it of . laws for the purpose OE rrp"""'"'."'""'""'"."".".'""-,"::. --- -Me mahititr trr-Gore-ini-tant-at-the present time than the maintenance of the credit and stability , of our nation! faunas: . . . - Put-ins my service intymgrtwi7 have devoted my -â€"WmmM interests orekreonisiitietfirPi t1ieir"iiettWoni' 1 [r' _ or IitsderarGtmsrmmrrrt, :;,_I_behev91.;canrtruthfully any -tltat I have conscientiously and iciidiiisirkkttFsiutrht ijgtï¬; my ability. “Even doting theoiaunt campaign, I have been compeiled toremain in Washington to attend to _ moat important public business, involving the economic and industrial life of the nation.' "r-et Com mfttiiiiTrirWiiyirtitl Z"t" 12th next fbr iiis"iiiiiCiiiirtTa; ii, Congress from the 10th District of Illinois. _ p " _ NIn thesg disfretsainit times, theoeople-have the _risrhti_expeet their oitksiaV and" rrprrerettqret- it: general i7eiiiirii,Tiiriirivi' an; Aik of their on po 1 ca fortunes. I have felt myself eepecizlly so bound, be- cause I have been honored by appointment to the lead- - - . ’42..“ n... nomic reconstrugtion and to the revision 0 e ram - - -- .1 ___" ,-i.-.* My policy in legislation has always been to pro- -_"" . . v motethe greatest good for the largest number and for. .’ si,',',',',:"",','),',',,',:',',',',','."'"',"",',, S,',', ",,t,tfN1ol21Ss'1'ldt' our country as a whole. I have opposed unnecessary - service . - p expenditures and special favors even to large and, . . aura-11M ' ups. I have not rejected essential objects I shall be glad to answer inquiries at my Con- 1621 Foster avenue, Chi- the resources ofthe Government; The value of such _ cage. telephone Lo ' iiiiiia-aggat,-zrat-anrrtridtt"iei- a policy is now-apparent. If it had been follower“: _ in the North Shore Hotel, 1611 Chicago avenue, Evan- erally, the . suffering from the present universal de. ston, telephone University 6400, or at the House of pression would not be as great in our country " it is Representatives. Washington, D.C. ' 'S is WELL KNEW, riiiii-ii-ittTmttdatet_ k-Poms-nation. in ttteayatytb1hpg.p grimy} 'P April hasLgss1isitsLitaiilt-:tp, levo‘ measnreqfor eco- gromotion of the rtitaeReovNiiiiiiToterr. . _ of the Tenth Congressional District less earpen4ittprpt1 ,1tApupportintr all possible economy and retrenchment. The 'ruititrittion-of beam, and: T . culture, industry and trade is the need of the hour. The Government can best promote economic recovery _ _ . among the-people by itgelf reducing expenditures and MLLLU We mm Knew to that m --- 7* _ tstituiigl before I became a member of Congress. I have supborted laws for its énforcement. because ms the clear duty of Congress to provide {moo en- Amendment. an urn e . -___ beverages to the Stow. 0n Ararptr2trth but! vtrted- -r-- W in the Home of Representatives for the legalization of 2.75% beerjn States which do not themselves prohibit ' its use, In these» positions, I m sustained by clearly -iszprtrt1thetLI1tgti1er1t, ftt,ttys rterrrrtptt1ilt of our disk - . tA'ei,'fiiitCiitTfiiniE "iiiifiiiiMiitii."iFirrmmhrTmrm'l ' » _i -. 7 course on these questions while I remain a member the ~Ifousé 'of Risiireaeritdtiv6iu. __ dayr -as-awauetedr-r-tihiLtPrttirytt--oq1.y-irt 1teeiir, regard to party divisions or factions, for' their. support in the primary on April 12th. irik twelve years I have served the people oftheminth District, with prejudice against none and fidelity to all, giving the best that increasing experience and standing at Washington could command. I pledge myself to continue that F6tTrKsTRSTmr iiliGoveiGito repeat the 18th I aktAi': Ab. of