in these We at the Detach! Grammar columns liirt' week. "tAtfortunnte1y, School tonight and tomorrow night although tho story luv week so (Thursday and Fruity). . stated, an error in the heading men- Picture yourself in the situetion gonad the Wattaghouse products. "rf Bark Stave: stranded in a wall It should he expisined that the COW town, the eiihrin “PM“? Meierhoff Herdwue Co. is the local tsueceediptt in' gettin; both the girl distributor for Westinghouse. Beg l end the gold. the tsheriff tseekintt to pardon, folks; we " make mistakes cow town, the villein npperently succeeding in" getting both the girl and the gold, the sheriff seeking to collect the money due and attach- ing the show, the-reunion If, Pf long-l'ost ttone, mother and father, and added to this the trials and Wax-ties of theatage manger in pre- senting a show to the audience "out infront." _ '-----.,, ‘- in in; "iiiiiiiyitjriitiiiioi? yaw can forget your Pe' trouble: in watch- 'way down in Tens. You nevu- saw - - --4-- . ,_2- AL-_ ‘1. iLiciGiir triGtir%stsetation of the grand old-time 'y1tttr, 31th the - I I - L: ‘."’;.'.:2_' thunderous voice and tragic; mom that Mr. Hunter. And " . sprite- ly young lady of the, stage We find Dixietreneh portrtyeq by Miss Leis iiGGiiiiirn'ea tho popular Peterson fita the' pert ol the l "EFF "to-airs-iv-Bidding-hir-ttr "run any with the Show" we find Misc Nellie Soper,wl;og¢ _histronic ir-ur-it-rea-tutr-noise-ter. iiTi." inns geese makes her bow to the Deerfield public in the role of an.» nmmnt the natienf wife of -airaFkTFiGai'7Fi5rirY"3Plr him that his job is their saivntioitc Margaret Galloway as a my Irish shongrl maker a superb showin’g. And list bat not least is the boy hero of the.play. the 1ontt-iotstsnr, iiiTiire eoanty. Con Batu _,-..--.---"" an... --_ Danny Caddy _-.----" - Bt.hoeett . . "aa m nm- Irie .-._. “WWW-fl. My W. M....r___ -"_-t sun And Mn ------e Cart Batu Chorus and tiuetnttse.---M". L. P. Gum .0“. " Orlandi, manor Banana. tdtr “and! Allan, Mark P5359331. M Usdlnl. UM 7m. "nu...“- _.___,,, . .TheL auxin! dinetinz of In, Ly- man F. Gurney in the chorus ‘wiII be notieenNeMtt even the most frrett- ttlar of theattegqbn. ""iu'ieriiirriarription, of the -.C1"CuCfC.CrLCC-=-r-------c---rr-----rr-zt-. specialty' acts are purposely kept I Wedtseatdarmtttrsdnr AprittVT secret to surprise the audience. an“ " Ttte any†-"Ne WWW?“ tmmmsttrmfttyne . __ --.e EDNA‘ m amen ,_ of the finest melodrama that has si"iiirirGarrRuee Ate- yet been presented to audiences of 'e"iiiiifiiii'itigtMePgge'li't" the north shore. The chorus and 'tYitthtAt,tmt't'..a54lll.ill, WW ttettp hare PM“ tttre: A BIG 6 UNIT snow tions hi Highland Park, High ’ _ . and Ravinia. f . We. to In. Hm nun; WWW (W: --. 1TfY2iiikTrFi L-i-ae-Tr-Tr-cr-r-cs'----'"-'"""""'"'"".-.-.-; tm-. Wm“, l April 2 1'5e'i1l41"sh,'itf "?"g,ta,-o,,.,, a he. "1.73.1'IE For ' Ferd Bernhardt -.teN-.-' Dan 1}an how and then. Will Have 3 Exhibits at Flower Show Apr. _ The Bannoekburn Garden club win gangs _Que exhibits in the Garden and. 'ririFiiFmho"ii"tii Ire héiil'it the Municipal Navy Pier, April 2-9. A by Mn. Harold Norman. '5 Lu Table Bet for Two, amused by Mrs. Miller. An Original Flower Com- position 1t_litrrs9pt_r_1r)ell L. Doty. Mrs. Arthur ttiiFRGir Ti‘éhiirfnan of the ticket committee. Gonella 8tteter Clytt The Gonna“: Soccer club, from their win ot I srele. iC'i'ii""riniT. -iiirisGlan - -Apteri.etrn club " Highwood Field next thm- daspitriLtt-at, aggqgkivw» __A _-e- 7 Thursdty-Fridgy Mar. 31-April 1 Warner Gland, Marion Nixon Linda Watkins ~â€"WZASU PITTS “Unexpected Marjorie é::;alu.: Erik Edwards lb! BM mint "tee . . "iritWFiiiinft)lt PAIR SLIM gtBtlitrjr97LLril W 'the,' "' Doro" uric Praia?! In: _Pirky1rt Father†In-April 1 1qglttyllrr, harder: iii, Facts _ and reached its -iirti'-r-iriiiit should be "iiiiiTGrrTiiii tions. In eral cost was Whath spree at 1 ers?- _ It i QMETH I nation. over-dev Iike, ham and taxp is' the i1 public f vants w éonseqw needs oi “36!! " of the demons them t: