r: "ve new to, Ittrsrittt, is in 1Thhr, Ug'ivey r- m tin-3e he genea- 1mm [,'r' mmmpmthemiammin-mherknmd l' cluéethianniversitthe-ssmsgï¬dmwi‘flt E il vARCHIBALD ABERCROMBY i _ Republican Candidate for . 'tatattaaitt Ittrqeqqe " Volunteer I m an; Mfd*'m The University of Scouting coil- doc-tat! by the North Shore Area Comil " the Elm at}: rhool an iiiiiiiiG,%Fit 4, will,be honored by the rmtteeit lrr Gee. 1r:l1tr,,1rj_t,?f ,sshrsrfirttettere. Speaks Here April , Primaries; Tuesday, April 12,1912 Re has been a resident of Highlnnd Park for thirty yea}. and ti property owner since 1919, at which time be ac- quired a home at 462 Lincoln avenue where he now re? sides with his wifeand two children, {Educational train- ing was received in the 1oearpublie grade school at Elm Place, the Evanston Tosrnthip,and, 1hmrfkild, Township iiiii7'aiiiiiiiii',-"-'TG9uai ‘01! ii. "Gie-searcot tspdeial "_, , ': training at the tforthwerttrneUniPrai.V 'tshoot of Coma ' Lia, tinting waning seuotts. LR-y, ypyrA'Pryh"PAur l “‘°"““2 P. -. I KVA; Em . iii}! ii,fyjiii, ii you}: of use and. we?! in- fntheris urged to mg: Mr. Bere Me. Ber: isthesuthorplths tubing courses thst are being 'tttob. ducted in the university. a. is one of the nation's best authorities on Boy Scout work especially us it re- lstcs to mining the volunteer lend- ets. Savors] men from this coun- cil know him parsonlly end claim thothg is one of the most interest- in;. aatdutehtful sue-lets. thot they hove ever hard. Mr. Berg is e graduate from the University of I ‘Wuhington. served thm years ss‘ high school principsl " Spoksne end also completed his master's “in st the university. He has been s professor. in the Wuhington' State Norms! school in the science deput- iiiiii%tdauottemdoCtufmtyt- mentor new in this school. T Mr. Berg first We Interested in scouting on entering his job. as high school principal Md served n short while u m mutant scout» master of u troop in m-uomm‘nnity andthen in: for the local tyteil, genial if Ill. .vn - Mi-'-- "___-- - _ 7 may other _iiiitiit,iiiaitf,s-g,',tigtd acted to than†of iririiiiiiftiuiiiiFr" for one year tad-president of ttsel council for the last you; -- “7"“ .. Mr. James E. West, chic! scout executive, heard hint reed a paper on training. " the Region Eleven Conference and soon emu-ward he was invited as 'oimtrvytimtarsutr -- "In W - -'"'* ""' from an altogether new vierroint. This Univm'ity 1tf segutinz u. a G LGtmaster raglan“ Auditor ii" run U ii Looking for _ Prat Alla-Stars Dame ' Dairy “WW on Saturday, April 2nd, on- "aha no... Civil Rania Evening at Em Chth The United Shun Civil "Service! committipn bu announced that m. til April 12 animations will be we- eoptod for Wu position of Associat- Dairy Batman in the Bun-n of Dairy Industry. Derartmmtt of Agri- culture. for duty at 1asriatmrg..ebtsp. The outrun may will he batman 'tt,200nnel88,8tl0ar.e".. . . . Full information they be obtained from Amid Mann. noel-mus! the United States Civil Service Board of Enminere a the post of- thee in this city. Baby Wags Uglidug Robert George Droinko, Jr. - baptised hat Sunday at the Evan- nlical Congregational church of Highland Park in a mat unusual ottAt. The clothes Which the W, who -is s member of the tttfs m. t-ct,ctuitiaudii1tfte is Motte" Wm um", u.r.n~,; P.A._, who is 1 member, of the mi-' ii6ritl6efdrW' of Ihrtttteer Public Ae.- conntants and the American Society of Ctrtitud Ptihlie-Aoemmtts audit well known in mounting circles. The buby'l mpther was Min Cath- _erine Lillian Zimmer of Onwentsia wanna before her matings. 'tggouthBeemsdiUreet Iw.. _ C.'" e =9»... a. P. 391‘ Replacement Auto Door Handles For All Cars for all can. These handlei W made and are very “reasonable. Priced from -iikiiikiita1 Outfit Dreilki, 0.9.4,. 75e and Up Lets line of auto door handles Thu Highland Ptrk Pm: ML Shrbukotbdldaneowillboholdnt the lib _elttits on the gong: of human!!!“ Â¥9§°""' street, on 'tiitTiiirGCiiitii,uirp a The 'errtdytemwPutr?t It 8:30 and "tur.itrnriitnothrenktmrmtil a goodntimo in panned to 511mm attend. The aim of the All-Stars etuhistoenntettthemtee-ofthe football duet but Fall. Kale will be supplied by the Doctor: Bank", a highly touted iiaiiit "’ "tron ahtgtttt ton. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the Preadub or " the The public is cordiqlly invited and "Ev ' t--. V _ Dan’t forget the date, Saturday, ., my. has; n. ae, .. laws for , - -- Nothimr the 10th public 1i fortunes. cause I h; interests that I most im and ind my abili‘ our COO', but, preasio: