sod- I H Mme cases - 8-7 ve cost was '4,821800,009'. Rightfully, burden which has been th Facts' amriigures unite to reached its saturation point. WW ." of the United Staten still possess the constitutionally granted power of voting into office men who have i demonstrated their capacity to do $6301; you sent V them to do. i . -....,,o1tr,riii,'jes.t,i.,eti. of depression, aBEKEEï¬W should be attheir lowest ipoing ts7itaprza=sarmr=mrtmmmr"i'r tions. In 1914, the cost of the eral bjirikiuiiiiiie Wis What's behin -Piii"Tumorm"r spree at the expense of the taxpay- ers?- _ It is the rank of foolish-and ‘QMETHING MUST BE DONE about the tax Bit- ) nation. 'iiiirGreieif public leaders are stating it, . _----- ._.A..c ".su,tth,eaisraurtore, demiWQngjt- over-development of bureaus Iike, have been' sueking our treasury and taxpayer’s bank accounts dry. It ik the inevitable result of. waste' of public funds by smiled public ser-i vents who place re-election and the éonsequerit necessity of job-giving, abov: needs of the constituents he represents. 15081113 uncut n. ma the citiieii is dbjecting to the crushing tax s - criminal extrava- j'is “The .. outcom" ' 'id been “this: when by all the rules leech- 1115611. “ms ShortTalk an 'Taxes: and that taxation above the economic is groaning Quantum ' " Pill! RALPH CHURCH -gtiid Legislature it Springfield. Seven amen-em times yotr rettrrhed-hinrto ttits-ere-beet-of-the work The 10th Congressiohal District has such a man irr,Baiph churetuoarrd,idpta-t1rr florttr,r:ttrr,, a --- "W"" he had. dude tor are»; He prom himself worthy your confidence as _tire Civic, Federation of Chicago has teatifiisd in its report. “He is entitled," it said, "to credit for resisting political pressure and-for irofa . ing on Irsr_hirrrtspt1senttt) Fo? fo! On April 12, you taxpayers go to the polls to elect your andidate for Cpnirreyi from this district. it you demand" economy in "governmental expenditure; i'ii,,t,ie,mtmr-eeiwstiow-u-taaatinua-it-m1--s-i-s-'-'-r--t.-'y-'-'-i- a trimming of the Federal budget, electemon whose past record aignifiets his ability to do your Ubidiiixig. Ralph Church is that type of public servant. IGisnTGraruitttirrriraFirrriiirir ers' money wists. Evolved when suc- ")iiiiijif,ii,lltu1t - Iï¬Lm -mrpotsitiotr--tt-tle Q88 he who Mliï¬xï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬ which, malted in the now {anions trial. It was he who introduced the" bill in the. House, to cut the Sani'. my 12irtlrirt -- tryatseti, frsrs.r.s,,it,,ciss., -r!l,:, iifi6ititrar issues without retisrendum 'vohe, not only on the floor of the House but in the' Committee a well, ' , tlirr"iiiiihia ermine. sixteen s a representative, he con- he --e demonstrated: hitr+k sixteen years in the ii . itil ven a IRON“: of bi “an" Fig